December 28th, 2011
Evolved already.
As anticipated, Republican former governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson has reregistered as a Libertarian in order to seek that party’s nomination for president. (Foxipoo)
Gary Johnson has made it official. The Republican presidential candidate who got no respect has announced he will now seek the nomination of the Libertarian Party.
Johnson made the announcement Wednesday morning in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he served as the state’s Republican governor from 1995 to 2003.
“This was both a difficult decision – and an easy one,” Johnson said. “I have a lot of Republican history, and a lot of Republican supporters. But in the final analysis…I am a Libertarian – that is someone who is fiscally very conservative but holds freedom-based positions on the issues that govern our personal behavior.”
This is a very peculiar election season. A Libertarian candidate without an association with racism or state directors who are board members of a hate-group or touted support from dominionist extremists may find higher than expected support.
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At last, the truth can now be told.
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December 28th, 2011
Johnson still has to run for and receive the Libertarian nomination for president but this is very exciting news! If only more people would give 3rd parties a change something might actually change in our government.
December 28th, 2011
I have to agree with Porno. Because of the electoral college, there is just no way my very RED state’s 8 electoral votes will go for anyone except the Republican candidate, so I feel strongly about supporting third parties where possible, even if I don’t completely agree with all the views.
David Roberts
December 28th, 2011
Oh yeah, this will be a real nail-biter ;)
Ben In Oakland
December 29th, 2011
Johnson also thinks the war on drugs is a big waste. I’ve liked him ever since he was interview by Jon Stewart.
J. Peron
December 29th, 2011
I watched his announcement online and the very first two issue he mentioned was “gay rights and marriage equality.” Then for good measure he threw them in a few times later as well. But this is a man who started his campaign press conference with support for gay rights and marriage equality. Most “supportive” politicians will tack such issues on after they have mentioned a few other issues and even then wouldn’t say they support full on marriage equality—though they will reassure us they are evolving. Of course, evolution took millions of years and I’m not sure we want to wait that long.
December 29th, 2011
So we have a Republican who is going to seek the Libertarian nod and a Libertarian who is seeking the Republican nod. Politics sure is strange.
Timothy (TRiG)
December 30th, 2011
There’s a lot of things not to like about Irish politics, but the way the elections operate is one I like. I don’t need to do complicated analysis like “a vote for X is wasted and counts as a vote for Y, so I should vote for Z even though I prefer X”. I just give my first-preference vote to X and my second-preference vote to Y. Simples!
This means that two parties cannot hold a monopoly the way they do in the USA or the UK.
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