March 22nd, 2012
Michael Heath, an anti-gay radical and former head of the Christian Civic League of Maine, has announced that he is forming a No Special Rights PAC to oppose the November ballot proposal to re-legalize marriage equality.
This is great news. Heath is so radical and off the charts, that he was prevailed upon to resign in 2009 because he was too much of a “lightning rod” when anti-gay activists began gearing up to repeal the recently-passed marriage equality bill. He went from there to do an (ahem!) stellar job for Ron Paul’s Iowa Campaign. Under Heath’s watch, the campaign trumpeted endorsements from one pastor who wanted gay people dead, followed by another pastor who wanted gay people dead, with both endorsements proudly displayed on the campaign web site.
Heath, who once said that the Wall Street meltdown of 2008 was the result of gay marriage. In announcing the new PAC in Maine, co-founder Paul Madore said that he and Heath are ready to “take off the gloves” in the November campaign. Heath gave a preview of No Special Rights’ message:
“There’s no basis in nature for a right to sodomy or a right to call two men or two women who are choosing to relate to one another sexually as a marriage,” he said. “There’s no intrinsic or natural right to that. So we believe that these are special rights.”
Heath’s entry into the Maine campaign is best news we could hope for in Maine’s upcoming fight for marriage equality.
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March 22nd, 2012
I thought this guy went to Africa to sell appliances in countries without electricity or something like that.
Gene in L.A.
March 22nd, 2012
The loonier they get, the better for our side.
Richard Rush
March 22nd, 2012
The No Special Rights PAC is welcome, indeed. Things really have gotten out control, so it’s about time a PAC actively lobbies for reducing the vast array of special rights accorded to religion, especially Christians, in the United States. Surely, that must be what this is all about, because I can’t think of any other group that comes close to being showered with so many special rights. Almost every day it seems that Christians are dreaming up new ideas for rights that they are certain they’re entitled to, and then there’s always a bunch of politicians tripping over each other in their eagerness to take credit for turning those dreams into reality.
March 22nd, 2012
He says, “There’s no basis in nature for a right to sodomy or a right to call two men or two women who are choosing to relate to one another sexually as a marriage…There’s no intrinsic or natural right to that. So we believe that these are special rights.â€
This may be only the tip of the Heath iceberg, but this particular argument doesn’t sound that radical to me. I’m not saying I agree with him–quite the opposite, in fact. The problem, though, is that I haven’t met an opponent of LBGT rights yet who didn’t claim that the equality we’re asking for is a “special right”.
In spite of being easily refuted on a one-to-one basis I think it’s the most repeated and pervasive argument against LGBT rights, which actually makes it the hardest to refute.
March 22nd, 2012
Common law was certainly influenced by natural law, as was the US Declaration of Independence, but modern legal systems are far more clearly based on positive law theory
Timothy Kincaid
March 22nd, 2012
Any anti-marriage campaign with the slogan “There’s no basis in nature for a right to sodomy” is worth encouraging.
Too bad Fred Phelps already has “God Hates Fags”.
Timothy Kincaid
March 22nd, 2012
Lately I’ve heard them use language describing their positions (marriage, whatever) as “special” and in need to “special protections”.
Some of the religion folk actually are asking for special rights using that language.
March 22nd, 2012
They are pleased to call them “natural rights,” but offhand, I can’t think of a single “right” that exists in nature — it’s a purely human legal concept.
Priya Lynn
March 22nd, 2012
Same thing occurred to me Hunter – there are no rights in nature.
March 23rd, 2012
Actually, marriage is not a natural law. If anything, marriage for most of human history was about property and inheritance rights. A man wanted to be sure that any children were actually his. As if it matters once a man is dead who inherits his property. People take what is seen as marriage and family today and assume that it has always been that way. This doesn’t even touch polygamy, which was common historically. What marriage encompasses has changed over time.
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