December 1st, 2011
Evolved already.
Pam’s Spaulding has the scoop. While former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson’s chances of capturing the Republican nomination is just a smudge better than nil, he is now the only significant candidate of either party to support full marriage equality. (Okay, there’s Fred Karger, but still.) He made his announcement during an online town hall hosted by GoProud’s Jimmy LaSalvia:
For a very long time, society has viewed gay marriage as a moral and, yes, religious issue. Today, I believe we have arrived at a point in history where more and more Americans are viewing it as a question of liberty and freedom. That evolution is important, and the time has come for us to align our marriage laws with the notion that every individual should be treated equally.
Johnson’s use of the word “evolution” is a nice touch. Last time we checked in on President Obama, he said he was “still evolving.”
Head to Pam’s place for the full statement.
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December 2nd, 2011
Gary Johnson is the first straight POTUS candidate to support marriage equality, which is a bigger milestone than the same coming from a gay POTUS candidate like Karger. In fact, it’s about as big a milestone as having a gay POTUS candidate. And to top it off they’re both Republicans – there’s hope for the GOP yet!
Ben In Oakland
December 2nd, 2011
I have always like mr. Johnson. i saw him on jon Stewart and thought he had a great deal to offer. against the drug watrs, for example.
But the LAST I heard, he was only for civil unions. This is quite an improvement.
Priya Lynn
December 2nd, 2011
Jim said “Last time we checked in on President Obama, he said he was “still evolving.â€.
That statement to me is proof of Obama’s dishonesty on marriage equality. He supported it some years ago and then when he became a presidential candidate he was suddenly against it. Many think he secretly supports marriage equality and is publicly opposing it for political expediency – I’m sure that’s the case. One wouldn’t say one was “evolving” (going to change one’s mind) unless one knew that down the road when the winds were blowing the right direction they are going to suddenly “change” their mind.
On marriage equality Obama is a political flip-flopper in the same vein as Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.
December 2nd, 2011
Johnson’s not the first presidential candidate to support gay marriage. (And calling him a “significant” candidate is stretching the word to the breaking point) Both Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel supported gay marriage when they ran in the Democratic Primary in 2008. Of course, they had no chance of winning the nomination, either.
I suspect that whatever Democrat wins the primary in 2016 will probably be able to say he/she is for gay marriage. I certainly hope so, anyway.
Timothy Kincaid
December 3rd, 2011
You’re probably right. But not only that, I suspect that by 2016, the Republican candidate position will be “of course I support gay marriage, but we should respect the rights of states that do not”.
The evolution on this issue is happening at an astonishingly rapid pace. I honestly believe that by 2012, no candidate for president could hope to be elected with any position that opposes marriage equality.
December 4th, 2011
Well, your optimism is consistent at least. However given the GOP’s move to the far right in the last couple of years, I couldn’t imagine a GOP candidate winning a primary in 2016 that was even remotely gay friendly. None of them even support DADT repeal, except for unelectable types like Johnson. Besides, given Obama’s abysmal approval ratings, the 2016 GOP candidate will likely be incumbent President Romney or Gingrich, and certainly neither of them will be supporting gay marriage a scant five years from now.
Ned Flaherty
December 4th, 2011
Here’s what the remaining 11 candidates plan for 31 million LGBT Amerians:
Timothy Kincaid
December 5th, 2011
Yeah, it’s a pretty optimistic prediction.
But, nevertheless, if Romney is elected, I suspect that in four years’ time, he’ll have the “I respect the right of states to choose to accept/ban gay marriage” position. Remember that the professional phobes in Massachusetts hate Mitt for not fighting the marriage ruling enough. (They have all sorts of wacky theories as to how he could have stopped it).
I also wouldn’t be surprised if Gingrich took a similar position. He’ll repackage himself to be whatever he thinks he needs to be. Of course, both will claim to be personally opposed (which is kinda the opposite of what I predicted, but you get my point).
In any case, if the Republican candidate in 2016 runs as the anti-gay-marriage candidate like Bush 2008 did, that would sink them.
Timothy Kincaid
December 21st, 2011
I can’t help but wonder if Gary Johnson is running for Republican Nominee 2016 or 2020. Because this position is likely to be the only acceptable one by that time and he can be the “I’m not a flip-flopper” candidate.
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