April 27th, 2012
A few days ago Pendleton
Air Force Marine Base in San Diego was the site of another first (LGBT Weekly):
Finally, luggage in tow, Guerrero emerged with a smile on his face. Upon seeing Huston, Guerrero dropped his bags; aimed a kiss toward Huston’s lips; and opened his arms to his boyfriends waiting embrace. The time and distance of 10 months’ separation evaporated in a public show of affection that less than a year ago would have been cause for court martial. After a few minutes of emotional holding and kissing, Huston went anxiously down on one knee; looked up at Guerrero, who was dressed from head to toe in military fatigues; and produced an engagement ring and the time-honored phrase, “Will you marry me?”
Huston’s mild tremble, a result of hours and days of anticipation about this day, was quickly quieted by the one word every hopeful fiancé wants to hear: “Yes.”
Meanwhile, across the pond, the Brits are debating whether to adopt Prime Minister David Cameron’s plan to replace civil unions with full legal equality for same-sex couples. This ad is one piece in the campaign. (tissue warning)
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Prologue: Why I Went To “Love Won Out”
Part 1: What’s Love Got To Do With It?
Part 2: Parents Struggle With “No Exceptions”
Part 3: A Whole New Dialect
Part 4: It Depends On How The Meaning of the Word "Change" Changes
Part 5: A Candid Explanation For "Change"
At last, the truth can now be told.
Using the same research methods employed by most anti-gay political pressure groups, we examine the statistics and the case studies that dispel many of the myths about heterosexuality. Download your copy today!
And don‘t miss our companion report, How To Write An Anti-Gay Tract In Fifteen Easy Steps.
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April 28th, 2012
According to Huffington, this happened at Camp Pendleton which is located near Oceanside, CA, approximately 40 miles north of San Diego. It is not an Air Force Base, but there is a Marine Air Station located there.
April 28th, 2012
Yeah, seconding that, Marine Corps Air Facility Camp Pendleton is a USMC helicopter base, not Air Force. (USAF vet here, btw, but I also lived not too far from there for five years.)
Regan DuCasse
April 28th, 2012
I just LOVE marriage proposals, and I LOVE weddings!
I wish these two men all the best and thank Gurrero for his service!
Regan DuCasse
April 28th, 2012
Oh and, I hope such displays and LOTS of media attention about them, gives Brian Brown and Peter LaBarbera apoplexy.
I really do.
They are two men, who NEVER served in uniform to protect their own rights and protections, have always had the gall and cowardice to begrudge gay people who HAVE done so, any respect for THEIR risk and sacrifice.
Our world needs to ALWAYS see more displays of such affection, love and devotion. It’s much better than the horrific news and scenes of violence we know happens in our nation’s streets.
There was a time when soldiers were barred from marrying.
It was illegal and anyone who supported marriage for them, were jailed or killed.
That is the legacy of St. Valentine too.
So any anti gay people offended by this picture, or the idea of gays serving openly or being welcomed with love like this….
Can just take a flying **** at the moon.
April 28th, 2012
Thx for posting this. These always get me good. I won’t watch the vid till I’m out if this restaurant. I’m already lump in throat.
Timothy Kincaid
April 28th, 2012
Yes, my error. How could I make that mistake? I do know – quite well – that the boys serving at Pendleton are Marines.
April 29th, 2012
@Regan, I would add Elaine Donnerly to your list of people who have never served in the military that I hope goes apoplectic over these scenes, which will become more and more common.
John in Bachmann's d
April 30th, 2012
Ok…that british ad brought out a tear or two.
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