The Writing On The Wall

Jim Burroway

September 1st, 2011

Focus On the Family sees it, but is still in denial. This is from FoF’s CitizenLink:

The telephone survey of 3,000 Millennials, conducted between July 14 and 30, indicates 49 percent of those considering themselves Republicans favor same-sex marriage, compared to 19 percent of Republican seniors and 31 percent of all Republicans. Additionally, 44 percent of white evangelical Millennials favor same-sex marriage, compared to only 12 percent of evangelical seniors and 19 percent of evangelicals overall.

…”It’s important to make sure Christian Millennials understand the importance of a biblical worldview so they can think well about issues of marriage and sexuality,” [Dawn McBane] said. “Our desire is to encourage Millennials to think deeply about issues from a biblical worldview and then challenge them to live out their beliefs in every-day life.”

McBane is directer of Focus On the Family’s Rising Voice project to try to build millennial support for anti-gay positions. Good luck with that.


September 1st, 2011

There is an unintentionally humorous story about this in the Christian Post:

First they repeatedly claim that the survey is skewed since funding came from the pro-gay Arcus Foundation. Yet the poll itself was conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and they never once point to any flaws in the methodology or sampling that would bias the result.(A poll put out by NOM claiming that 57% of NYers opposed equality was attacked by many gay bloggers partially for the source, but mostly for specific methodological problems that wildly over sampled older, conservative voters and had a tiny sample size)

Then the same woman, Dawn McBane, makes this rather remarkable statement:

“While we have seen a growing gap between millennials and older generations when it comes to their views on gay marriage, there are also some encouraging signs. It’s true that millennials have a more favorable attitude toward gay marriage and yet this is a generation that desperately desires to get married and pursue the American dream through marriage and family.”

In other words, the fact the younger generation wants to get married and have a family is an “encouraging signs” for the bigots because this will somehow lead them to become anti-gay in the future? They’re minds cannot process the fact that the younger generation favors marriage regardless of orientation. If this is what they are settling for as good news for there side, then I think the light at the end of the tunnel is close indeed…


September 1st, 2011

@PhilDC, her statement also shoots a hole in their argument that support for gay marriage threatens heterosexual marriage and their more bizarre claim that gay marriage will lead to straight people not marrying.

SHE says “It’s true that millennials have a more favorable attitude toward gay marriage and yet this is a generation that desperately desires to get married and pursue the American dream through marriage and family.”

We should repeat HER words every chance we get when we are confronted with the “gay marriage will destroy straight marriage” argument.

Ben in Atlanta

September 1st, 2011

I call FotF out for not having a biblical worldview at all.

Where are your new eyes?

It’s all good.

To those whose job it is to stir up trouble I say, thank you Loki, thank you Sheva.

Their function is to bring change and transformation.

What is it that you are renewed by?

Ben In Oakland

September 1st, 2011

Thanks for the link, Phil. I love posting over there, and I will if I have time.

I found this statement particularly interesting.

““Our desire is to encourage Millennials to think deeply about issues from a biblical worldview and then challenge them to live out their beliefs in every-day life.”

But, as far as I can tell with Focus the Anus, they are like NOM, that’s just obfuscation of their true goals, which are political, not religious.It’s one thing to encourage your followers to live out the principles of your religion. That’s what religion is supposed to do.

It is quite another thing, especially in a secular society which guarantees freedom of relgion, to use the force of law to make people who do not share your religious beliefs to adhere to them nevertheless. Share the sharia, you might say.

Barring the possibility of the Handmaid’s Tale wagging the dog– not a big, but still a significant possibility– it is truly ironic that as the younger generations take over, the law will be completely indifferent to gay people…

and that will carry the force of law.

Tony P

September 1st, 2011

One thing about NOM I should mention is they pull their survey respondents DIRECTLY off their mailing list.

I know, as a part of my “Know thine enemy” procedure I signed up for NOM’s mailings, emails, etc.

And sure enough here in RI I got the call from asshat Victor Profughi’s polling firm that was PAID FOR by NOM. How else would I have been chosen?

NOM said 80% of RI’ers wanted to see equality put on the ballot. I proved them wrong using tangible data from the Central Voter Registration rolls. It turns out that about 29% would really favor it.

And those 29%, all over the age of 65!


September 1st, 2011

“We want you to think it through, but only from the exact angle we tell you to.”


September 2nd, 2011

FOF, Chuck Coulson, the Southern Baptists and the rest of the crowd are in despair over this. Their response is to double down on the rhetoric, hoping that the Millennials will reconsider their position if told by their elders that the future of society is at stake.

James Dobson recently did a 2-part rant on his new radio show that was borderline deranged. He claimed among other things that if SSM were allowed to stand, it would mean the end of the rule of law and would obliterate straight marriages.

The poor guy is a modern day King Lear. He favored Jim Daly and groomed him as his successor at FOF. Alas, Daly betrayed him and took his kingdom. He now wanders in exile, increasingly disengaged from reality, always raging at the storm.


Great comment. NOM has a long, sordid history when it comes to polling. Could you clarify the last paragraph in your comment? How did you use the voter rolls to come to the conclusions about attitudes towards a marriage referendum?

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