
Rob Tisinai

July 9th, 2013

This may ramble a bit, and I’m sorry, but I was enraged yesterday — not annoyed, disgusted, or weary, but full-on enraged — and I need to vent it out.

The National Organization for Marriage is promoting the idea that same-sex marriage provides the best possible cover for pedophiles and opens the door to the “new” possibility of creating children expressly for the purpose of being abused.

As loathsome as that is, it’s not what enraged me. Before continuing, though, let me warn you that this posting discusses child sexual abuse and human trafficking.

NOM links to an article at the fiercely anti-gay mercatornet.com, which reports on two gay men who have been convicted of abusing a child born to them through a Russian surrogate.

The pair began sexually abusing the child when he was less than two weeks old. They also took him around the world and allowed him to be abused by at least eight men in several countries. Photographs and videos were uploaded to a paedophile site. The men told the child that the abuse was normal behaviour and coached him on what to say if he were ever questioned.

American police say that the child was created “for the sole purpose of exploitation”. “Personally… I think this is probably the worst [paedophile] rings… if not the worst ring I’ve ever heard of,” was the comment of an investigator from the US Postal Inspection Service.

This is foul and disgusting. How can it not break your heart. But the artitcle’s author, Michael Cook, somehow managed to look past the horror and see it as an opportunity to attack same-sex marriage:

Child abuse, sadly, is nothing new. What is new is bringing children into the world for the express purpose of being abused. The toxic combination of same-sex adoption and surrogate motherhood makes that possible…

Children are created as an industrial product in overseas baby farms. They have no mother. They are brainwashed to accept abuse as normal. Their owners are entitled to a presumption of respectability because of their status as a committed (and perhaps married) couple. And suspicions can be doused by treating them as homophobic paranoia.

Probably only a few of the gay couples who enter same-sex marriage will be paedophiles. But the ghastly story of Newton and Truong suggests that same-sex marriage will be the best possible cover for those who are.

Perhaps Michael Cook is primarily concerned with children, but his anti-gay bigotry is so strong that it overwhelms his ability to think these issues through. Or perhaps when he read the case his first thought was, “Hey, I can get a column out of this!”

Do you see why I call our opponents desperate? This opportunism in the face of a child’s tragedy isn’t just disgusting — it’s fakery as well, which can pass for truth only if you ignore basic, verifiable facts.

First, most abused children are victims of a man in a heterosexual relationship with a relative of the child, a relationship that grants access more easily than the rigors of adoption or surrogacy. This is the best cover for pedophiles. This is what gets ignored when you demonize gay men in committed relationships.

Michael Cook must realize that presenting one horrific case does not establish a trend or persistent danger. So he works hard to link it to something broader, and that’s what makes his article so outrageous. In the article’s comments I responded:

What a terrible article, reducing this child’s tragedy for an illogical and factually wrong attack on same sex marriage. For instance, this:

“Child abuse, sadly, is nothing new. What is new is bringing children into the world for the express purpose of being abused. The toxic combination of same-sex adoption and surrogate motherhood makes that possible.”

The first sentence, sadly is true. The rest is nonsense. Is the author saying that no heterosexual parent has ever brought a child into the world for the purpose of abuse? If so, can we see evidence? As for the idea that “the toxic combination of same-sex adoption and surrogate motherhood makes that possible” — does it not occur to the author that two heterosexuals having sex also makes that possible?

This sort of logical blindness, this apparent psychological handicap that makes some unable to think clearly or see the obvious when it the issue involves homosexuality, is exactly the reason the word “homophobe” was coined.

I was immediately attacked for making “no mention of the evil crime committed against a defenseless child.” Which of course is untrue. A stronger rebuttal came from another source:

So you want evidence of a negative do you? I don’t know what philosophy 101 class you took but you should ask for your money back.

While the notion that you can never prove a negative is nonsense, he’s correct to say I’ve set Michael Cook an impossible task when I ask him to prove no child had before been created for the purpose of abuse, if only because we can’t account for every child ever born.

All this means, though, is that Michael Cook is basing his entire article on an assertion that cannot be proven. How much more damning can you get? Well, a little more damning, as it turns out.

This led Cook’s defender and me into an argument over burden of proof (Does Cook need to prove that this is “new”? Do I need to prove that it’s not?).

But all that was moot when it became clear that children have been created for this purpose. First, I found cases like (WARNING: YOU MAY WANT TO SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH): Steven Deuman Jr, who orally raped his 3-month-old daughter to death; a man from Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, who filmed himself raping his baby daughter; and Danny Friddle who began videotaping himself raping his daughter starting the day she was born. Do we know these men created children expressly to abuse them? I can only say that we have the same evidence that we have for the monsters in Cook’s article: that the abuse began almost immediately after birth.

Then one of our regular readers, “Spunky,” offered a solid link to stories of child exploitation and sex trafficking, which sent me off on a whole new bout of research, which led me to something blindingly obvious.


Children born into slavery become slaves. And slavery isn’t dead, of course. We simply call it by a new name: human trafficking. If you’d like to research this, use the terms “human trafficking” and “intergenerational prostitution.” But be careful. The stories you’ll encounter are what sent me from heated intellectual dispute into actual rage. I added this comment to the article:

I kept researching and researching, and I’ve discovered that this article is promoting an untruth: that “What is new is bringing children into the world for the express purpose of being abused.”

To say such a thing is to show callous disregard for children born to prostitutes who are forced into prostitution themselves. It’s been going on worldwide for years. These women are sexual slaves, and the reason their masters allow them to take a child to term (even if it means reduced earnings from the woman) is so that they can acquire a sexual slave. Google “intergenerational prostitution.” By implying that having children in order to exploit them is something “new” to same-sex adoption, the author is blithely ignoring the plight of these children around the world.

At this point, NOM’s Jennifer Roback Morse entered the fray — which was appropriate, since it through her NOM site that I found the article. She entirely missed the point:

Rob, you do yourself no credit here. No one on this thread, certainly not Michael Cook, would advocate in favor of prostitution, and in favor of prostitutes offering their children to their clients. No one on this thread is “blithely ignoring the plight of these children.” This site is on record as being opposed to human trafficking in all its forms. I feel sure I am speaking for the other commenters here on this point.

Actually, Dr. Morse does herself no credit when she sets up a straw man like this. Of course Michael Cook is opposed to human trafficking — at least, I’d certainly been assuming so. But that simply reinforces my point: Our opponents are desperate. So desperate that they’ll ignore what they know is true; throw out unprovable, easily disproven statements; and blind themselves to great moral evil — as long as it allows them to mount a sad, gasping, despicable attack against us.


July 9th, 2013

Reproductive tech. is a huge hobby horse for NOM and Morse in particular. Morse has spoken many times that families should accept childlessness as their fate rather than use assistance.


July 9th, 2013

You’re having a bad day, amigo. Let it go. No, I know, but seriously, it’s not worth the stress hormones. I can hear your hairs greying from here, and they aren’t worth your time and energy.

Cynical me – I don’t expect to win arguments with those who refuse to see. No matter how you structure your argument, they’re going to easily move around it like water around a boulder – because they can’t see it, and they don’t want to.

They have so much invested in thinking the way that they do that to ask them to do otherwise would probably unravel their psyche. There’s nothing more dangerous than a drowning man, and taking away those things they have that keep them afloat? Well, asking them to accept that they’re wrong about homosexuality? It’s going to generate the same reaction as trying to take away the life preserver from someone in over their head.


July 9th, 2013

You did good, Rob. What NOM is pushing is just an extension of the old lie that all gays are abusers. What many if not most people aren’t aware of is that the most dangerous sexual predator is a stepfather or mom’s boyfriend – the numbers are in the millions of victims. So good work pointing that out again as you have in the past. Of course some small fraction of gay parents may become abusive in one way or another, just as straight ones do – but nobody is calling for straight marriage to be abolished, right?

NOM knows the war is already over, and they lost. They and the other extremists are just screaming in desperation now, any bizarre or illogical cry will do. Reminds me of the Wicked Witch of the West as she melts away.


July 9th, 2013

Do you want to become even more enraged, Rob?

I read this article (In Russian) in which this story was used as an example of the usefulness of the recently adopted Russian law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by American citizens, and the even newer law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by any foreign same-sex-couples (or single foreign ctizens, who may theoretically enter a legally recgnized same-sex union where they are). I think Google Translate does a decent enough job of most of it:


July 9th, 2013

They’re against human trafficking? That’s very unbiblical.

Gene in L.A.

July 9th, 2013

I read a story almost the same as this about a decade ago. The outrageous thing is that the enemies of equality have no compunctions about lying to further their agenda.

enough already

July 9th, 2013

Well, you kicked me off your site for saying Christians do horrid things to us.
How bad must it get?

Patrick Hogan

July 9th, 2013

Hmm. The RuthBlog comments on the article appear to have been closed, with all comments removed. Fascinating what happens when the conversation doesn’t go according to their script.

Jim Hlavac

July 9th, 2013

I have argued for years to take the people who accuse “homosexuals” of child molesting to court — in one big class action suit — it is slander and libel and a false police report, it is willingly uttering falsehoods with the intent to disparage and cause economic and legal harm — these things are subject to proof in a court of law. I’ve been called a radical for my stance over the years — maybe some bright gay lawyer will finally do it — for it is a blunt accusing each and everyone of us of a crime and worse. And they know it’s not true.

Ben in Oakland

July 10th, 2013

Jim, I have actually waited for just that opportunity. Unfortunately, it never came my way.


July 10th, 2013

The ITAR-TASS link (which I didn’t explore) is a reminder of what happens next. Some gay-hating bigot says “Reports are circulating that gays abuse children.” FAUX News has a feature story: “Multiple reports of gays abusing their children” Soon after, TeaParty/GOP wingnut introduces legislation banning gays from having any access to children anywhere, citing widespread media reports of gays murdering babies. And so it goes.

Sure sounds like hate speech to me, especially if you replace “gay” with any other minority.

Bruce Garrett

July 10th, 2013

Back in the USENET days, on alt.politics.homosexuality they would regularly toss in horrific news stories of kids being molested or killed by a same-sex attacker and wave it around like it was evidence that homosexuals are a threat to children.

I would simply respond by reposting every news story that week of equally horrific crimes against children by an opposite sex attacker. Almost always these were relatives of the kid. I had access to wire service news streams back then, and could easily post what quickly amounted to a torrent of such news stories.

You can see Dan Savage taking a similar tack these days with his occasional “Every Child Deserves A Mother And A Father” posts over at SLOG. I won’t deny there are monsters among us. What I emphatically deny is that to be homosexual is to be a monster. What I emphatically deny is that we pose a greater threat to children than does the heterosexual majority. The threat to children is adult heartlessness. NOM, FRC, and such are all part of that problem.


July 10th, 2013

Jim: US law doesn’t allow actions for defamation against a class, only against a living person (who’s obviously his own spokesperson) or an organization (which has the authority to officially designate a spokesperson) (it also doesn’t allow the estate of a deceased person to bring an action).

I generally agree with this; the problem with allowing a member of a class to bring a defamation action on behalf of the class is that a court would have to just take his/her word that he/she was speaking on behalf of the entire class. This is not a very tenable position.

Timothy Kincaid

July 10th, 2013

The threat to children is adult heartlessness.

Yes. And as Jim said in his report several years ago, there is another related threat, perhaps as great.

The threat to children is when the adults who are to protect them allow their own prejudices to cause them to look away from real threats and focus on false ones. Every time NOM encourages a parent to fear gay men, it takes their focus off of the real threat: men who almost ALWAYS identify as heterosexual, who build relationships with a mother, who often are a step-father or boyfriend or priest or trusted friend.

The reported and trackable number of self-identifying gay men who molest children is far below the percentage of self-identifying gay men in society.

Ignoring reality and giving a false sense of security (“I kept them homos away”) is what gets children molested.


July 10th, 2013

I think what area that bugged me the most is this quote “But the ghastly story of Newton and Truong suggests that same-sex marriage will be the best possible cover for those who are.” I hate it because it ignores the reality of the situation in order to allow the writer to keep their biased point throughout the entire piece. Statistically a male relative is the one that will molest the child and that is usually the dad himself. So it would appear that heterosexuals are using marriage in order to cover up what they have done. It is similar to those that believe that the person isn’t an abuser because they seem like the perfect spouse and couldn’t possibly be doing that to their partner.

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