July 28th, 2008
Sometimes the anti-gays come out with something so ludicrous, so froth-at-the-mouth insane, so raving lunatic that it’s worthy of Lewis Carroll. Except, of course, they believe themselves… or the less sane among them do.
And one such trader in fantasy is J. Matt “Bam Bam” Barber, formerly the voice of Concerned Women for America. Barber always manages to amuse and, in his critique of McDonalds and the AFA boycott, Barber delivers in spades.
You can almost see the spittle and hear his rapid breathing as he writes:
Unfortunately, the radical San Francisco-style policies both the NGLCC and McDonald’s advocate run directly counter to the best interests of the vast majority of Americans outside California’s “Sodom on the Bay.” For example, under communist-tested, McDonald’s-approved “hate speech” legislation, such as the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act, Christians and other business owners with traditional values would be forced – under penalty of law – to abandon sincerely held religious beliefs and adopt McDonald’s own secular-humanist, moral-relativist view of right and wrong.
It’s not often that you can get “communist”, “Sodom”, and “McDonalds” in the same paragraph. You’ve got to hand it to him. When it comes to nutbaggery, it just doesn’t get much more bat-poopish than Barber.
Oh but he doesn’t stop there
Yet McDonald’s has now thrown its full weight, brand name and presently tarnished reputation behind the push for “gay marriage” in all 50 states.
All because they contributed a $20,000 pittance to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, an organization that doesn’t even mention marriage in their mission or programs. Ah, but if we were looking for logic and sanity we wouldn’t look to Barber, now would we?
But it is this doozie that I really love. Barber sarcastically proclaims
If you happen to support the historical definition of marriage – which is, and has always been male-female – then you’re a drooling, inbred hatemonger.
Well, Matt… not everyone who supports the historical definition…
Some day the anti-gays may realize that lunatic ranting doesn’t win hearts, minds, or Culture Wars. Let’s hope it’s too late by then. And in the mean time, someone give Bam Bam a word processor.
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July 29th, 2008
The Old Testament contains plenty of cases of polygamy with no hint of disapproval. Nothing in the Ten Commandments forbids marital rape. Marriage with underage children was accepted for much of history (in large part due to the constant need for procreation). Parish records from the 1600’s show that two-thirds of ceremonies were second of third marriages for at least one spouse (because of widowing, not divorce).
When social conservatives talk of a historical or Biblical definition of marriage, what they are really hearkening back to is the 1950’s, the era just before the sexual revolution.
As for the arrogance of going against millennia of established practice, the same was said of the American republic, abolitionism, women’s rights and Christianity.
a. mcewen
July 29th, 2008
“under communist-tested, McDonald’s-approved “hate speech†legislation, such as the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act, Christians and other business owners with traditional values would be forced – under penalty of law – to abandon sincerely held religious beliefs and adopt McDonald’s own secular-humanist, moral-relativist view of right and wrong.”
I just love the semantics there. Why doesn’t Barber just say “yes I believe that people should be fired from their jobs or not hired at all because they are gay.”
Ben in Oakland
July 29th, 2008
Why/ Because he doesb’t want to sound like an out and out bigot, does he? He just wants to support ‘traditional values.’ but not traditional like polygamy. Traditional likehichever way the iwnd was blowing a few years ago.
Jon M
July 29th, 2008
Thanks Bam-Bam! You and Peter can always be counted on to provide everyone with some much needed comic relief.
By the way, it’s been rumored that McDonalds is so pro-gay now that they’re going to change their logo colors from red and yellow to pink and lavender. :D
July 29th, 2008
Just make sure that the word processor does not have Wordperfect on it. If $20,000 shows support for sodomy, communism and hate speech against christianity, $1,000,000 must be mind blowing to the right. They should be careful that they don’t use all their good adjectives on McDonalds they won’t have anything left to use against Mr. Bastian
Regan DuCasse
July 29th, 2008
How can such a burly, no neck man…be such a wussy boy?
It is to laugh at his crusading and outsized perception and grudges.
Perhaps because I’m an activist, I have intense social interaction with gay and transgender folks. I attend all inclusive temples and churches…and mostly I enjoy working for gay KIDS.
I’ve learned so much and owe a debt of gratitude for the folks being so patient and loving towards me.
So at just look at all the expense, contortions and defamation on the part of Matt Barber and Peter LaB and see cowards. Tight nut, can’t get over themselves, cowards.
‘Fear of the unknown’ are too kind words and pc definitions. There is nothing about gay folks that an opportunity to learn, engage and see clearly isn’t always at hand.
He keeps slamming the door shut, and making stuff up in hopes that he won’t EVER have to confront his own defamation and hypocrisy.
I had fearless parents, who taught me a little something about walking in other people’s shoes before a judgement is rendered.
And there isn’t a thing to be afraid of.
Barber may not like the word or any kind of name calling to describe HIS behavior.
But there is a quality in a person, who doesn’t and can’t identify a real enemy of education and civility, sees enemies where none exists and perceives himself to be the one put upon just for being challenged and reasonably.
Priya Lynn
July 29th, 2008
Barber said ““under communist-tested, McDonald’s-approved “hate speech†legislation, such as the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act…”.
Rather amusing. No communist country has an employment non discrimination act covering gays, so its obviously not “communist-tested”. In fact communist countries are generally pretty hostile to gays, if anyone has something in common with the communists its Barber, not gay equality advocates.
July 29th, 2008
Give the man a bigger microphone, megaphone, telephone, ANY kind of phone that will allow more people to hear his over the top tirades.
I’ve always disagreed with those who push to shut down the voices of people like Barber, LaBarbara and Phelps. I say let’m speak and make sure as many people as possible get to hear them. They do more to help our cause than all the Pride Parades and cirucuit parties put together.
Of course we still have to challenge them and set the record “straight” when they lie and use bogus Cameronite “studies” and “statistics” to back up their homophobic rants.
July 29th, 2008
Poor Matt needs a better tailor or someone to help him with clothes. That jacket wears on him like an enormous paper bag.
TJ McFisty
July 29th, 2008
But he’s gettin’ cuter and cuter! Rowr!
I’m sure he’d be appalled to know that he’s thrilling the Bear community.
July 30th, 2008
You forgot the best part:
“Matt Barber is director of cultural affairs with Liberty Counsel and associate dean with Liberty University School of Law.”
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