July 13th, 2010
NOM's Bus of Animus
Maggie and crew over at the National Organization for Marriage were furious when the courts ruled that Washington State was not incorrect in wanting to release the names of the signatories on public referenda. She was aghast that the courts did not shroud the identity of those who wanted to testify in favor of Proposition 8. And she was apoplectic when the Maine courts told her that she could not keep secret the identity of those who funded the campaign to block marriage equality in that state.
They Could Be in DANGER! They might lose business or have people say mean things to them if the public came to know that these individuals sponsored anti-gay discrimination!
But it seems that NOM’s concern for privacy and secrecy extends only to those who agree with them. When it comes to those who oppose NOM’s agenda, all concerns for privacy, security, or “participating in the democratic process” no longer matter.
This week, activist Louis Marinelli and NOM President Brian Brown are traveling about in a big Protect Marriage bus and a little Protect Marriage van, seeking to encourage and rally those who are dedicated to keeping you, your family, and your rights inferior to their own. And here is what NOM had to say on Thursday:
Yesterday, a handful of teenagers packed into a small white car beside the NOM van at a red light took notice of the van’s exterior design which reads “Protecting Marriage Between One Man and One Woman”.
“Hey, you guys are against gay marriage!” one girl yelled out, calling the NOM van to the attention of her friends, who proceeded to yell out vulgarities and show their middle fingers to us. Then they got camera shy when Louis started taking photos of them from inside the van. The girl in the front passenger side tried to cover her face.
Real courageous group.
This was accompanied by a photograph of the car and its passengers. I’ll not include it here.
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July 13th, 2010
If they were to come within a 500 mile drive of where I live, I’d gladly show up at their rally carrying a sign and wearing a t-shirt denouncing their bigotry and calling out Marinelli’s hystrionic rants about gays. Unfortunately, this part of the country is so resolutely heterosupremacist, they don’t need to come out here.
Good job on pointing out their photo hypocrisy.
Lindoro Almaviva
July 13th, 2010
Poor worthless bastards. It is OK for them to be hateful to us but when that hate comes back to them it is animus.
I hope that bus gets vandalized in every city, every stop, every turn they take.
Timothy Kincaid
July 13th, 2010
Listen up, New Englanders…
DON’T vandalize NOM’s Bus of Animus. We’re above that and it only feeds their sense of martyrdom.
July 13th, 2010
The best thing is for same-sex couple to have their picture taken holding hands and kissing in front of the bus. Peaceful, loving, and sure to piss Maggie/Brian/Slimeball off.
July 13th, 2010
And then Brian called the kids “homosexuals”, right? He doesn’t know if they are, and the chances that they are gay is astronomically remote, but Brian said they were gay and, of course, he did so on his blast email.
How’s my guessing going?
July 14th, 2010
I had to go find the picture for myself to see it. In doing so, i instantly recognized where that picture was taken. The location of that picture is no more than 10 minutes away from where i’m sitting at this moment. It’s at the corner of Busbee Pkwy and Chastain Rd right here in Kennesaw, Ga. I even went and confirmed it on Google Maps Street View. Couldn’t believe they were right up the road from me. I think they’re bringing the other nutjobs around as well because i just snapped a picture of a truck last week with a wodden frame built on it with comments about abortion, homosexuality, christianity and the world’s damnation all over it.
July 14th, 2010
wooden* …excuse the typo :)
Be effective
July 14th, 2010
Lindoro: I very strongly disagree with your wish to see their vehicles vandalized. We are, and need to remain, the moral ones here. Nauseating and infuriating as they are, they have the right to those bus and van graphics. Vandalizing them would make us the bad guys. It would provide Exhibit A evidence (e.g., in court cases relative to revealing petition-signers, etc.) for their claim that anti-marriage equality people are being “intimidated.”
We certainly don’t *need* to intimidate a single person to win this battle. Fairness, decency, and rationality are on own side. Time is as well.
Again, I think any encouragement of vandalization of their vehicles is, in my opinion, extremely unwise.
Instead, protest the hell out of them.
July 14th, 2010
I wouldn’t terribly mind some creative additions to their message in spray paint, along the lines of “Congrats Bristol and Levi!!!”
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