October 6th, 2014
Family “Research” Council’s Tony Perkins has cornered the market on rose-colored glasses this afternoon:
If liberals should be anything, it’s worried. When it comes to marriage, time is not on their side. Deep down, the Left knows it needed the Court to force same-sex “marriage” on America before more people saw the fallout for Christians like Aaron and Melissa Klein. Or sportscasters like Craig James. Or CEOs like Brandon Eich. Ask them if same-sex “marriage” is just about two people who love each other. For them, it was about losing their business, their livelihood, and their freedom.
If the Supreme Court thinks America isn’t ready for same-sex “marriage,” they’re right. As more states are forced to recognize it, people will see the ensuing attacks on religious freedom. They’ll feel the wedge driven between parents and their children when school curriculum is changed to contradict the morals moms and dads are teaching at home. They’ll shudder as more people lose their jobs because they refuse to celebrate (not just tolerate) same-sex “marriage.” Maybe then they’ll realize that the true goal is not about the marriage altar — but fundamentally altering society.
As disappointing as the Supreme Court’s silence is, the good news is that the debate over same-sex “marriage” will continue. With 92 cases on marriage flooding the courts, conservatives have a chance to push back and demand that Congress step in where SCOTUS has not. By refusing to get involved in a mess it helped create, the justices are leaving our laws vulnerable to rogue judges on the lower courts. With the exception of one district court, the benches have been filled with black-robed tyrants who insist on substituting their radical ideology for history, legal precedent, and the consensus of voters and the law. That has to stop.
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Jim Hlavac
October 6th, 2014
Who is attacking their freedom? They can hate us all they want … and for all I care preach for my death at their hands, the murderous cads (they’re not quoting Leviticus 20:13 and 18:22 “death to homosexuals” for the hell of it, are they? they must mean murder, and nothing less.)
But what I don’t get, and never have – is why you would so opposed to the happiness of others? As I just pointed out on another of your posts – what Perkins is logically saying is that trashing gay men, hounding us forever for what he himself says it the fault of our fathers — keeps society together. And if a nice word is ever uttered about us — society is doomed.
We just can’t be the lynchpin like this, we just can’t be that important. It’s bizarre. Well, I’m sure his wife will have to listen to him cry all night, and I suppose start to worry where his next paycheck will come from – his job will soon be over.
Ben in oakland
October 6th, 2014
Oh, Jim, there are always muslims and uppity women.
October 6th, 2014
“Ask them if same-sex “marriage†is just about two people who love each other.”
The problem with Tony’s argument here is that he has it exactly backwards. Yes, it is just about two people who love each other. The problem happened when the people he cited decided to make it about some 2000 year old text, and their own personal animus towards a minority.
And, not a single one of those people cited have lost one single freedom they had before any of this. They will still be able to attend whatever church they want this Friday, Saturday or Sunday. They can read from whatever holy text they want to read from, and they can pay for anything they want to pray for to any god they choose.
None of those people lost their livelihood. Eich still has a very good well paying job with Yahoo, the Klien’s, using their personal freedoms, elected to close up their shop, but it appears they still selling cakes out the back door of their house. As for Craig James, his employer, in Canada if memory serves, has the same freedom to decide who does and does not work for them based on whatever criteria they choose. I suspect that even if we still didn’t have marriage equality, he would have been fired following is broad-based anti-gay public rantings. But in the end, he’s still free to say those things.
October 6th, 2014
Maybe they’ll realise we fundamentally alter society by legalising homosexuality. Maybe they’ll realise preventing same sex couples from marrying pointlessly retains the legacy of a time when homosexuality was criminalised.
Maybe they’ll realise that reforming marriage law is toward the tail end of a decades long civil rights struggle for equality.
I’ve long since realised the true goal of Tony Perkins and his Family Reseach business is not about the marriage altar – but about fundamentally resisting social inclusion. He doesn’t just want to prevent same sex marriage. He on record as saying he wants to recriminalise homosexuality.
Sir Andrew
October 6th, 2014
Forget the color of his glasses. What color is the SKY in his world?
October 6th, 2014
Oh Tony, most of the states that will gain marriage equality with today’s action don’t have anti-discrimination laws that protect gays and lesbians. So your good “Christian” friends will be free to practice their bigotry in their businesses all they want, and then Tony will be able to scream “oppression” when their businesses are criticized or lose customers.
Of course as more Catholic schools and businesses owned by religious conservatives fire their gay-married employees, it is possible opinion will be swayed even more toward gay equality.
October 6th, 2014
“So your good “Christian†friends will be free to practice their bigotry in their businesses all they want, and then Tony will be able to scream “oppression†when their businesses are criticized or lose customers.”
They’ve already claimed that merely posting a multi-colored sticker saying that “if you’re buying, we’re selling” amounts to persecution. Evidently you’re persecuting them because they believe that us LGBT folks shouldn’t be given the opportunity to know who’s going to discriminate against us until _after_ we enter their shops. If we can avoid accidentally stumbling into their shops, how will they be able to tell us we’re going to hell?
October 7th, 2014
“With 92 cases on marriage flooding the courts, conservatives have a chance to push back…”
That made me think of the joke about the boy who pestered his dad for a pony for Xmas and ten found the boy flinging the horseshit all over screaming there has to be a pony in here somewhere.
October 7th, 2014
“Tony” “Perkins” is going to have to find a new money maker…
Paul Douglas
October 7th, 2014
I think Tony will milk this old cow ’til it’s bone dry.
October 7th, 2014
Paul, I think you mean squirting blood. He’s pretty close to dry and showing no signs of slowing.
Regan DuCasse
October 7th, 2014
Oh I enjoyed all your delicious comments!!! Thanks gang…!
Timothy Kincaid
October 7th, 2014
If he was happy yesterday, he must be delirious today. He he
Joseph Singer
October 8th, 2014
Oh boo f’in hoo. Tell the truth that you’re just worried that your gravy train that pays you a six figure income is likely going to be history in a few years.
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