February 3rd, 2011
It is not by coincidence that the three organizations with which anti-gay activist Scott Lively is associated are all deemed by the Southern Poverty Law Center to be Hate Groups. Lively has earned that well-deserved designation. And his latest commentary is not an exception. (RyanSorba)
Having accused gays of orchestrating Hitler’s Nazi regime and being responsible for genocide in Rwanda, it certainly isn’t beyond him to take the opportunity of David Kato’s horrific murder to declare that it is “lavender Marxists” that are murdering Uganda.
Uganda is being murdered. The nation once called “The Pearl of Africa” by Winston Churchill, a lush and beautiful country as fertile as the Nile Delta.
It is the nation that retained its self-rule through centuries of African colonialism, the society that survived even the atrocities of the cannibal cultist Idi Amin, the culture that has been thriving in Christian revival for over a dozen years.
This great and honorable nation, alone in Africa to have all but conquered the scourge of AIDS through abstinence – and whose First Lady led a holy gathering of thousands of believers on the eve of the millennium, dedicating her homeland “to Jesus Christ for a thousand years” – this Uganda, a shining light in the Dark Continent, is being murdered.
But while this nonsensical rhetoric is troubling, even more so is Lively’s endorsement of anti-gay violence in Uganda:
It is as if the militant ranks of “Code Pink” were transported back to 1890s America to agitate for “sexual freedom.” Our great grandparents would not have countenanced this. There would have been violence, as there has now been in Uganda. [emphasis added]
Lively claims that it is the gays themselves, “agents provocateur”, who deliberately goad naive innocents to murder them so as to “poison the gullible against the Ugandans.” It’s all a George Soros sponsored plot.
So violence is justified. Murder is justified. Pogroms are justified. Such things aren’t evil, just “reactions” to the murderous gays.
There is indeed evil in Uganda today, but it is not the reaction of Christian and Moslem citizens to the rape of their culture. It is the pink-gloved hand of western powers that are cutting the throat of Africa’s most God-fearing country, and one of the world’s most promising Christian democracies.
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February 3rd, 2011
Lively was allowed a guest posting on Bryan Fischer’s blog. He’s boasting that there was no way his rhetoric was involved in Kato’s death, it was Kato’s gay lover that did it! They seem to think that this allows them to continue to bash gay’s at every opportunity, after all they haven’t done any direct harm, right?
February 3rd, 2011
Dr Lively, there are too many opportunities to climb out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself, and yet, you choose to keep digging.
“It is the pink-gloved hand of western powers that are cutting the throat of Africa’s most God-fearing country, and one of the world’s most promising Christian democracies.”
Replace ‘pink-gloved hand’ with Jews and ‘Africa’ with Europe and he sounds like the very organization he accuses gays of running in the 1930’s and 40’s.
February 3rd, 2011
So much for Lively cleaning up his act with that little coffee shop stint. His hatred shows no signs of abating.
February 3rd, 2011
Indeed, and if Lively and his fellow Protestant heretics were transported back to say… the Papal States of the 17th century, he would have been burned at the stake as assuredly as Giordano Bruno was.
February 3rd, 2011
Rape, murder, violence, throat-cutting, and darkness from one side. Beauty, holiness, democracy, peace, and shining light on the other.
I can think of no other commentator that sees events through a prism of such stark moral dualism. He leaves no thought unwritten from his vile and feral imagination.
Gregory Peterson
February 4th, 2011
The 1890s was when Reconstruction completely collapsed into Jim Crow,
Black people were massively disfranchised.
“In the 1890s an average of 187 lynchings occurred every year, mostly in the South. That’s roughly two a week, year in, year out (and) systematic festivals of torture…Southern leaders often cited the idea of the black male rapist as the justification for lynching, which is puzzling, since as (Ida) Wells’ investigation shows, lynching was much more often for trivial offenses…”
The economy was slow to recover from the financial Panic of 1893.
Figures that Lively would choose that wretched decade as a more moral time.
A Blood Red Record: the 1890s and American Apartheid
Michael O’Malley, Spring 1999
The Panic of 1893
Gregory Peterson
February 4th, 2011
Of course, if you want to know why Lively may have chosen the 1890s as his moral exemplar, that’s when the Supreme Court ruled that this is a Christian nation…sort of.
Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 1892.
protected static
February 9th, 2011
Dr Lively somehow manages to ignore the fact that people *were* agitating for sexual freedom as early as the 1820s.
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