Uganda Religious Leaders Call for Anti-Gay Bill… But Maybe Not Death

Timothy Kincaid

October 29th, 2009

From New Vision

Leaders from the Church of Uganda, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Seventh Day Adventist, and the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council, unanimously supported the Bill, but called for a change in the penalties.

“Can death as a form of punishment help one to reform? Some people are convicted of murder but after they have been killed, it\’s proved they were innocent. What would be done in such circumstances? We should emphasise life imprisonment,” said Aron Mwesigye, the secretary for the Church of Uganda.

So there is the call from the Anglican Church in Uganda: life imprisonment.

Seventh Day Adventist\’s John Kakembo noted that homosexuality has been in Uganda since the 1960s. He called on Parliament to quickly enact the Bill into law, so as to curb the vice.

And what does the Seventh Day Adventist Church parent denomination in America have to say about this? I’ll let you guess.

We are still waiting for them, or any American Christian denomination, to denounce the bill

yep, still waiting…

feel the love.

Who knows, maybe some mainstream press reporter will feel inspired to ask Jan Paulsen, the Seventh Day Adventist president, or Rick Warren, Martin Ssempa’s good buddy, or Rowan Williams, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, just why it is that their brothers and affiliates in Uganda are calling for the cessation of freedom of speech or assembly and the life sentence – if not death – of all gay people.

Click here to see BTB\’s complete coverage of recent anti-gay developments in Uganda.


October 29th, 2009

Maybe someone will ask our President. After all, Rick Warren is one of his buddies.


October 29th, 2009

@Rich-It’s not Obama, but according to this article at least the US embassy in Kampala is making some noise against the bill:

The US embassy in Kampala said on Thursday that if Uganda’s recently tabled Anti-Homosexuality Bill became law, it would mark a major setback in the promotion of human rights.

“If adopted, a bill further criminalising homosexuality would constitute a significant step backwards for the protection of human rights in Uganda,” the embassy’s public affairs officer, Joann Lockard, said in an e-mail.

“We urge states to take all necessary measures to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention.”

Not that it’s calming the bill’s supporters down at all:

Buturo balked at the notion that the proposed bill… constituted a human rights violation.

“We are really getting tired of this phrase ‘human rights’,” the minister snapped. “It is being abused. Anything goes, and if you are challenged? ‘Oh, it’s my right.’

“Anal sex? Human rights. Robbery? Human rights. All sorts of nonsense? Human rights,” an exasperated Buturo went on.


October 29th, 2009

I didn’t see it listed in this news article, but I have to wonder where the hell is the Catholic Church in Uganda?

*chirping crickets*

Funny, bishops in the United States seem to discuss homosexuality in the political arena quite often. Perhaps their brethren in Uganda are just a bit shy. Then again, it’s probably difficult to defend those whom you condemn.

Perhaps His Lordship Matthias Ssekamanya and Bishop of Lugazi Diocese or one of his brother bishops can explain their silence? Well for anyone who is curious to find out:

Uganda Catholic Secretariat
Plot 672, Hanlon Road,
Nsambya Hill
P.O. Box 2886,
Tel: +256 414 510389, 510570/510544/510571
Fax: +256 41 510545


October 29th, 2009

Christianity is an evil cult. Silence is consent!


October 29th, 2009

Sweet of them. Really. And yes, I want to see the churches step up, too. I believe I may win the lottery first.

Lynn David

October 29th, 2009

Despite the homophobic reactions of some Catholic bishops in the past, the policy of the Catholic Church is to NOT criminalize homosexuality.

The Holy See continues to advocate that every sign of unjust discrimination towards homosexual persons should be avoided and urges States to do away with criminal penalties against them.

However, if you read that entire statement at the link it is the Vatican’s policy not to affirm that anyone is homosexual and needs their rights protected…. it’s a rather schizoid statement.


October 30th, 2009

Great, Lynn. That’s the official policy on the books. Again, where’s the Catholic Church in Uganda? The Church is quick to take action in many areas but is strangely silent when it comes to this…

Pam Chamberlain

October 30th, 2009

Check out the new petition demanding that Rick Warren renounce the anti-gay bill in Uganda. Challenge his hypocrisy and spread the word!

Priya Lynn

October 30th, 2009

Lynn said “Despite the homophobic reactions of some Catholic bishops in the past, the policy of the Catholic Church is to NOT criminalize homosexuality.”.

That’s what they say Lynn, but they opposed the U.N. resolution that called for the end to criminal penalties for gayness. Actions speak louder than words.

Priya Lynn

October 30th, 2009


October 30th, 2009

“homosexuality has been in Uganda since the 1960s” Um,yea,Sure. Probably was imported by those damn hippies.
Nice that the christians just want us thrown in jail for life and not killed, kind of warms the heart.


October 30th, 2009

John Kakembo noted that homosexuality has been in Uganda since the 1960s.

i presumed that the british colonialists introduced the anti-sodomy laws in the first place . perhaps they witnessed something in the society upon their arrival and became alarmed . fast forward to 2009


October 31st, 2009

In my life, this is the first time I viewed, before my eyes, a developing form of genocide/pogrom in this evolving attempt at the eradication of LGBTQ Ugandan people. I grew-up post WWII Nazism, but I see the influence of America’s Christian religious right, before my eyes, within a calendar year, exporting by their rhetoric, genocide to a group of Ugandans. How dare they/we in America cause purposive death in the world in the name of American Christianity? I hold ALL the religious right accountable, for in this unbelievable situation before all our eyes, they are all guilty of this act. Everyone who lives in the Christian right, homophobia arena, are joint participants in this egregious exported act of hatred and animus toward LGBTQ peoples. Before our eyes! Think about it. Think of all those religious right churches filled to the rafters tomorrow as they sit, stand, and rolling the aisles with the spit of pure animus in their mouths. They speak through the words of the named culprits. Utter blasphemy was unleashed on the Ugandan people, and we know who sits among the instigators. Shame on the entire religious right.

David C.

October 31st, 2009

There has not recently been a more compelling argument for separation of church and state.

In the United States, freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. The Government of the US should only ever materially support regimes that are constituted to include religious freedom in this sense.


November 1st, 2009

He’s not a “mainstream press reporter” but Dr. Throckmorton did ask Rick Warren about his relationship to Ssempa. Warren’s underwhelming response can be read here.


November 1st, 2009

Criminalizing homosexuality? Yes, that’s definitely a priority.

Not killing them? Wellll…we’ll get back to you on that one.

Gary Brewton

November 2nd, 2009

Message to all the conservative Anglican churches and priests in the United States who wish to leave the Episcopal Church and submit to the authority of African prelates: welcome to your new neighborhood.

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