April 9th, 2014
Last week, police in Kampala raided and shut down an HIV/AIDS Service provider funded by the U.S. military’s Walter Reed Project. This morning, NTV Uganda reports on another raid taking place in the Nakasero district in downtown Kampala where most of the government and diplomatic buildings are located.
Kampala police yesterday released this statement concerning the raid at the Walter Reed Project. It appears that they had been sending undercover officers to the project. Note the depiction of materials describing safe sex practices as a “same-sex pornographic film.”
Police received a report that an NGO based in Nakasero area of Kampala was carrying out recruitment and training of young males in unnatural sexual acts.
Police deployed crime intelligence officers to verify the claims, by infiltrating the project. Two officers undertook the assignment.
The officers were registered for training by the NGO, and given identification numbers. The training targeted youth between the ages of 18 and 25.The trainees were shown videos of men engaging in homosexual activity, and they were encouraged to bring along their sexual partners.
The trainees were further given literature describing safe sexual practice between males, as well as condoms and lubricant. They were each paid between UGX. 10,000 to UGX. 100,000, as transport refund, at the end of each training session. On 4th of April, 2014, crime intelligence officers observed a large number of participants being shown a same-sex pornographic film. The officers identified themselves to the facilitators, and asked for an explanation on what was happening.
On learning of the presence of the Police, the participants fled. One of the facilitators accompanied the officers to Jinja Road Police Station to assist in investigation, and was later released.
The NGO later complained to the Inspector-General of Police of harassment and unprofessional conduct by the officers involved, and the IGP has directed the Professional Standards Unit to investigate.
In the meantime, we appeal to all persons who may have participated in this training, or have information that could assist the Police in the investigation, to volunteer such information to the Police.
Fred Enanga
Police Spokesman
Uganda Police Force
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Timothy Kincaid
April 9th, 2014
10,000 UGX (Uganda Shilling) equals about $4 USD.
The somewhat common practice of reimbursing travel costs in very poor communities is portrayed as “paying” in order to feed the myth that foreign homosexuals are bribing Uganda youth.
April 9th, 2014
“The officers were registered for training by the NGO, and given identification numbers. The training targeted youth between the ages of 18 and 25.The trainees were shown videos of men engaging in homosexual activity, and they were encouraged to bring along their sexual partners.”
What a load of bullshit.
April 9th, 2014
The choice of words throughout the video… just wow… In spanish there’s an idiom “depende del cristal con que se mire” which fits so perfectly here. Translation would mean something like ‘things depend on ones point of view’. Gay = very bad, then anything gay related = bad, period. How do people with such a point of view transition from that foundation through which they filter (and describe) events to one where gay is just dandy??? Any true and tested methods?
Denis LeBlanc
April 10th, 2014
Your headline states the police raid “another” HIV Service provider. However, the video by NTV Uganda clearly only reports on last week’s raid at the Walter Reid Project clinic, despite stating the reporter stating the clinic was in the Nakasero area, everything, included the reprinted police statement, is related to the Walter Reid Project clinic. I believe there have not been 2 raids but that this is an error by the NTV reporter, picked up in error by your headline.
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