Barton: God Can’t Hear Prayers From The Senate Side of the U.S. Capital

Jim Burroway

September 9th, 2011

You know, the evil Democratic side. Bad reception or something. I guess God isn’t so omnipotent or omniscient after all:

David Barton: I’ll tell you one of the things too we’ll never get right until we understand this: it is a spiritual battle. We’re told in Ephesians it’s not flesh and blood.  We’re dealing with spirits. And I’ll tell you out of Daniel, praying, why did that answer get delayed for twenty-one days? Because the Prince of Persia fought against it. There are principalities that sit over certain areas.

And I can tell this in the U.S. Capitol. When I walk from the House side to the Senate side, I cross the middle line of the Capitol, I can feel a different principality because they have jurisdictions over different things. And there are principalities that sit over the top of government entities that cause them to think really goofy. And you can’t get prayers through, they get delayed twenty-one days because the principalities are up there fighting in the Heavenlies.

Because we’re not fighting flesh and blood. And if you don’t understand this is a spiritual battle, and if you don’t understand there are really big principalities and powers sitting over places of power, whether it be banking or education. There’s principalities that sit over schools to keep those kids from getting knowledge, there’s principalities that sit over financial institutions.

Kenneth Copeland: They sit over households.

Barton: They sit over households. That’s why you have principalities and powers, that gradation. You have the corporals, and you have the sergeants, and you have the lieutenants, the captains and the generals. And the generals have a bigger principality and those little corporals may sit over the house but it’s a spiritual battle.

Copeland: It’s a battle, yeah.

Barton: It’s a spiritual battle and we’ll never win until we understand that.

[via Right Wing Watch]


September 9th, 2011

Gads. It’s like a bad fantasy novel. Do you suppose he really believes that?

The more I hear from David Barton, the more he seems certifiable.


September 9th, 2011

Every time one of these undocumented preachers speaks, I have to be careful or I will go to hell. They make me take the Lords name in vain.


September 9th, 2011

David Barton is batshit crazy!


September 9th, 2011

I thought that eating of the Tree of Knowledge damned us all – therefore, why does he want kids to be educated in the first place???

Graham Shevlin

September 9th, 2011

Is this the same Kenneth Copeland who owns a private airport 40 miles from where I live complete with a jet hangar (I have seen a private jet parked on the tarmac on several occasions) and who has tried to argue that his income was “God’s money” so he should not have to pay taxes on it?

Bose in St. Peter MN

September 9th, 2011

I’ve had conservative family members who were firmly in a similar camp. Under the umbrella of spiritual warfare, it was considered dangerous for kids to participate in Halloween, for example. That’s because the evil spirits who inhabited the pagan predecessors of Halloween, turbo-charged by centuries of tradition, could now travel a wormhole into children’s hearts if they dressed up and collected candy from their neighbors.


September 9th, 2011

God probably can’t hear the prayers from that side of Congress because he doesn’t have a good 4G cellphone. God just isn’t great with the whole technology thing.

Ben in Atlanta

September 10th, 2011

Undifferentiated potentiality (Spirit)has no attributes or personality whatsoever. It has no adversary and is not at war with itself. Dualism doesn’t make sense. God isn’t bipolar, David.

Re-read 1 Corinthians 13. There may just be a little truth there. (It doesn’t mention political parties at all.)


September 10th, 2011

So obviously David Barton must worship this “Supply-Side Jesus” I’ve heard about??

Let’s see…Democrats? Though especially in the South they have a checkered past, Historically the party of the common man. Democrats supported racial minorities have(Especially Blacks) and religious minorities (Catholics & Jews)Unions (pretty much across the board) and are responsible for most of the social safety net that we have in the USA, Period.

Republicans? Originally a party that supported equality, freedom and smaller government that stayed out of people’s business. Always had some Big Business interests but back in the day, who didn’t…have been progressively corrupted by uncontrolled greed and Fundamentalist religion to the point where they work towards almost the total opposite principles from what they started with.

Republicans: Originally the Party of Abraham Lincoln, but now people in it(David Barton for example) glorify the Confederacy as having been more “Christian!”

Well let me tell ya, the Battle Hymn of The Republic…a song loaded with apocalyptic theological statements if there ever was one…was NOT composed in the CONFEDERATE States of America.

More to the point…”Can’t get prayers through??” What the Fuck?? I thought that Christian Tradition for centuries had stated that God was Everywhere, Saw Everything, and had Power over Everything.

Principalities?? Able to “block” God’s power? What fucking rubbish. Either God is GOD, or he’s Not. Get a grip, people.

What I was taught…back in the very political 80’s…was that God hears the prayers of niether Democrats, nor Republicans.

God hears the prayers of people who really believe in Him regardless of how they vote in MAN’s political world, which God has no place in because it’s basically evil and it always will be.

Rev Ray Neal

September 10th, 2011

And aren’t we glad that God is the one who gets to decide who’s prayers God will hear and answer.


September 10th, 2011

Now Joan Osborne’s One of Us and Lady Gaga’s Telephone compete for “earworm of the now” in my head. I hope Joan Osborne wins because I’m not a Gaga fan.

Blair Martin

September 10th, 2011

Seriously, WTF?

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