The Daily Agenda for Sunday, July 24

Jim Burroway

July 24th, 2011



Shortly after the stroke of midnight, Niagara Falls mayor Paul Dyster pronounced Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd spouses for life as the world-famous falls in the background were lit in rainbow hues.

Dale Getto and Barb Laven married in Albany shortly after midnight.

At about the same time, Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings presided over the wedding of Dale Getto and Barb Lavin in the Common Council’s chambers.  And with that, New Yorkers began to celebrate the arrival of marriage equality in the Empire State. New York is now the most populous state in the union providing marriage equality for all of its citizens.

When New York City officials announced last week that they would be open today to issue marriage licenses, they worried that high demand would overload city clerk’s offices throughout the city. To manage the demand, they had established a lottery for 764 slots, but on Thursday announced that they would be able to issue licenses for all 823 couples who applied for the slots. New York law provides for a 24-hour waiting period after obtaining a license before they can marry, but judges from around the state have volunteered to be available at registrars offices to offer that exemption today.

Naming Project Summer Camp: Bay Lake Camp, MN. A very special summer camp, which was featured in the 2006 documentary Camp Out, kicks off today for 14- to 18-year-olds of any sexual orientation, gender identity or expression who wish to explore their spiritual and religious journeys in a supportive and welcoming setting. Known as the Naming Project Summer Camp, this year’s theme is “Called As We Are,” where campers will spend the week talking about Biblical call stories and how they are called to live as God’s children today. Typical camp activities are on the bill: canoeing, swimming, hiking, singing, arts and crafts, and (I suspect) some very fabulous s’mores. The nearly week-long camp continues through Friday.

Pride Celebrations Today: Burlington, VTHalifax, NS; and Tampere, Finland.

Anti-Marriage Rallies: New York. While thousands of New York couples are realizing their long-delayed dreams of matrimony today, anti-gay groups spearheaded by the National Organization for Marriage will hold four anti-marriage rallies this afternoon at 3:00 p.m., demanding that the state legislature puts their fellow citizens’ rights up for a vote. Rallies are planned for Albany, Manhattan, Rochester and Buffalo. State Sen. Ruben Diaz, the lone Democratic arch-opponent to marriage equality, will appear at the Manhattan rally. Counter protests are also planned at each location.

Kirk Andrew Murphy: 1965. For nearly four decades, Kirk was known only as “Kraig,” but under that pseudonym he was well known among behavioral therapists who were trying to prevent homosexuality and transgender identities in very young children. The seeds for “Kraig’s” fame were planted in the summer of 1970, when Kirk’s mother saw a television program featuring famed sexologist Dr. Richard Green describing a new federally-funded treatment program at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute. She listened to his spiel about the dangers of effeminate boys growing up to become homosexual, and she worried that her own young son was headed for trouble. So a month before his fifth birthday, she him to UCLA where Kirk came under the care of a young grad student by the name of George Rekers. Ten months later, five-year-old Kirk was declared to be rid of his “severe gender identity disturbance,” and Kirk’s case would help Rekers earn his Ph.D. in 1972.

Two years later, Rekers published his case report of “Kyle” in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, where he described “Kyle’s” treatment and the astounding “success.” This was the first time anyone had reported curing a young child’s budding homosexuality or transgenderism — no one was ever quite sure what it was they though they saw in Kirk — and that paper became one of the more widely-cited papers in the late 1970s. Kirk’s case launched Rekers’s career, first as an acclaimed or controversial young psychologist (depending on one’s point of view at the time), and later as a significant anti-gay activist when he co-founded the Family Research Council in 1983. Throughout Rekers’s career he would write at least twenty papers describing Kirk’s case as an example of the power of his treatment program to prevent homosexuality and transgender identity in very young children. The most recent publication touting “Kraig’s” supposedly successful cure appeared in a 2009 book promoted by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), where Rekers served on its Scientific Advisory Committee. Of course, all of that was before Rekers was discovered returning from a European vacation in the company of a male escort in 2010.

But it wouldn’t be until last month when the truth would finally emerge.  An original BTB investigation and a concurrent CNN exposé on Anderson Cooper 360 revealed that Kirk’s therapy was highly abusive; that contrary to Rekers’s persistent reports, Kirk was not straight; that Kirk struggled all his life with the shame that his treatment at UCLA had been instilled in him; and that his struggle finally ended with his suicide in December of 2003. If Kirk were alive today, he would be 46 years old. His is still deeply missed by his mother, brother, sister and friends.

If you know of something that belongs on the agenda, please send it here. PLEASE, don’t forget to include the basics: who, what, when, where, and URL (if available).


July 24th, 2011

Mazel Tov, New York! :-D


July 24th, 2011

And rest in peace, Kirk.


July 25th, 2011

Very interesting article in today’s Vancouver Sun regarding Norwegian domestic terrorist Anders Breivik and his “manifesto” (well, the parts of it that weren’t plagiarized from the Unabomber). I quote:

Breivik’s grudge against society appears to have its roots in the humiliation he felt at being forced to learn to knit while at Smestad primary school in Oslo.

He says these courses were introduced “to feminize European boys in their insane quest to attempt to create the Marxist utopia consisting of ‘true equality between the sexes’. I remember I dreaded these courses as it felt very unnatural and was a complete waste of time.”

Weird for something like this to come out right around Kirk’s birthday. I don’t expect any comment from Rekers, though. This weekend must be painful for the Religious Right, what with Breivik being outed as one of theirs and hundreds of New Yorkers holding weddings.


July 25th, 2011

BTB Gang: I was out of town this weekend so just saw this today. Thank you for posting it.

I am so happy that on what would have been Kirk’s 46th birthday, the first same sex marriages were taking place LEGALLY in the state of New York.

What a progress-filled silver lining.

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