Posts Tagged As: Alex Jones
December 6th, 2016
Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it'll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many "coincidences" tied to it.
— Michael G Flynn🇺🇸 (@mflynnJR) December 5, 2016
There’s a bombshell out there that the mainstream media has been keeping from you, news so shocking that it has the media and liberal elites working overtime to suppress it. But thanks to Wikileaks and a few fearless news outlets on the internet, the truth is coming out. So all you have to do is Google it to find out more about what’s going on. Or follow Michael Flynn Jr.’s tweets. He knows what he’s talking about. He’s the son of Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s national security advisor. The younger Flynn is also his father’s chief of staff and top aide.
Since the mainstream media has been keeping you in the dark about “Pizzagate,” here it is in a nutshell. According to suspiciously encoded emails posted on Wikileaks from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, he and Clinton, along with billionaire donor and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, other top Democrats and the owner of a Washington, D.C., pizzaria, Comet Ping Pong, are all operating an international pedophile sex trafficking ring and satanic cult. Podesta’s coding in his emails was clever: “hotdog” meant boy, “pizza” meant girl, “cheese” meant little girl, “ice cream” was a male prostitute, “walnut” was a person of color, “map” is semen and “sauce” is orgy. No, I did not make any of that up. (And no, I’m not providing links.) Decoding those emails led to a shocking discovery: Hillary Clinton, when she wasn’t traveling around the country raising money and running for president, was also finding time to kidnap, molest and traffic children and inducing them into satanism in Comet Ping Pong’s back rooms. Alex Jones’ Infowars has been one of the better-known sites flogging the story. Donald Trump had appeared on Alex Jones’s syndicated radio program and praised him for his “amazing” reputation.
The reason the mainstream media has been keeping this news from you is pretty obvious. None of it is true, except that there really is a billionaire donor and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who, like a lot of billionaire donors, has extensive ties to Trump as well as the Clintons. But conservative fake news sites have been pushing the story since about the beginning of November, as far as I can tell. It appears to also have been popularized by a Pizzagate conspiracy board on Reddit. Reddit has since shut that board down, a move that has a way of sparking even more conspiracy theories.
The fake news surounding Pizzagate has had real world consequences, not just to the rich and powerful but also to ordinary people caught in its crosshairs. Comet Ping Pong’s owner, James Alefantis, received hundreds of death threats the since the whole thing started, and his employees have found their Facebook photos, including photos of their children, plastered on fake news sites. Alefantis has been in contact with the FBI and local police, as well as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Reddit, to try to combat the false stories, mostly to no avail. In mid-November, a week after the election, one Pizzagate “citizen investigator” showed up and shot live video during a busy dinner hour inside the kid-friendly restaurant. (The ping-pong portion of the restaurant’s name refers to the ping-pong tables that double as dinner tables.) D.C. police asked him to leave.
Edgar Maddison Welch, fron his Facebook page
But the worst almost happened last Sunday. Twenty-eight-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch traveled from his home to Salisbury, North Carolina, to “self-investigate” Comet Ping Ping. Naturally, his investigative tools included an AR-15 assault rifle. When he entered the crowded pizzeria with the rifle, patrons quickly emptied the restaurant. Welch pointed the gun at a restaurant employee who also fled. Welch fired a shot — no one was hurt — and Welch later surrendered to police.
If these were ordinary times, this would be the end of Pizzagate. These aren’t ordinary times. The Inquisitr is livid that Welch’s actions “undermines citizen investigations.” Others are saying that the whole thing is a false flag, and that Welch is some kind of an actor playing a part in an elaborate plot to discredit Pizzagate.
And so Pizzagate continues to grow. That’s the thing about the post-truth society we find ourselves in. Facts that counter a conspiracy theory get turned around and become fertilizer for it. And our president elect and his minions are enthusiastic supporters of those conspiracies and their proponents. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much scared shitless right now.
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