NOM exceeds its goal

Timothy Kincaid

September 16th, 2014

A month ago we told you about the ambitious efforts of the National Organization for Marriage to slap down mega-retailer Target over the company’s support for marriage equality. At the time, NOM had accomplished a significant portion of their lofty goal, getting 2,800 people to pledge to join a boycott on the store.

Now it appears that not only has NOM reached their goal of 2,800, but they’ve done so with such confidence that they’ve moved the goal-post. Now NOM, having achieved 2,856 signatories, is eagerly seeking 2,900!

I suppose a cynical person might be inclined to believe that the goal just automatically updates itself to the next 1,000 so as to let the next visitor to the site believe that their signature really matters. But, then again, a cynical person might also believe that NOM is a shell group that has no real grass roots, does nothing but attempt to get its name in media, and is nothing but a front for the nastier side of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

But we’re not cynical here. No, we choose to believe that NOM is bravely marching forward to make tangible change at Target and that some day they just might have enough signatures to scare the retail giant. Maybe, just maybe, if they keep at it, Target’s response to NOM’s protest might not be to increase gay visibility in their marketing.

So buck up, Brian Brown. Maybe you’ll be relevant again in the US some day. And if not, you can always learn Russian.

David in the O.C.

September 16th, 2014

Gee… however will Target survive without those 2,856 bigots not shopping at their stores? Considering that Target has 1,797 stores in the US, they’ll be losing 1 1/2 customers per store! I’m utterly shocked that Target hasn’t filed for bankruptcy.

/end sarcasm

Bose in St. Peter MN

September 16th, 2014

Yay, NOM! Prove your power!

The Hartford Institute for Religion Research currently has over 700 megachurches claiming average attendance of 3,000-45,000. So, it’s as if NOM has gotten the attention of ONE out of the 700, and could double its Target response by getting ONE more.

Liberty U has tens of thousands of newly-minted alumni in the past decade (and claims many more online attendees). So, NOM could double its Target response by attracting a few more percentage points of alumni, donors and parents committed to Liberty U.

The Catholic Church, with 78 million baptized members in the U.S., 50 million after subtracting the “fallen-away” demo, likely still has a million fully behind NOM’s marriage bans. Even under such generous accounting, NOM has yet to get the attention of 1% — if even 0.1% — of ban-friendly Catholics.

Lucky for NOM, it’s still got its adoring LGBT fans who appreciate its impotence and ridiculousness more than it will ever know.


September 16th, 2014

A lot even of those who signed are probably like me in that they don’t go there anyway. I’ve shopped at Target exactly once in the last five years. They didn’t have what I was looking for, so all I bought was a Toblerone… which was enough that my card was in their system when all the numbers were stolen.


September 16th, 2014

I’m helping, I spent $30 there today

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