Tenners officially seeking to reverse Prop 8

Timothy Kincaid

November 16th, 2009

As of today, Californians can begin the process of collecting signatures to get a proposition on the ballot to reverse Prop 8 in November 2010.

Actually, there are five separate propositions for which signatures can be collected. Each reverses the language of Proposition 8 and provides clarity that no clergy person will be required to perform marriages contrary to the teachings of their faith.

It is difficult to state at the moment whether these are competing propositions due to disorganization or if perhaps (knowing their lack of ethics) anti-gays are trying to sabotage the process.

In any case, Love Honor Cherish has a new website, Sign For Equality, with petitions which can be downloaded and printed. So those of you who support bringing this challenge back to the ballot next year can start collecting signatures now. Love Honor Cherish is trying to do this without spending money for signature collectors, so they can use your help.

While I respect the opinions of those who favor waiting until 2012 or later, my personal opinion is that we bring this to the ballot every general election, every two years, until the voters get it right.

Joe in California

November 16th, 2009

Go out there and get that petition! Get it signed!
Come out! be noticed! be counted!


November 16th, 2009

You know this is right on! Also this just continues to bring all of us much higher visibility and our issues are raised to the forefront yet again as society changes and evolves until they do get it right. It will happen one day soon. It may even be 2010. We’ve got to be tough because we are tough!


November 17th, 2009

It is important that the supporters of the ballot get their act together and co-operate. If the petitions between them get sufficient signatures, divided between five different petitions, the process will fail hopelessly. Identify which (of the acceptable wordings) has the strongest chance of success, and unite behind it.

Ben in Oakland

November 17th, 2009

The campaign needs to get it right, too. We had a not-as-but-still closeted campaign in Maine, and barely own in washington despite the incompetence and stupidity of the anti-gays.

And yes, i donated to both.


November 17th, 2009

You’re all wasting your breath. Its not that our people lost in California because of Mormon Propaganda or some other religious motivation. Its that straight people hate gay people. This is intwined in their primative natures. Its not religion that is our enemy, it is this subset of non-humans that are. Heterosexuality MUST be eliminated in order to ensure our survival.


November 17th, 2009

Trovore, by insisting that equality is inherently unachievable because of human nature, you are repeating our opponents’ words.


November 17th, 2009

“Heterosexuality MUST be eliminated in order to ensure our survival.”

Um, what?


November 17th, 2009

Yeah, trovore is trolling.


November 17th, 2009

Uhh.. without heterosexuals we wouldn’t even be here to argue about this stuff.. Goofy. And way to trash the millions of heterosexuals who are with us on this fight.

The fact that they can’t even organize around one petition just makes me even more wary of the 2010 effort.

Ken in Riverside

November 17th, 2009

The fact that they can’t even organize around one petition just makes me even more wary of the 2010 effort.


I am a fatigued Californian voter.


November 17th, 2009

If I were a Californian I’d vote for repeal. Having said that, I’m not donating anything to the effort this time. After Maine it is clear to me that a few more years need to pass before we’ll make a dent on SSM. Civil unions perhaps, but not marriage. I wish it were different but I’m a realist. Besides, I’d rather spend more efforts on things like ENDA, DADT repeal, etc. than fight another losing round on SSM. Perhaps if we are successful on these other things SSM will follow that much faster.


November 18th, 2009

Psychologically speaking, I see both an advantage and disadvantage. Advantage: People have more favorable opinions on issues they are more familiar with; more voting means more familiarity means higher of gay marriage. Disadvantage: People’s opinions are made more firm when they follow it thru with action. The more a person physically puts pen to paper voting on a ballot, the harder to change their opinion.

I’d like to hear a psychologist’s view on this.

Robert in San Diego

November 19th, 2009

I agree with John, I will not donate any money to this, I will sign a petition if I come across one and I will vote to repeal it, but I will not do anything else other than that. Straight religious people hate us, sure we got the numbers down from when they passed prop 22 back in 2000 and 69% voted for that compared to 52% voting for prop 8. I’ll remind you that 75% of all blacks voting in 08 pushed the yes vote higher, which is really funny because I have black prostitutes staying at my hotel and they have YES on 8 stickers on their car, because for some reason it’s gays who affect children and straight marriages and not them who sleep with cheating husbands and ruin marriages, yeah that’s right, prostitutes think that I am a bigger evil on this planet when it comes to ruining marriages and not them. At least I would sleep with the husband for free.

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