November 25th, 2012
He’s actually behaving like a proud papa:
World Net Daily has just published a major story on Uganda, where President Museveni has publicly repented for the sins of the nation in the model of 2 Chron 7:14 on the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence. It also breaks the news that the Ugandan Parliament has dropped the death penalty provision of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill which is now expected to pass into law with overwhelming public support. I am heavily quoted in the article.
Breaking Update. The story has been picked up by Drudge!! and is running in the top spot in the left column.
Here is the article on WND.
This is a huge blessing for Uganda and for me personally after having been vilified globally (and falsely) for two years by the leftist media as the accused mastermind of the death penalty provision. Please give this story your best push for maximum exposure. Blessings, Pastor Scott Lively
Drudge!!! And here’s Lively on WND:
Lively added that (Uganda President Yoweri) Museveni is definitely drawing a contrast between Uganda and the West.
“This incident is also important as a contrast to the picture being painted of Uganda by the godless left of a backwards, violent and savage culture intent on murdering homosexuals,” Lively said.
“On the contrary, Museveni is calmly and confidently setting the course of his nation by the guidance of the Bible, in a way that also shows great courage and resolve,” Lively said.
Homosexual activist groups have criticized the government of Uganda and Museveni for passing laws criminalizing homosexual behavior. A current bill before the Ugandan Parliament increases the jail sentences for homosexual acts and includes criminal penalties for those who encourage or promote homosexuality. The bill had included the death penalty for those who commit multiple acts of homosexual behavior, but the provision has been removed, BBC News reports.
Scott Lively speaking at the infamous anti-gay conference in Kampala, Uganda, March 7, 2009.
Lively is best known for his role, reported first here on BTB, as featured speaker at an anti-gay conference held in Kampala in March 2009. During that conference, Lively touted his book, The Pink Swastika, in which he claimed that gays were responsible for founding the Nazi Party and running the gas chambers in the Holocaust. Lively then went on to blame the Rwandan genocide on gay men and he charged that gay people were flooding into Uganda from the West to recruit children into homosexuality via child sexual molestation. Lively would later boast that his March 2009 talk was a “nuclear bomb against the gay agenda in Uganda.”
And what a bomb it was. During that same trip, Lively met with several members of Uganda’s Parliament. The public panic stoked by the March conference led to follow-up meetings, a march on Parliament, and a massive vigilante campaign waged on radio and the tabloid press. Only two weeks after the conference, rumors were circulating that Parliament was drafting a new law that “will be tough on homosexuals.” That new law, in its final form, was introduced into Parliament later in October. Lively eventually disavowed the proposed death penalty, but he really had to struggle with it a while before finally deciding that it was not worth supporting because, after all, its presence might tank the rest of the bill. Otherwise, he said, it was “an encouraging step in the right direction” which “deserve(s) support from Christian believers and other advocates of marriage-based culture around the world.”
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Gene in L.A.
November 25th, 2012
Lively says “… where President Museveni has publicly repented for the sins of the nation in the model of 2 Chron 7:14…” Well, what he cites is the second part of one sentence spread over 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. “13 When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (New International Version). This is God speaking to Solomon after the completion of the Temple and Solomon’s Palace, and He is speaking of His people, Israel. This is Old Testament theology once more being adopted by a Christian to further his vision of morality. It has little to do with Jesus or his teachings, which is to say little to do with true Christianity at all.
November 25th, 2012
Uganda: Arm-band Christian fantasy land of what they want to do to us here in this country if they had their way.
Can’t you just feel the love, delivered with every truncheon blow?
November 25th, 2012
And this is why I fucking hate religion.
November 26th, 2012
I don’t think the leader of one of the most corrupt governments on the planet is capable of repenting for anything. Do they not realize what they’re supporting here or are these “Christians” such immoral people that they simply do not care??
If this thing goes through, I guarantee most of the people who suffer from it will be straight. Sure, they’ll get whatever gay people they can find too, but I think this is mostly about having a means to eliminate those who are inconvenient to the government and also certain Fundamentalist/Pentecostal preachers who’ve supported the bill.
Timothy Kincaid
November 26th, 2012
Then you hate religion for a foolish reason.
Religion does turn a person evil. It is but a conduit for a person’s character to express itself. Lively would be as vile without religion; he’d just use tradition or economics or patriotism or care for a better society as his excuses.
Many of the world’s monsters were not religious people and many more paid but token homage to any faith.
Of course some were religious.
But i wonder… We know that some people use religion to justify their hatred to you. Do you think that it could also be that you use people like this to justify hatreds that you may feel to religious people? (I’m not accusing, I’m asking)
November 26th, 2012
I disagree, Timothy. Never has a genocide or a war been fought specifically because a leader or a group did not believe in a god or gods. On the other hand, many, many wars, crusades, pogroms, and genocides have been committed specifically in the name of religion.
On the other hand, I actually do agree with you that those atrocities are, as you say, not committed by religion. I would argue they’re committed by people who have been convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong.
I think you’re probably a great person, but I’m with Byron on this one.
November 26th, 2012
“On the other hand, I actually do agree with you that those atrocities are, as you say, not committed by religion. I would argue they’re committed by people who have been convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong.”
I would add, “that just speaks to the fact that the people committing the atrocities are atheists in the way that everyone is an atheist: either you believe in a god *to the exclusion of all other gods* or you don’t believe in any.”
Edwin in Colorado
November 26th, 2012
I can’t believe anyone would have that much for people. He can’t like himself or excuses for it. I wonder how many gay people are in his family? Not that they would ever come out around him.
November 26th, 2012
I remember Scott lively from his involvement with the OCA ( Oregon Citizens Alliance) here in Oregon years ago. I see he is still as bigoted as ever and spreading more lies wherever he goes.
I wondered about his motives after reading your post and considering his behavior I suspect Mr. Lively may have been molested as a young man. Like so many others who were abused he has turned that self hatred to ward gays based on the mistaken idea that homosexuals are child predators when they are not.
Or maybe he’s just an asshole.
November 27th, 2012
I think Lively is physically incapable of moving his mouth in a way such that the truth emerges from it.
Just a Mom
November 27th, 2012
This ‘Mr.’ Lively sounds like a real winner and like so many of the religious leaders that I grew up with and many that are still around on the radio, tv etc.
While everyone has their right to their views, he, nor anyone else has the right to not only deny rights of another human being, but to go to the next step and try to make laws or in this case, influence laws to take anothers life, just for being alive is really an abomination.
As another poster wrote, there are many in this country that would like the same laws but are not stupid enough to open their mouths. They go right up to the edge then clamp their lips tight after people call them on it. Unfortunately, several are in positions to influence or change laws which scares the heck out of me. And is the reason that I will never stop fighting for rights of LGBT’s.
November 27th, 2012
How very Christ-like of Lively, but then again, what would anyone expect from the American taliban? This is a recipe for disaster bordering on a potential genocide. Pitting neighbor against neighbor, disagreements resulting in false charges of “supporting” homosexuality. Can anyone envision the Ungandan version of the Salem Witch Trials? The really disgusting part of this is Lively, Perkins etc. took their anti LBGT agenda to a vulnerable nation because as tolerance and LGBT rights grow in the US they had to find somewhere to peddle their special brand of zealotry.
There is no doubt in my mind that the blood of thousands of innocent people will be on their hands. I think Ghandi put it best when he said: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.â€
Priya Lynn
November 27th, 2012
“And is the reason that I will never stop fighting for rights of LGBT’s.”.
Thanks Mom. ; )
November 28th, 2012
Lively is one sick monster. He seems like the type that should be in a padded room! I hope he enjoys hell. after all thats where people like him go when they worship and promote satans agenda of hatred.
Matthew B. Winkel
December 1st, 2012
This jackass should change his last name to Deadly … he’s just another idiot who makes the majority of us Christians look bad (and make people like poor Lord_Byron and DN hate all religion)!
Just sayin’:
December 4th, 2012
What on earth is Scott Lively talking about, that this law somehow negates our image of Uganda as “violent and savage”? How on earth would you nonviolently execute someone?
I’m glad Uganda’s president and Scott Lively are “calmly” urging the wanton slaughter of a bunch of innocent people who didn’t do a damn thing to hurt anybody (and memo to bigots: heterosexual HIV/AIDS transmission affects far more Africans than homosexual transmission).
But it doesn’t matter if the executioners put on Boccherini’s String Quintet in E Major and ask each other for Grey Poupon while they murder gay people. There is nothing genteel, civilized, or cultured about any of this. It _is_ violent and savage. And so are you, Scott Lively. It’s about taking people’s lives.
December 4th, 2012
(For clarification, of course, this shouldn’t reflect on Ugandans generally, unless there are more Ugandan gay-bashers than American ones. Scott Lively is, of course, from America, so…)
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