“We’re Living In Sodom and Gomorrah! Damn You People!”

Jim Burroway

August 5th, 2010

A gentle BYU grad (or maybe just a fan?) responds to Judge Walker


By the way, his own straight marriage looks like it’s not in such great shape. Restraining orders, court appointed psychologists, etc. So much for opposite sex couples being better.

[Hat tip: BTB reader Stephen]


August 5th, 2010

haha, I love him. I’m posting this vid on all my activist friends’ fb profiles.


August 5th, 2010

Admittedly, the title of this entry followed by the first line had me laughing.

I think I need to follow Aaron’s path and post this on Facebook.

Fr. Tommy

August 5th, 2010

The most one could say was that gang rape is wrong or go even further and say that gang rape of angels is wrong. The story of S&G says absolutely nothing about gay people. You can even find in Ezekiel 16:49-50 it says “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom, She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” and then in Jesus’ own words in Luke 10:8-12, he explains that the inhospitable towns that would not receive the disciples would suffer a fate worse than Sodom. Crazy fundamentalists who have probably never actually read the Bible verses they so often throw at gay people.

Rob San Diego

August 5th, 2010

We should of withheld the judges name from all those right wingers just as they want to withhold their names from petitions from us seeing them claiming that we will do harm to them. Um, this dude is a clear reason why their is more hatred for us then us giving it to them. Oooh, we’re going to boycott their business’s where as they are going to kill us. Hmm, what would Jesus do…..?


August 5th, 2010

Oh my…someone forgot their meds this morning.


August 5th, 2010

OMG! Have you read this guys wikipedia biography? BYU Grad in theater; poet; biggest claim to fame is interviewing Robert Bly; has spent years immersed in the Men’s Gatherings Movement (reminds me of Rich Wylers Journey into Manhood reparative sham), and so on.

Looks like someone has some gnarly unresolved identity/masculinity issues.

Ed W

August 6th, 2010

Oh yeah, children do better with a mother and a father! Especially when this dad had his kids testify in court against mom. Oh yeah, I’m sure those kids are happy campers.

Scott P.

August 6th, 2010

I have no idea who this person is, for which I thank the heavens!

Rarian Rakista

August 6th, 2010

We need a zoo for bigots, I would put this one in with the Zebras because that is what his teeth look like.

L. Junius Brutus

August 6th, 2010

A rare bigot for whom I actually feel sorry.


August 6th, 2010

This man is basking in the attention you are giving him. He wants you (youtube pathetics) to listen to his ranting and ramblings. He doesn’t cite many examples; just opinion. His other rambling video talks about protesting the government and the evil MSM. That’s a big clue he listens to only ex-Alaska Governors (teabaggers) and hates anything Obama and is sorry he not making money like another Mormon: Glenn Beck. He is a Glenn Beck wannabe.

I feel sorry for him.

I feel sorry for all BYU alums. They’re going to be lumped together with this guy. Yes, every person from BYU or the Mormons think exactly like this dude. /sarc


August 6th, 2010

I agree with Fergie.

This individual, and most of those who are running around and yelling with raised arms flailing, are the very ones struggling with their own homosexuality.


Timothy Kincaid

August 6th, 2010

Oddly, he articulated the entire argument in one sentence: “opposite sex couples are better than same sex couples.” That’s exactly what they want to have encoded into law and that is exactly what the court rejected as unconstitutional.

The anti-gay argument truly, at it’s core, is an appeal to superiority.


August 6th, 2010

After reading a few public comments on KSL.com when the news about the Proposition 8 was overruled, the gist of most entries was having gays in their faces, having to tell their children about gays, or having to see or associate with gays. It would be fine for most of them if we all went back into the closet.

Sometimes anonymous rants on a public forum is telling. It reveals some seething bigotry.

Stephen C.

August 6th, 2010

Timothy, that’s my favorite line, too. However, I feel his argument is slightly more complex than you’re giving him credit. I mean, there’s some pretty important points you may have missed.

1. Talk loudly. It makes you right.
2. Wrongheaded decisions are wrong.
3. A marriage between a man and a woman was the right thing to do.
4. Society will crumble if gays are allowed to marry.
5. Children! Think of the children!
6. Gays are second-class citizens. They’re just not as good as straight people. Done.
7. Misinterpret the Bible to justify intolerance.
8. Damn you people!
9. Equality is pure wickedness.
10. Gays are selfish for wanting equal rights.

Scott P.

August 6th, 2010

I had just shown this rant to my spouse when Mormon missionaries were knocking on my neighbor’s door. If they had come to mine I’m not sure I could have been civil to them. I know it would’ve been wrong to take it out on them, but this kind of contempt breeds hatred, hard to get past this flaming bigotry.


August 6th, 2010

Well there’s 57 seconds I will never get back! LOL!

He’s like a right-wing version of the ‘Leave Britney Alone!’ guy, Chris Crocker.



August 6th, 2010

We got ours….and we ain’t sharin’ it with no damn queers!

Nelson blane

August 6th, 2010

What I find ironic is that he talks about the welfare of the children ” who will pay the price” in that I have prevented several gay youth, most are Christians, some as young as 12, from committing suicide [hanging, slit throat, jump off cliff, set self on fire] because of the intolerant and hate attitudes by those like above. These gay youth have little chance to enjoy a happy, normal, and social childhood, as their straight friends do. And they damn them and their supporters in the name of God

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