The Daily Agenda for Wednesday, July 27

Jim Burroway

July 27th, 2011

2006 cast and crew of "The Bus"

Pro-Gay Theater Project Raising Money To Perform At Westboro Baptist: Online. A Vermont-based theater project is raising money online to pay for taking their production of The Bus, a play about small-town homophobia, to the heart of god-hates-fagdom, Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. “Our fundraising goal will allow The Bus to play Off Broadway at 59E59 Theaters for four weeks beginning the week of October 3rd and perform in Topeka, Kansas in early November, immediately following our Off Broadway run. If we meet or exceed our goal, these monies will go toward producing both, the Off Broadway and Topeka shows of The Bus.”

So, what is The Bus?

The Bus tells the story of two boys who, late at night, regularly rendezvous in a parked church bus just to be close. When their secret meeting place is in danger of being discovered, the boys find themselves in the middle of a family conflict between a large church and a small-town gas station—and the clash proves explosive. Touching, sometimes haunting, often humorous, and swirling with suspense, The Bus was called “a bona-fide surprise hit, drawing big crowds and positive reviews,” by the Burlington Free Press.

The producers are trying to raise $50,000 by Sunday, July 31, and they are just under halfway toward their goal. You can learn more about donating to the project here.

Pride Celebrations This Weekend: Belfast, Northern Ireland; Braunschweig, Germany; Frankfurt, Germany; Harrisburg, PA; Norwich, UK; Nottingham, UK; Pittsburgh, PA (Black Pride); Raleigh/Durham, NC (Black Pride); Vancouver, BC.

Also This Weekend: Diverse/Cité, Montréal, QC; Up Your Alley, San Francisco, CA.

Radclyffe Hall

“The Well of Loneliness” Published: 1927. The book was so controversial that three publishers turned it down. When it was finally published in England, it appeared in a plain, discreet black cover.  It wasn’t particularly racy; the only sexual description consisted of the phrase, “and that night, they were not divided.” By today’s standards, the book has been criticized for being terribly outdated, reinforcing stereotypes about “butch” and “femme” lesbians that would strike us today like a lesbian-themed minstrel. But Radclyffe Hall’s novel caused a sensation in Britain when it appeared on this date in 1927. The publisher sent review copies only to a few select newspapers and magazines who he thought could handle the lesbian-themed content. But he misjudged one of those editors. James Douglas, editor of the Sunday Express responded by mounting a massive campaign against the novel. He wrote “I would rather give a healthy boy or a healthy girl a phial of prussic acid than this novel.”

Despite most of the British press’s defending the novel, the publisher soon landed in court on obscenity charges. Several authors came to his defense — E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, and James Melville among them — but the judge declared the novel obscene. It wasn’t the story line he found objectionable; it was the novel’s plea for tolerance and acceptance that would “deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences.” The ban and the massive newspaper campaign against the book, of course, only served to increase the public’s curiosity and demand for the book. Wherever there’s a demand, there’s a supply, and in the case of The Well, that supply was met by a publisher in France who shipped copies surreptitiously to newsstands throughout Britain. That had the effect of lowering British officials’ enthusiasm for banning other lesbian-themed novels that followed. A Home Office memo observed, “It is notorious that the prosecution of the Well Of Loneliness resulted in infinitely greater publicity about lesbianism than if there had been no prosecution.” It wouldn’t be until 1949 when The Well could be published in Britain again, not because any laws had changed, but because the Home Office simply decided to look the other way. It has remained in continuous publication since then.

Surprisingly, the book’s appearance generated a different reaction. Sure, there were attempts to ban it in the U.S. Customs Court and in New York City, where police seized 865 copies from its American publisher’s offices, but both attempts were rejected.  The ensuing publicity from the trials raised demand for the book. Despite it’s high price of $5 (about twice the cost of an average hardback novel), The Well would go through six printings and sell over 100,00 copies by the time it was cleared by the courts. As in Britain, The Well of Loneliness has been in continuous publication since its 1928 American debut.

Troy Perry: 1940. By the time he was fifteen years old, he was already a Baptist preacher and a self-described “religious fanatic.” He married in 1959 and fathered two sons, but he was not faithful to his wife. He had a few gay dalliances on the side. When the elders at the church he was pastoring found out, they forced him to resign and he moved his family to Southern California and began preaching for the Church of God of Prophecy. While there, his wife found a copy of Donald Webster Cory’s groundbreaking The Homosexual In America hidden in a mattress. That led to an immediate divorce and an end to his preaching career. After a stint in the army beginning in 1965, Perry felt called to offer a place for gay people to worship freely. He placed an ad in The Advocate announcing a worship service designed for gays in Los Angeles. and twelve people turned up on that first Sunday in October 1968. That would be the genesis for the Metropolitan Community Church, the only Christian denomination founded specifically to address the spiritual needs of LGBT people. MCC now has 250 congregations in 23 countries around the world.

If you know of something that belongs on the agenda, please send it here. PLEASE, don’t forget to include the basics: who, what, when, where, and URL (if available).

Michael Smith

July 27th, 2011

I heard Troy Perry speak at MCC LA. He said his inspiration for the MCC came after the Black Cat riots, which he took part in. (Police raided the Silver Lake bar on New Years eve 1967, closing the bar because they witnessed men kissing at midnight. A three-day riot then ensued.) He was jailed with a young kid who expressed his lack of faith in a god, because of how gays and lesbians were treated. It was then that he knew what he had to do.


July 27th, 2011

Butch and femme aren’t stereotypes — they’re identities still embraced by many in the lesbian community.

Timothy Kincaid

July 27th, 2011


Thanks for the anecdote tying MCC to the Black Cat Riots. We discussed that important event here, but I was unaware of that connection.

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