Welcome Out, ABC’s Dan Kloeffler

Jim Burroway

October 18th, 2011

While covering the story about Zachary Quinto’s decision to come out in New York Magazine, ABC’s World News Now’s Dan Kloeffler decided to take the plunge himself. Kloeffler gives some background behind his decision:

I’ve never shared that I’m gay on-air, even though I’ve been out to my family, friends and co-workers for years. In fact, an old boyfriend – now best friend – has always given me a hard time about not doing so. But for the same reason that Zach decided to come out, I too, no longer wanted to hide this part of my life.

There have been too many tragic endings and too many cases of bullying because of intolerance. As a kid I wanted someone to look up to, someone that could relate to the feelings I was having. Most of all, I wanted to know that it would get better. And it did.

As a journalist, I don’t want to be the story, but as a gay man I don’t want to stand silent if I can offer some inspiration or encouragement to kids that might be struggling with who they are.


October 18th, 2011

That’s an excellent reason to come out!

Regan DuCasse

October 18th, 2011

….”someone to look up to, someone who could relate to the feelings I was having…”

Regardless that teens especially are frustrating, infuriating, endearing, restless and smelly sometimes.
They are also beautiful, challenging, magic and curious.
They want to know just a few simple things really.

Who is in charge.
Who loves them.
Who is telling the truth.
Who will listen.

When you DO speak to them as if they are people with brains, they respect that. When they see you really do know how to handle the rudder, they’ll get behind you and let you lead them.

It’s their constantly TESTING the aforementioned that makes them seem insufferable.
They will exploit passivity, and they will test the sincerity of an adult in a heartbeat.

And good for them, because that what will make them better adults and the adults they trust better too.

Guess which adult gets the difficult knuckle headed teens to mentor?
Well, gay kids do have it harder, so maybe this mama bear has a bit of a softer spot.
But I tell those kids that us in the marginal minorities club have to be smarter, foxier, stronger and form our own connections because of the factions that would just LOVE to see us disappear.
I caution them that they are precisely the people who can’t do stupid things, can’t do risky things because judgement always comes harder on us.
We are always considered guiltier, more suspect and less intelligent, so being impeccably anathema to all that has to be our mission.
Being underestimated can help us in the long run.

Hearing back from all the kids I mentored before who are hurting over these recent suicides made me more committed than ever.
More in love with these kids than ever.
It helps if another gay person is someone to look up to. I’d certainly want that.

But us straight folks have a role in showing these kids that there are some strong straight allies willing and able to go to the mat. I’m in. Always have been.

Priya Lynn

October 18th, 2011

Thanks again, Regan.


October 18th, 2011

Good for him!


October 18th, 2011

What I loved about this coming out was how casual it was. In fact it wasn’t clear he was officially “coming out.” He could easily have been a cool straight commenting on Quinto’s insane good looks.


October 18th, 2011

Don’t know who you are but great. I just wish we lived in a time when no one would really cared to bothered to know.


October 18th, 2011

Regan, you’re straight?? Not that it matters, don’t get me wrong. But, as I’ve spent time around here, you get to know people (or, at the very least, recognize familiar voices). I honestly think it helps to contribute to a sense of community around here. So, my taken-aback-ness is from feeling like when you space out during a conversation; I’d’ve known had I been listening. Next thing I know, I’ll find out Priya’s politically conservative :{P

Priya Lynn

October 19th, 2011

Jaft said ” Next thing I know, I’ll find out Priya’s politically conservative :{P”.

I had a commenter on here accuse me of being a conservative, I was like “Where’d that come from?!”

Regan DuCasse

October 19th, 2011

Hi Jaft!

Yeah…I’m just a big mouthed black woman on a mission. I empathize, that’s all. I knew early in life that listening to my friends as they were coming out, was the simplest thing to do. I was in NO place to contradict their experience and self knowledge.
It started out that simple. Nothing heroic in that, not at all.

It’s also listening to the absurd contortions and ironies of the anti gay that have fascinated me since I was a kid.
I was a very curious kid, asking questions that tended to annoy those who thought I shouldn’t have been that precocious for a little girl.
Something else that infuriates me, and that I witness in the way gay folks and the transgendered are spoken to.

Bigots can be so condescending, I could choke them.
I hate being treated like a child.
I hate other adults being treated like children. Especially if it’s only because they are female, or are of color, or gay or transgendered.

That’s what got me started, and I just keep rolling.

There is an advantage, sometimes the anti gay will be so inconsiderate in my presence, assuming I’m as bigoted as they are.
Believe me when I say that I make them very, VERY sorry when they do that…


Priya Lynn my love, I’ll be calling you soon. Been missing our chats on the phone!

Priya Lynn

October 19th, 2011

Looking forward to it, Regan ;)



October 19th, 2011

That’s really great, Regan. I think I can say on behalf of a lot of people I know, thank you. Heh, sorry such direct communication on here has taken so long to happen, but I tend to be quite in most situations.

Regan DuCasse

October 20th, 2011

Ain’t no thing, brother.

Dr.Phillip Mooney

October 21st, 2011

Bravo! Congratulations on making, what must have been a very hard decision to make in front of a large viewing audience. It must be a liberating feeling to have that burden lifted from your shoulders and to be able to just live a normal life as an out gay man. Being gay is only one facet of your life and people will come to realize that after awhile and not see you as “that gay journalist and announcer” but, just as “that journalist and announcer.” Good luck and best wishes to you! ;-)

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