Another Reason to Love Brad Pitt

Timothy Kincaid

January 7th, 2009

Brad Pitt is one of the most beautiful men alive, coupled to one of the sexiest women on the planet, successful, rich, and famous. He’s also a competent actor, a decent guy, not a diva, committed to helping the less fortunate, a good family man, and – of all things – an activist for gay equality. There is no shortage of reasons to love Brad Pitt.

But here’s one more (W magazine):

“People who are against gay marriage do not understand the very freedoms that they themselves are enjoying,” he argues. “What if someone said, ‘Sorry, no Christianity here? No Judaism. Certainly no Mormons.’ No one would stand for that, and I wouldn’t allow anyone to say that either. I’d fight them in the same way.”

Regan DuCasse

January 7th, 2009

Beauty on the inside. Some people might learn a lesson who are always saying they are moral, regardless of how badly gay people are treated and talked about.

Treating ALL people with fairness, equality and justice is the legacy of morality.
Way to GO, Mr. Pitt!

BTW, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” is another case in point of being loved, regardless of being different.
Who he calls mama all through the movie is a heartwarmer all on it’s own.


January 7th, 2009

A buddy of mine met Brad Pitt on a plane and said he was a very nice person, too.


January 8th, 2009

In the spirit of journalistic honesty could BTB find a more recent picture of Mr. Pitt? Not that this is a bad picture (heavens no!) then why not the one of him in those Levis ads? Or some screen-shot from the Thelma & Louise movie…my personal (obviously) biased favorite.

Regan DuCasse

January 8th, 2009

Met Mr. Pitt on the set of a movie his ex wife Jennifer Aniston was doing.

“The Good Girl”. He came by to pick her up after work. But because I knew Michael White (Mel White’s son), a co star, producer and writer of the movie, I was introduced.

Were I more star struck I might confess a weakness in the knees and getting the vapors coulda happened.
He’s truly an Adonis…but he IS a very nice, compassionate…and fun loving person.
Him being a straight ally and all, liked meeting another straight ally…
and there ya go. We straight allies have something of an underground network and work hard at finding and keeping each other close.

Those with considerable celebrity and influence, are actually not that thick on the ground.

It is very refreshing to see someone with real talent, be as committed to others as he is.

This is why people falling all over themselves for say, Paris Hilton, makes me want to throw up.

BTW: Pitt’s best body EVER…was for the movie “Troy”.

The man was rippling….RIP. LING.

Priya Lynn

January 8th, 2009

I’m really proud of Brad. He’s a true and honest exapmple of masculinity, far more so than the weakling males who think they have to denigrate gays to be tough.

Emily K

January 8th, 2009

Um, I think Brad Pitt is

1) Not “beautiful”
2) Not “married to the most beautiful person on earth” (even though for some reason lezzies go nuts for her)
3) Not worth going nuckin’ futs over.

When he and his collagin-addicted lover give away ALL of their material riches to gay causes, then I will be impressed. Until then, they can try and reserve their space in heaven next to Bono and Sting by doing what they’re doing.

Emily K

January 8th, 2009

It also seems strange to me that gay men seem to go for the same stereotypical types that gay men are “supposed” to go for: hairless muscle heads with great hair.

Um, I don’t think that bikini models are awesomely hot, nor do I want the ladies of “The L Word” to “do me.” I’m sick of all the superficiality of the world. It has absolutely no room for variety. Or flaws.

Emily K

January 8th, 2009

Woops, when I said “hairless” I meant no body hair, but a great coif on their head.

Priya Lynn

January 8th, 2009

Emily, I don’t agree with you about Brad but I do agree with you about Angelina – she’s far from the most beautiful woman on earth. That’d be someone like Jessica Alba.

Emily K

January 8th, 2009

um, what about Drew Barrymore??? She doesn’t need to starve herself to look awesome. PLUS, she was really nice to that intense fanboy who made that movie about meeting her.


January 8th, 2009


My sincere expression of apology for any violation of your website policy in direction attention to any of my blog sites. Although we do not agree on the issues of human sexuality, this is your website and your policy thereof should be regard.
It is important to me to show now this respect to your operation and to you and your associates. I send this apology twice, it should reach someone here of note. I wish you, your staff and members the best future possible.



Allen M

January 9th, 2009

With wonderful people like Brad on our side, we WILL achieve true equality yet!

I wish I had a body like his for my husband to enjoy! :) Me I’m just so average! :)

But in the end, no matter my husband LOVES me for who I am and I LOVE him for who he is and that is all that really matters.

BTW, Regan don’t worry about those bigots – I think you know what I mean. People like that will never change. You have many friends here!


January 10th, 2009

You folks up above : there’s no reason to be beauty-fascists on this whole subject. Everyone should be able to like what they like. With men there is variety, as with women. Some think Marilyn Monroe is the most beautiful film starlet ever, and others would choose Katherine Hepburn. And it’s all fine.

Regan DuCasse

January 10th, 2009

Let’s not forget, Stuart Townsend and his sensational GF Charlize Theron.

The two of them are a quieter H’wd couple, but their commitment to marriage equality is solid.
They refuse to get married until it’s equal for everyone.
I worked with ST when I was a tech advisor for a short lived tv series he starred in a few years ago.

I had a marriage equality sticker on my purse and the conversation was on.

Again, one straight ally acknowledging another.
Ms. CT came to the set to pick up their dogs (they take in rescues) and she said ‘oh…you’re the ONE, I heard about you.’
Back then, her country of South Africa was going through the process of court and legislative laws making marriage available to gay couples.
We talked at length about that. And she was very proud of the changes.
And we both shared our frustration at the process here.

I was embarassed, to tell you the truth.
A LOT of Canadians work here in H’wd too
and the allies and gay actors are like “WTF is UP with YOUR country?”

Stu, CT, Betty De G…put in a lot of time and effort and I know they are heartbroken over the outcome of Prop. 8…

Stu and CT have some serious INNER beauty gang…as well as outer.
Between Stu’s eyes (like an angel’s) and CT’s everything else…they both are gorgeous.)
Very sweet and compassionate people, which of course is VERY attractive within or without Hollywood.

Ya know…it is getting embarassing how far behind we’re getting.
South Africans elected a black President before WE did, in a country only a few years removed from apartheid at the time.

A very heavy thought indeed.

Allen M

January 10th, 2009

Hi Regan,

So true! Another example is Spain who just 30 years ago still put people in jail for homosexuality and YET today they have FULL marriage equality!! They truly set an example that the rest of the world should pay attention to!

BTW, I just want to let you know something. I am ‘LoveIsEqual’ on TH. Honestly, on the Mike Adams article you look at Joan who may not agree with us but one has to admit she seems willing to engage in open dialogue and she can be the type of person who can help bridge the gap between the LGBT community and the ultra conservatives.

So different from the ‘real’ bigots which post on TH!

Regan DuCasse

January 10th, 2009

Hi Allen! Pleased to meet you and you’re so inspirational to me.
I want you to know that.

I wanted to ask you about anderson trolling for my real name and his abusiveness regarding my job.

He IS an outright liar, but the most negative people there are playing that game of, instead of engaging in discussion on the subject, engage in personal attacks that can only lead to being on the defensive.

What do you think about that business with my job?

I think about what you say about you and your husband.
And you are the folks, besides the gay couples I know and love personally, that keep me more committed than ever.

The more someone like anderson acts an ass, the more I think to myself that HE’S the reason to hang in there and tough it out.

You are so strong and smart, Allen.
I love that about you, and our other friends like Yuki and Pam…it means a lot to me that you can be so strong.
If you can, I can.

Wasn’t that funny how I’m such an anti HETEROSEXUAL bigot over there in TH?

Such laughable paranoia!
You are my heroes here, and don’t you forget it.

Allen M

January 10th, 2009

Hi Regan,

Thank you for the kind words. I hope you know I have always looked up to you as well.

Regarding Anderson, what can anyone say about him? He has a refined technique of trying to get someone to lose control of their emotions and then turning it around on us and accusing us of hating Christians! If you recall he used to go on the offensive and engage in personal attacks of his own in a really blatant manner. He still does, but he learned to do it in a more subtle manner to try and make us look like the ‘bad guys’! He is full of hatred in my opinion and I’m always having to catch myself so I don’t fall into his trap!

Of course he is not the only one. There is Fabius with his copy/paste of meaningless and false statistics and claims of some ‘homosexual agenda’. Then there is dreadnaught and truetolife though they have been absent for some time. And then the latest one which REALLY lets his pure hatred shine through is Michael W! And notice how he gets applauded by people like Anderson!

I totally agree with you about the job thing. It is truly hard to believe that Anderson is involved with forensics! Can you imagine him investigating some crime against a gay person? He would be so biased that he would find a way to turn it around and blame the gay victim!

What I have learned about him and for what it is worth – this is probably the ONLY thing he has ever said which I actually believe. He told me a story once on one of the TH threads about a couple of cousins of his who were homosexual. This was back in the 80’s and how they went to San Francisco near the height of the AIDS epidemic and were infected and ultimately died from it. I think this story is actually true but the SAD thing is that instead of pursuing positive things to make the situation better, he turned to pure hatred of anything homosexual! His way of dealing with it but what a life to lead – one of pure hatred and loathing of ALL homosexuals! So sad. But you know what, he has had 25+ years to learn to deal with this in a more positive way – instead he continues to hate and refuses to move on! There is NO excuse for the lies he engages in. He is NOT interested in honest research but only biased research which helps support HIS agenda!

It is so hard sometimes to keep my strength and keep fighting the good fight. I really do get exhausted sometimes and I admit there are times when I feel ‘why continue on TH’? It does no good but then I think if I can only turn a small handful of people around, it will have ALL been worth it. So I keep on and try to do what I can. It is very difficult but I know that I must. Sometimes my husband asks me why I still do this. I can only tell him that it is what I REALLY, REALLY believe in and I have to stay active.

You should read the BTB article at: It kind of explains a bit more about me in terms of my active involvement in LGBT rights and other causes which I believe in.

Why is it so hard for them to see the LOVE that my husband and I have for each other? The LOVE that SO MANY same sex couples have for each other? It is SO hard to understand!

Their two biggest angles in attacking our rights relate us to the so-called slippery slope of polygamy and child abuse! Notice how they cite cases where men abuse boys and call it homosexuality! But when a man molests a girl – NO its not heterosexuality but just child abuse. Their double standard SICKENS me to no end! They refute ANY psychological evidence to the contrary! They refuse to accept that we are just as sickened by those who abuse children as they are!

Sorry for being so long winded but I get so frustrated at times!

Regan, I want you to know how much I really do look up to you!

Thank you, my friend!

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