March 10th, 2008
Ohio County, Kentucky lies in the western part of the state, just south of Owensboro in the Western Coal Fields region. Far from the bright lights of the big city, it’s the last place you’d expect to find a story like this. But this is a new era, and demands for dignity and safety are taking root everywhere:
18 year old avid photographer Clyde Calloway is the president of the school choir and a member of the drama club and Kentucky School of the Arts.
The most recent organization he’s joined is the Gay Straight Alliance.
“A lot of people have joined,” Clyde explains. “At first, I was skeptical of what people might think. Now, you see how many people are in there. I feel more open than before.”
So far, membership stands at about fifty people — not bad for a high school student body of 1200. The group has been at Ohio County High for several weeks, but most students didn’t find out about it until the GSA placed a bulletin board in a hallway for poetry and artwork. But threats were posted instead, including one which said that a gun would be brought to the next meeting.
The principal isn’t so sure the school is ready for the GSA, but Clyde says that closing this organization isn’t an option:
“If it’s one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s don’t let people get you down about stuff. Be strong and if it’s something you really believe in, keep behind it until the end,” says Clyde.
Clyde’s mother, Deborah, sounds like a remarkable woman for having raised such a remarkable son:
“I raised him not to judge other people and he’s just carrying that on,” Deborah concludes. “I’m very proud of him.”
You can see the full video at WBKO Channel 13, Bowling Green.
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Emily K
March 10th, 2008
Kudos to Clyde!
March 10th, 2008
Living, modern day heroes.
March 11th, 2008
Great stuff! How incredibly brave a HS student must be to take a stand, especially in that particular environment. If you don’t think it is an unwelcoming environment, check out the majority of the comments posted at the WBKO video link (excerpt below):
“Parents in Bowling Green do not want the Gideons to give away Bibles at school, yet sexual perversion is being allowed in Ohio county? Were taking away our children’s right to know their creator and his truthful word (which is against homosexuality) and are giving them the scourge of perversion (homosexuality). What is wrong with this picture? We wonder were why crime and violence and drugs have destroyed so many of our youth? The school systems endorse hedonism and actually push children to an early sexual lifestyle before they have the maturity to understand its consequences. If they are allowing teaching homosexuality are they also going to allow the teaching and endorsement of drug abuse, alcoholism and incest, all in the name of “tolerance?” What next school systems of Kentucky, what next?”
This is what Clyde, his Mom and the School Board have to stand up against. They deserve all the support we can provide!
Mitch S
April 18th, 2008
Has an Ohio county resident, I must say this clyde must be very couragous. For some reason I had thought things to be so different now, since the time I went to OCHS. Thing were very bad then iwas called fag in hallways while non caring teachers said nothing. One of the adminstrators even agreed with some of the hateful guys. I would just like to say to Rev. Embry we r not the gays, I don’t believe I live on his street. Also I don’t believe myself to be on of those people. That being said I hope things get better at OCHS maybe cleaning out some of the adminstration there or teachers that tolerated such abuse toward students to uphold their narrow minds. Though i did have teachers that were excellent to me! Totally though way to go clyde but remember there is life after high school.
December 26th, 2008
Hey i want to say thx for all the Support!
Emily K
December 26th, 2008
clyde, please keep everyone informed of your fight.
Harry C.
March 18th, 2009
What’s next middle school and then head start? I thought most people that were gay or lesbian didn’t know(just wondered from time to time) until they came to their practice of sex. If that is so why are we promoting a lifestyle that promotes sex at these ages? Why stop there. They won’t until we have it in our day-cares.
Speculating which baby looks and acts like they might have same sex tendencies.
If you think that Gays and Lesbians are “compassionate” of different beliefs and points of view I suggest you look at a few youtube video’s concerning the lewdness and obnoxious behaviour in front of children or anyone. They don’t care. When I was young and lived in Florida the gays were constantly trying to convert me or “recruit” me and most of them were older adults. They didn’t care what I thought.All they wanted was to practice their “beliefs” and “lifestyles” on me. What many don’t realize is they “NEED” to infiltrate the younger and younger to feed their ever growing insatiable lewdness to them the younger the better.
Jason D
March 18th, 2009
What’s next middle school and then head start? I thought most people that were gay or lesbian didn’t know(just wondered from time to time) until they came to their practice of sex.
Well you thought wrong, Harry. Whenever it was that you (or your fellow heterosexual classmates) started noticing and being curious about the opposite sex — that’s about the time we gays start being interested in our own gender. Many of us know long before we ever have sex.
If that is so why are we promoting a lifestyle that promotes sex at these ages?
It isn’t so, and therefore we’re not.
Why stop there. They won’t until we have it in our day-cares.
Speculating which baby looks and acts like they might have same sex tendencies.
Here’s what you’re not getting. It’s not teachers and student standing around deciding for their classmates who is gay : The gay kids figure it out for themselves
If you think that Gays and Lesbians are “compassionate†of different beliefs and points of view I suggest you look at a few youtube video’s concerning the lewdness and obnoxious behaviour in front of children or anyone.
Oh where to begin with Heterosexuals?
-Mardi Gras
-St. Patrick’s Day
-Public Sporting Events
-Street Festivals
These are just some of the examples of “lewdness and obnoxious behavior in front of children or anyone.” A search of the internet finds plenty of straight people who can’t seem to keep their hands off kids, even.
Still, I don’t see how lewdness has negates compassion, please explain.
They don’t care. When I was young and lived in Florida the gays were constantly trying to convert me or “recruit†me and most of them were older adults. They didn’t care what I thought.All they wanted was to practice their “beliefs†and “lifestyles†on me.
If this is true, then you were pursued by criminals, and that has NOTHING to do with their sexual orientation. How many Priests have we seen molesting little boys and girls? Does that mean all Priests are sex perverts? How about all those heterosexual male and female teachers going after their students? Does that mean all teachers are perverts? So how can having some unfortunate incidents with some homosexuals mean we’re all bad?
I, for one, have no interest in anyone more than a year younger than my own age. I have yet to meet one gay person who’s interested in children (and I know a lot of shameless people).
You’re connecting dots that aren’t related.
What many don’t realize is they “NEED†to infiltrate the younger and younger to feed their ever growing insatiable lewdness to them the younger the better.
This was as much a lying scare-tactic when Anita Bryant presented as it is now. Contrary to popular belief, statistics show that the majority of child sexual assaults are committed by self-avowed heterosexuals, and or people with no interests in adults of any gender. Sorry, this site is full of factual information, we know better.
What’s more is that these groups show up in schools because the students want these groups.
Scott P.
March 18th, 2009
Jason, thank you, I didn’t know where to start with all of that nitwitery.
Harry C.
March 19th, 2009
Scott P.
March 18th, 2009 | LINK
Jason, thank you, I didn’t know where to start with all of that nitwittery.
nit⋅wit   /ˈnɪtˌwɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [nit-wit] Show IPA
–noun a slow-witted, stupid, or foolish person.
:This is exactly what I mean by “intolerance”. Absolutely no “no tolerance”. where was your compassion here? If you can’t attack the message for it’s substance lets just belittle the messenger. Let me guess your “gay”?
Which explains your use of “belittlement”
sorry won’t work here. I sense “insecurity” on your part. Thus the need to “push” your ideas on others because of your deep sense of need to feel accepted. One of the reasons you turned that way “for understanding” same old same old.
Emily K
March 19th, 2009
don’t you think you would get a less harsh reaction from people if you approached them as human beings instead of assuming they will be intolerant to you?
And it seems that Jason D. was quite tolerant, and explained every point you brought up, despite the fact that they are tiresome. Isn’t a “thank you” in order for his patient response?
Harry C.
March 19th, 2009
Jason D
March 18th, 2009 | LINK
What’s next middle school and then head start? I thought most people that were gay or lesbian didn’t know(just wondered from time to time) until they came to their practice of sex.
Well you thought wrong, Harry.
No not all actually I couldn’t be more correct. And your answer below proves it.(you knew it was wrong then, and you know it is wrong now).
Whenever it was that you (or your fellow heterosexual classmates) started noticing and being curious about the opposite sex — that’s about the time we gays start being interested in our own gender. Many of us know long before we ever have sex.
Sounds like your problem started way before your teenage years adolescence perhaps? (Nature itself shows you different and you know that as well).
If that is so why are we promoting a lifestyle that promotes sex at these ages?
It isn’t so, and therefore we’re not.:
That is an out right lie. You see there are those who “were” gay who will testify to that as well.(you know it, I know it based upon those who came out of that “unnatural” lifestyle alone.)
Why stop there. They won’t until we have it in our day-cares.
Speculating which baby looks and acts like they might have same sex tendencies.
Here’s what you’re not getting. It’s not teachers and student standing around deciding for their classmates who is gay.
:At that age (preschool/daycare)it will have gotten to that point.
The gay kids figure it out for themselves:
if corrected at an early age there is a better chance to help the “confused” child. And that is what we are talking about now isn’t “children”? A mistake only becomes a mistake when it is refused to be corrected.
If you think that Gays and Lesbians are “compassionate†of different beliefs and points of view I suggest you look at a few youtube video’s concerning the lewdness and obnoxious behaviour in front of children or anyone.
Oh where to begin with Heterosexuals?
-Mardi Gras
-St. Patrick’s Day
-Public Sporting Events
-Street Festivals
Two wrongs never made a right but from my vast experience it is the lewdness of Gays and Lesbians that far outweigh the straight 10 to 1. NO comparison here.
These are just some of the examples of “lewdness and obnoxious behavior in front of children or anyone.†A search of the internet finds plenty of straight people who can’t seem to keep their hands off kids, even.
Your definition of “straight” is as wrong as your definition is about “natural”. Those who you talk about when questioned you will find that children aren’t the only things on their menu in many case’s they also have said they enjoy sex with the same “gender” as well and many have said with animals as well. Like I said your definition of “straight” is very “crooked”. Truly straight is just that “straight”. Hard to “comprehend” huh?
Still, I don’t see how lewdness has negates compassion, please explain.
Of course you wouldn’t at this point your having a lot of trouble from what is natural and unnatural.
your definition of “compassion” is “tolerance” something you must have in order to “proliferate”.
They don’t care. When I was young and lived in Florida the gays were constantly trying to convert me or “recruit†me and most of them were older adults. They didn’t care what I thought.All they wanted was to practice their “beliefs†and “lifestyles†on me.
If this is true, then you were pursued by criminals, and that has NOTHING to do with their sexual orientation.
oh.. I beg to differ it had “everything” to do with their sexuality. The same is true today as it was then. There were also many younger gays in the area as well. To them it was all about sex and acceptance. That’s what they taught me. And I see it going on today in the Alliance.
How many Priests have we seen molesting little boys and girls? Does that mean all Priests are sex perverts? How about all those heterosexual male and female teachers going after their students? Does that mean all teachers are perverts? So how can having some unfortunate incidents with some homosexuals mean we’re all bad?:
first of all, once again two wrongs never makes a right. secondly, I don’t believe that gays and lesbians are all “bad”. Confused yes. Another thing you keep using perversion of others that are straight(by your definition) to condone the perversion of gay/lesbian acts.You are using your own argument against yourself.
I, for one, have no interest in anyone more than a year younger than my own age. I have yet to meet one gay person who’s interested in children (and I know a lot of shameless people).
You’re connecting dots that aren’t related.
So you say for yourself. You certainly don’t speak for all gay/lesbian. You and I both know that just like straight people committing the perverse act aren’t going to admit to those tendencies anymore then gay/lesbians as well. Both are wrong.
What many don’t realize is they “NEED†to infiltrate the younger and younger to feed their ever growing insatiable lewdness to them the younger the better.
This was as much a lying scare-tactic when Anita Bryant presented as it is now. Contrary to popular belief, statistics show that the majority of child sexual assaults are committed by self-avowed heterosexuals, and or people with no interests in adults of any gender.
statistics of which I am not aware of. further more as this lifestyle (gay/lesbianism)continues the “statistics” show that not only has STDs have increased but so isn’t crimes against children sharply on the rise from the gay/lesbian community.
As well as against older people that are “intolerant” of them. Sorry but these are the facts. doesn’t matter if I believe/accept that lifestyle or not.
Sorry, this site is full of factual information, we know better.
Did I miss something? I thought this “website” was “interested” in learning the “facts” for straight and gay alike? Not just pushing one set of “perceived” facts. I wonder if this will even get posted now?
What’s more is that these groups show up in schools because the students want these groups.
Absolutely NOT. Truth is the “equal access” laws can’t keep them out or they face retribution of the federal government from which they receive money. While they will not lose the money the school system is open game for lawsuit that they have no chance of winning. The overall population in these area’s including the communities.
Simply don’t agree with this nor want their children(there are always very few exceptions)having this “forced” upon them.
In closing: The only reason I’m posting here is I actually believed my “input” even though contrary was wanted (as to hear both sides). As well as look at the other viewpoints so that I can possibly re-think over such issues. I have to admit that being accused of being “nitwitery” was definitely a flag for me that says I will not get a “fair” post here. Question is: Am I going too?
Scott P.
March 20th, 2009
Harry C.
Yeah, I’m gay, and I know the difference between your and you’re. Why? Because I paid attention in school and learned to think for myself and not just regurgitate platitudes.
Harry C.
March 20th, 2009
Scott P.
March 20th, 2009 | LINK
Harry C.
Yeah, I’m gay, and I know the difference between your and you’re. Why? Because I paid attention in school and learned to think for myself and not just regurgitate platitudes.
Here we go again.
“your” versus “you’re”(you are).Once again attacking from a position of belittlement because I could have chosen a better “word”. I guess you build upon this to mean what? All gays and Lesbians have “perfect” sentence structure. Once again attacking the messenger and not the message: Meaning you don’t have a clue how to “honestly” come up with an alternative without being condescending. These are the kind of remarks that “hurt” your cause and “your” ideology.
i⋅de⋅ol⋅o⋅gy   /ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi, ˌɪdi-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ahy-dee-ol-uh-jee, id-ee-] Show IPA
–noun, plural -gies. 1. the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group. I’m exactly the “type” of person that has a completely different “ideology” than you. One that is and has been the accepted thought in “all” cultures and societies throughout the “entire” world since recorded history to this day. The simple truth of the matter is if it were not for the “straight” you would have no one to turn to should you want to “reproduce”. Or violate your own reasoning by turning to the opposite gender which you say is not “natural” to you. The only other way is to “recruit” which still does not give you “your” own offspring. I’m not trying to be harsh just looking at the realities of this lifestyle apart from religious beliefs(although if I did have religious beliefs what would I be then “a bible thumper”) or personel morals. Science proves this.
Harry C.
March 20th, 2009
Emily K
March 19th, 2009 | LINK
don’t you think you would get a less harsh reaction from people if you approached them as human beings instead of assuming they will be intolerant to you?
I would only get a less harsh reaction if I were in complete agreement. So you interpret my post as treating gays/lesbians as less than human beings.
where in the world you got that is beyound me. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. I care about “all” people just don’t accept their “ideology” for many reasons..Scientifically, socialially,religeous, All spectrums in life not just one.
And it seems that Jason D. was quite tolerant, and explained every point you brought up, despite the fact that they are tiresome. Isn’t a “thank you†in order for his patient response?
Are you Serious? thankyou?
Based on that did I get a thankyou for taking the time(which can also be tiresome) for giving my thoughts on the matter even though they were different? NO I DID NOT. Who is Jason D. some kind of “guru” of your movement? For one I did not ask him to do anything anymore than He ask me to do anything. He undoubtly must be a figure of someone that you believe should be thanked everytime he “speaks”. Either that or you are changing the subject and decide you need to “correct” my manners? Is that to mean you demand from others what you refuse to do yourself? And that is to be polite. By the way “thankyou” for responding. At least I know someone is reading/listening.
Scott P.
March 20th, 2009
No, what I mean is I consider you an inferior intellect. Is that clear enough?
Harry C.
March 20th, 2009
Scott P.
March 20th, 2009 | LINK
No, what I mean is I consider you an inferior intellect. Is that clear enough
I understood you completely the first time. But obviously you didn’t have a clue to that either. And since you consider yourself intellectually superior. It should be easy for you to explain on terms that I can understand since I am “inferior”.I guess I can add “arrogant” to your list as well. Thank You for your reply as you continue to prove my point. Once again attacking me instead of offering a reasonable comment to the post. Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic that is being addressed. Is this how you respond with “indifference”? by “belittlement”? One thing is for certain and that is it is a good thing your folks didn’t think like you or you wouldn’t be here. (now that is a “fact” no one can dispute). There’s your first clue to “reality”.
Scott P.
March 20th, 2009
I consider myself intellectually superior to you, that I can assure you.
Yes, I belittle you and the trite, debunked arguments that are all you seem to have.
Since my parents were heterosexual your comment about them is spurious. If a different sperm had fertilized my mother’s egg I wouldn’t be here now, that’s a fact. If my mother had an accident while pregnant, I wouldn’t be here now, if I hadn’t pulled myself out of a stream I fell into when I was five, I wouldn’t be here now. So much for the point (was there really one?) you made about my “folks”.
And, yes, I am arrogant when dealing with fools.
Jim Burroway
March 20th, 2009
Since this thread has devolved into a series of personal attacks which goes against our Comments Policy, I will temporarily suspend comments on this thread.