May 15th, 2009
In April, the Nevada Senate voted in favor of a domestic partnership bill that would allow Nevadans most of the rights and responsibilities of marriage but not the dignity of the institution, which was banned by Constitutional amendment.
The Tahoe Daily Tribune is reporting that the bill has now passed the Senate.
The Assembly Friday gave final legislative approval to legislation creating domestic partnerships in Nevada.
The bill goes to Gov. Jim Gibbons who has said he will veto it.
The vote was 26-14 with Democrats Mo Denis and Marilyn Kirkpatrick of Las Vegas joining the Republicans in opposing the measure. Republican Ed Goedhart of Amargosa Valley voted for it and John Carpenter of Elko was absent Friday.
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Patrick C.
May 15th, 2009
I’m irritated that the governor says he’ll veto it. We’re not taking your precious word (this time), so why the attitude?
May 15th, 2009
What is the reason that the gov is going to veto this bill? I mean the mormons said that they would support civil unions and domestic partnerships, just not same sex marriage. Right? So, what am I missing here?!?!
May 16th, 2009
The Mormons said they’d support Civil Unions only because they thought it would placate teh gheys after Prop. 8 passed. The reality is that they’re just as willing to lie as the rest of the Fundie set.
Christopher Waldrop
May 16th, 2009
When I saw that it was Nevada, I immediately thought of what Lewis Black said in 2000 when they banned same-sex marriage. I can’t remember the exact quote, but essentially he said you can drop $20,000 at the craps table then marry a hooker you met at a brothel in a drive-thru wedding chapel…but having same-sex marriages would make Nevada seem sleazy.
Mike Dini
May 16th, 2009
Prostitution is legal in 15 of the 17 Nevada counties (not in Washoe – Reno or Clark – Las Vegas) in Nevada, you can get married 24/7, get alcohol anytime you want, blow your bankroll in the slot machines at the 7-11, but help us all if you want to allow your partner of 11 years to be able to pull the plug when you’re in a non-reversible vegetative state. It’s time to take your book of fantastical stories out of government. Oh, and don’t forget, Gibbons is no poster boy for traditional marriage values.
L. Junius Brutus
May 16th, 2009
He will veto it because he respects the sanctity of marriage:
May 16th, 2009
His ex-wife said she hope his veto gets overridden but there isn’t the votes for that.
Anyone want to try forming an angry mob and going to his House?
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