April 16th, 2008
The legislature in Kentucky has voted to assist in the education of students about the Holocaust and genocide.
The resolution would direct the Department of Education to make curriculum materials available for optional use in public schools by March 2009.
The material would be part of the Kentucky Program of Studies, which has state approval but is not required.
Oh, but not ALL victims of the Holocaust.
The Senate deleted a clause in the House version that cited other people the Nazis deemed “undesirable” because of their “race, nationality, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and political ideology.”
Whitaker said he received indications earlier in the session that the reference to sexual orientation was a “red flag” that could have endangered the bill.
It truly amazes me that some people refuse to provide accurate information about the Holocaust lest someone somewhere may know that gay people were also victims of Nazi mentality.
I’m truly flabergasted.
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April 16th, 2008
Would the Jews care enough, I wonder, to demand that KY teach the whole story of the Holocaust?
Erica B.
April 16th, 2008
Chad, your implication that Jews wouldn’t care about the other people murdered by the Nazi regime is ridiculous. Do gay people denounce the holocaust only because gay people were murdered?
The Holocaust wasn’t just about anti-semitism, it was about scapegoating and eliminating everybody who didn’t fit the “ideal.” If Kentucky goes through with downplaying the scale of that evil, that’s atrocious.
Timothy Kincaid
April 16th, 2008
It is my understanding that ALL Holocaust centers, memorials, or other eductional efforts which are headed by Jews make a point of including information about other groups targeted by the Nazis.
April 16th, 2008
Well… this limited education already seemed to pass here heh. I KNEW about the holocaust and the jews and the gypsies… but at no point did they mention homosexuals. I came to figure that out on the internet, and if im not mistaken it might’ve been at box turtle =o.
This is sad and in no way does it improve education. Rather… it fragments it. I wonder though… how many more things do they have to hide in order to not ‘endanger’ anything. Endanger what!? The educations system’s integrity or credence? Wouldn’t that be a good thing?
Emily K
April 17th, 2008
Jew speaking. I knew about ALL the “undesirables” – and yes, in synagogue, we were taught about all of them, by name. Of course it wasn’t just about Jews. Of course we Jews care about teaching about the FULL HORRIFIC EFFECT of the Holocaust. We remember that Genocide is not reserved for the Jews. That’s why so many of us are especially concerned about Darfur.
Regan DuCasse
April 17th, 2008
When I volunteered at the Museum of Tolerance, gays and other groups were not left out of the information. However, it was a little later that the Museum started to have serious dialogue and museum exhibits specifically on gays and lesbians.
The Museum brought in PFLAG, the ONE institute’s archivists and GLAAD to form a coalition with the ADL to make sure that gays and lesbians were not only part of the exhibits, but that opportunities and encouragement of interaction and acceptance were there also.
And as the rabbinical college focused on the acceptance of gay and lesbian rabbis, cantors and marriage for same sex couples, the Museum posted the progress and results of this information for the public.
I’m going to inform the Museum of this development in KY. This is disgusting and disturbing in the motive and the overall effect.
When historical record loses faces, names, context and content regarding such an important fact on gays and lesbians, it is an act worthy of what, as has been metioned, what the Nazis themselves did.
Regan DuCasse
April 17th, 2008
To answer you Chad…
I’m still a member and volunteer with the MOT, Simon Weisenthal Center…
And THEY will care about this situation. They have quite a lot of influence, and hopefully can get the assembly to reconsider.
It’s no surprise that Scott Lively, Paul Cameron and other Holocaust distorters and supporters are behind such legislation.
Age appropriate Holocaust information? Let’s just say there are classes of children that come to the Museum of Tolerance every day. It’s a powerful place that leaves strong minded men in tears, uplifted and not able to forget.
And that’s the whole point. To NEVER forget and leave a strong enough impression, even on children, so that they understand the danger and power of the Nazi process and will recognize the workings of people like Scott Lively.
If children can be exposed to fire and brimstone preachers…and graphic language in churches, there is no reason to restrain information regarding the far more recent and inarguable Holocaust from young folks.
Seriously, after a fashion, the young folks appreciate their intelligence and feelings about such a huge thing being respected and they don’t want to be a part of history that could do what the Nazis did.
Children cannot be lied to. They will eventually confront and challenge the adults on it. If anything, children hate being treated like babies or as if they are stupid.
They WILL be able to handle Holocaust history better than Paul Cameron and Scott Lively obviously can.
April 17th, 2008
Could someone explain what Holocaust Revisionist means? I have an idea, of course, but just to be sure.
Regan DuCasse
April 17th, 2008
Hi Joel,
It’s the very people who want to place the blame for it on homosexuals and homosexuality, with the theory that acceptance of homosexuality destroyed whole civilizations.
Another tactic is to say it wasn’t as bad as reported and that the millions of Jews murdered or enslaved is an inflated number. Similar to the criticism that gays and lesbians number at about ten percent, more like less than three percent or some other amorphous miniscule number.
It’s distorting the prevailing information and/or reducing it (so thus it’s importance and impact). And that’s what the KY general assembly is doing, distorting the information as initial article says.
To lessen the importance and tragedy of gays and lesbians in the Holocaust and to alter the expansion and meaning of the Final Solution. Only now, the assembly is saying…”it’s for the children.”.
April 17th, 2008
Ty regan, btw… i believe this red flag is raised maybe because they dont want to put gays and jews the same level…Meaning, that gay relationships are just wrong and jews are just practicing freedom of religion. Plus… it would contribute to a gay accepting society.
Emily K
April 18th, 2008
Joel, that’s a good parallel you’re offering. However, most fundie evangelical Christians will tell you how much they “love” the Jewish people and want them to be saved by becoming Jews for Jesus, Messianic Jews, or “fulfilled Jews” – that is, give up all biblical Jewish doctrine that opposes Jesus being called Messiah and practice Christianity while “looking Jewish.” To them, being Jewish is about wearing skullcaps and eating challah bread, not believing in one God (instead of a triune one) or believing that all people have the chance to be in heaven with the Lord at death (not just the ones that practice our religion).
April 29th, 2008
Also left out of even the original info was that trans people were Holocaust victums as well. We’re kind of mistakenly put under the “gay” heading except nobody says we’re being lumped there. Only the openness of the Internet was willing to tell me that.
May 6th, 2015
Holocaust has become a 2nd religion for some Jews. Holodomor took many more lives. And some of Stalin’s henchmen such as Lazar Kaganovitch, Genrikh Yagoda, Yev Mekhlis and others were Jewish, yet you get called anti-Semite if you mention this truth. Don’t think famous and talented Director Steven Allan Spielberg would do a movie on Jewish complicity in the Soviet Holodomor.
Why did the Holocaust happen and what is the motive behind those who would kill men, women and children that they usually didn’t know other than they were Jewish? We know that before the Holocaust or what is known as Shoah, Nazi Germany’s policy was emigration before it unofficially changed to extermination during Operation Barbarossa in 1941 and became official extermination after Jan. 1942 Lake Wannsee Conference. Nazi Germany originally wanted Jews to leave Europe and emigrate to then Palestine and during the 1930s, Adolf (Karl) Eichmann met with Jewish leaders in then Palestine to work out Jewish emigration-but it was Jerusalem Mufti Amin Al Husseini who asked that this be ended.
There had been discussion of creating a Jewish land in Africa with Madagascar. But in 1941, this policy unofficialy changed to exterminating Jews and in Jan. 1942, this was officialized with euphemisms and codes. Why did this change to extermination? The excuses Nazis made is that it was the Jews who committed the Soviet Holocaust (Holodomor) and that because so many were killed by Bolsehviks, that it gave them an excuse to exterminate Jews because some were Bolsheviks.
I’ve asked this before-if the Holodomor had not happened would the Nazis have committed the Holocaust? Would Nazi Germany’s policy regarding the Jews remained 1 of discrimination and emigration rather than exterminating Jewry had the Holodomor not happened? We know the excuses Nazis made by saying that because Jewish Bolsheviks committed Stalin’s Soviet Holocaust that it justified Nazi Germany’s Holocaust against Jews but only they knew why they committed the Holocaust & we will never know.
There are some things about the Holocaust we don’t know the answers and we don’t know why they did what they did but can only know the excuses they make as to why they did it and either believe or not believe them.
Ben in oakland
May 6th, 2015
Another holocaust denier.
Can’t you people get a life?
Eric Payne
May 6th, 2015
Perhaps one of the reasons “sexual orientation” may have been a “red flag” might be what happened to those emblazoned with the pink triangle chest patch — the majority of them were “liberated” not to rescue centers, but to prison camps within the boundaries of Allied territory. The conditions may have been better for them, at least in non-Russian prisons, but they were still imprisoned for decades after the war.
Eric Payne
May 6th, 2015
You say:
And it doesn’t matter who did what to whomever when it was done before.
The subject matter was the Holocaust, when a foreign government decided it was within its rights to imprison and kill 6,000,000+ ordinary citizens, simply because the government didn’t like the faith or familial descent of those citizens.
If you have no feelings on the subject… visit a death camp; many have since had remaining buildings re-purposed to be museums. Go stand in one of the showers… close your eyes and breathe… then imagine you’re standing in that same room, crushed against thousands of other people, all naked, most with shorn hair… and the lights go out.
Yes, I’d wager there are families, throughout the world, for whom the Holocaust has become a “new religion”. And why not? What is religion except a shared belief system in which an individual places their faith?
They may believe everything you say, fervently.
But then, they almost have to… because people like you are only to eager to spread your ignorance of disbelief.
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