Cindy McCain supports gay marriage

Timothy Kincaid

January 20th, 2010

cindy mccainThe household of Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain is divided on the issue of marriage. During his campaign, McCain tried to avoid talking about gay issues as much as possible, but when cornered he spoke in opposition to marriage equality.

But after the campaign his daughter Meghan has become, in many ways, the face of young straight marriage equality supporters. And she has been a constant voice in the Republican Party seeking to change the position of the party on gay issues.

Now another member of McCain’s family has come out publicly in support of marriage, his wife Cindy. She and Meghan have joined the No H8 campaign.

There is no way that this decision was made without the full knowledge and approval of the Senator. What this means for gay rights in the Republican Party is as yet not fully known, but it is definitely a good sign.

Priya Lynn

January 20th, 2010

There is no way that this decision was made without the full knowledge and approval of the Senator.

You don’t have the knowledge to make a statement of certainty about that. There’s nothing saying that Cindy didn’t take a stand without John’s approval. I certainly wouldn’t let my husband deny me the right to express my opinion and I think few women in this day and age would.

Jim Burroway

January 20th, 2010

Given the repurcussions Cindy’s act would have in Arizona where McCain will likely face a primary challenge from those who think he’s not conservative enough, I seriously doubt she’d do this if John McCain were against it.

Not to say that this represents the Senator’s position. If he’s asked, he’s likely to say that she’s doing this independently of him. In fact, that’s the only answer he can give in Arizona and hope to get re-elected in an increasingly tea-bagging state. But I am convinced they weighed the political risks and have concluded that they can be prepared for the fallout. Considering that it’s a political risk they didn’t have to make, it’s certainly worth noting.

Priya Lynn

January 20th, 2010

Only Cindy and John know the truth for sure.


January 20th, 2010

This one is a suprise.


January 20th, 2010

I do think the duct tape over her mouth is a bit over the top.


January 20th, 2010

It’s the running theme of the photos, Swampfox. It represents the voices of equality supporters being silenced by the hate.


January 20th, 2010

I agree — very surprising but also a very good sign. I’m interested to see how this develops.

And yes, the duct tape is a bit much. It’s an effective visual on the average protester/activist, but it just looks silly on someone like Cindy McCain. Are we seriously meant to think that the rich and well-connected wife of a senator and former presidential candidate is somehow being silenced?

Timothy Kincaid

January 20th, 2010

To those objecting to the tape:

Every participant in the NO H8 campaign is photographed the same, with tape on their mouths and NO H8 written on their cheek. Adults and kids, celebrities and everyday folk, young and old.

The tape isn’t about Cindy McCain, it’s about how Proposition 8 silences the gay community. Those heterosexuals who join and symbolically cover their mouths do so out of solidarity.


January 20th, 2010

The tape could also be a sign of support for the “National Day of Silence”


January 20th, 2010

Her hairdresser put her up to it.


January 20th, 2010

We will all suffer the consequences if we speculate that this means Senator McCain is in favor of marriage equality.

He has to be his own Horse’s Mouth. He must say what he believes. Haven’t we had enough of the “conditional love” from politicians who say they support us but are in favor of one-man, one-woman marriage?

Every time they assert that condition, they harm us by implying there is a good reason we don’t deserve to be treated as equal.

Senator McCain must make his own bed. We await his verdict.


January 20th, 2010

“It represents the voices of equality supporters being silenced by the hate.”

Yes because SSM advocates have been ordered to silence. What a joke.

Timothy Kincaid

January 20th, 2010


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January 20th, 2010

As much as it pains me to say this, Brennin has a point. Doesn’t the very existence of Perry v. Schwarzenegger prove that Proposition 8 has not silenced the gay community?


January 20th, 2010

It’s an attempt to silence. It’s campaign was entirely about getting children to not hear about gay marriage in schools.

It’s legislative effect is to shun same sex relationships into obscurity and lack of serious recognition by placing them in some awkward label for their relationship.


January 20th, 2010

Oh please, Cindy is just advancing her daughter´s political career (which btw I have nothing against, in fact I think that she and her types would be a welcome change in the Republican Party). McCain’s political career is very close to being over (he is old).

Ben in Oakland

January 21st, 2010

Her support and $2 will buy me a cup of crappy coroporate coffee at starbux. john Mc has already repudiated her statement.


January 22nd, 2010

This would be the same John “Sanctity of Marriage” McCain who called his wife a “c*nt” in front of a reporter, yes?

Because hetero marriages are so damned holy and all.

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