Posts Tagged As: Firpo Carr

LaBarbera Award: Firpo W. Carr

Jim Burroway

December 12th, 2008

Have you heard of him? It didn’t register with me. But if his name is familiar to you, it might be because he was once the spiritual adviser to Michael Jackson. He’s a columnist for the Los Angeles Sentinel, one of the oldest and most influential African-American newspapers in the Western United States.

He signs is name “Dr. Firpo W. Carr,” although I have no idea what kind of a doctor he is supposed to be. He’s certainly not a medical one. That should be evident with this column which appeared just yesterday:

Lesbian Legacy: There is discussion masquerading as debate as to whether or not lesbians get the virus that causes AIDS. Here’s what makes it a pseudo argument: prostitutes infected with HIV have in turn infected their johns through vaginal fluids, especially if menstrual blood is present. Now, if this same HIV-infected prostitute was to service a female client through vagina-to-vagina sex, and menstrual blood was present in the prostitute, bingo, the female client is exposed to and may well have been infected. Don’t let anyone tell you that lesbians cannot get HIV/AIDS from each other.

In my previous article published last week I listed some diseases associated with gay men. Well girls, it’s your turn this week. The following is a list of “lesbian” maladies and infections and the practices that spread them. Thrush: A disease where there is an overgrowth of yeast causing vaginal itching and soreness, often with a white discharge. It is contracted through lesbian sex, both vagina-to-vagina and oral sex. Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerella): This disease is characterized by an overgrowth of vaginal bacteria causing a smelly discharge, which lesbians often experience, some believe exclusively. Genital Warts: These are unsightly bumps or warts on the vulva, in the vagina, on the cervix or round the anus. They can be passed through lesbian sex, and by touching, rubbing or sharing “sex toys.” It is possible that non-genital warts on the hands of one female can be transferred to the vagina of another during fondling. HPV (Human papillomavirus) causes genital warts in both men and women.

Good lord, he goes on and on, listing all of these diseases which actually are quite common among heterosexual women. The medical literature is filled with examples.

And what about that “previous article last week”? Well in addition to his list of “diseases associated with gay men” (the vast majority of which are actually illnesses which were associated with AIDS before effective treatment became available in the mid 1990’s), he included this incredibly paranoid gem:

Domestic violence among gay men is particular heinous and cruel as compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Oh, and let’s not leave out lesbians. Law enforcement agencies are struggling with a new phenomenon. “Butch” lesbians who physically abuse “lipstick” lesbians can easily penetrate the defenses of women’s shelters where victims seek refuge since they, too, are women. The original purpose of the shelters was to provide safe haven for women abused by men.

Where does he get this stuff?

Jasmyne Cannick gave Carr the Negro Please Award (Notice: her web page has embedded sound, to the tune of “If I Only Had A Brain”):

I don’t know which is worse, racist white gays or Bible thumping homophobes who are intellectually challenged like Dr. Carr.

Dr. Carr, you are my official ‘Negro Please Award’ recipient of the week…and believe me, you earned it with this one.

We don’t have that award at BTB, but we do have the LaBarbera Award which is just as appropriate. And believe me, he earned that one as well.

[A very big hat tip with a sweeping bow: Pam Spaulding]


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