Dark Clouds In the Sunshine State

Jim Burroway

September 21st, 2007

Greetings from Tampa

I’m in Tampa, and it’s been nice and sunny today. But instead of heading to the beach, I’ve been spending my day in nearby Brandon attending the Family Impact Summit where the skies are considerably darker.

In case you haven’t heard, our country has been lead by principalities and powers. They are rich, they are powerful, their leaders make hundreds of thousands of dollars from their activism. “We have to stand up against an evil agenda. It is an evil agenda and it will take anyone captive that is willing, or that is standing idly by,” Alan Chambers said as he neared the conclusion of his talk.

All of that was just from Alan Chamber’s talk this morning. It was interesting to hear him before a very different audience: it wasn’t CNN, and it wasn’t in front of “strugglers” at Love Won Out or the Exodus Freedom Conference. This was in front of culture warriers, on a panel called “The Homosexual Agenda,” with fellow panelists Robert Knight (Media Research Center), Peter Sprigg (Family Research Council), and Chris Stoval (Alliance Defense Fund).

And that is just scratching the surface of what I saw at the Family Impact Summit. It’s been a long day, and I have another full day tomorrow. But stay tuned. I’ll have so much more to share once I catch my breath.

Ken R

September 22nd, 2007

In case you haven’t heard, our country has been lead by principalities and powers. They are rich, they are powerful, their leaders make hundreds of thousands of dollars from their activism. “We have to stand up against an evil agenda. It is an evil agenda and it will take anyone captive that is willing, or that is standing idly by,” Alan Chambers said as he neared the conclusion of his talk.

You know Jim I thought you were talking about the Christian Right for a moment until I read that Alan Chambers said it.

Perhaps I am not truly that far off by my assumptions?

a. mcewen

September 22nd, 2007

apparently us gays have all the money and we control the media.

in the immortal words of a sitcom character:

“how come we overcame and nobody told me?”


September 22nd, 2007

I wonder what these other culture warriors are really thinking as they sit there listening to Alan Chambers speak? I can’t believe that they really respect him any more than they would respect any other gay person.

Ex-gays serve a use for the actual power houses of the Religious Right, but ex-gays are really kidding themselves if they think they really belong.

Emily K

September 22nd, 2007

Every group that builds itself into power through targeted hate of another group always uses the same rhetoric.

example: White Supremacist hate groups like the Aryan Nation say that Jews control the media and have unlimited financial resources.

Now, Chambers and Exodus with this “Values” group are saying the exact same thing about gays.

Shouldn’t it concern these people – who claim such moral superiority, and claim to be full of Christ’s love – be concerned that the words from their lips also come from the minds of government-confirmed hate groups?


September 23rd, 2007

God bless you man. I learned long ago that faxing pink liquid wasn’t very practical, or possible at all. So I thought this might be more effective.
(Pepto Bismol Dating game parody)
Type in a name, then click on the “ask a new question button.” Fourth question is..

“It’s the morning after a concert and I wake up feeling nauseous. How would you help me get back into rhythm? Sing it in a song.”

..my favorite song was #4:

“I thank it would go something like this,

♪ When the nausea’s too much to bear.
Just let me take, good care. ♪

When you’re nauseaus, that just ain’t right. whatchu need is my, chewy relief. So let’s not ever be apart. keep me close to your heart…always.

♪ Just take good care, don’t have a doubt. My relief will easily dissolve in your mouth. ♪

Thank you boys.”

…but I pick #1 for you.



September 24th, 2007

Oh you brave wonderful soul.

Timothy Kincaid

September 24th, 2007

The AP is saying that only about 104 people were registered.

Considering the cost and that a few of those there were non-supporters such as Jim, would it be fair to say that this summit was a collossal costly failure?

Jim Burroway

September 24th, 2007

I don’t know where the AP got their figures. I’d say the attendance was closer to 300 by evening, and maybe as many as 400 on the last evening. Attendance appeared to be lower during the day, especially so on Saturday.

But yes, I did overhear some of the organizers and speakers privately lament the low turnout — and complaining how difficult it has been lately to get good attendance at other events as well. And throughout Friday and Saturday there were several appeals for donations.

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