October 24th, 2011
Only six days separate two opposite positions staked by Godfather Pizza magnate and GOP presidential aspirant Herman Cain on same-sex marriage. On Sunday, October 16, Cain appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press and said that he “wouldn’t seek” (his emphasis) a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. But six days later, while appearing on Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network’s The Brody File, Cain flipped his stance before the evangelical audience and said that he now supports a federal constitutional ban on same-sex marriage:
(On October 16, Meet The Press)
David Gregory: A couple more. Same-sex marriage: would you seek a Constitutional band on same-sex marriage?
Herman Cain: I wouldn’t seek a constitutional ban for same-sex marriage, but I am pro-traditional marriage.”
Gregory: But you would let the states make up their own mind as they do now?
Cain: They would make up their own minds, yes.
— — —
(On October 22, The Brody File)
David Brody: Just so I understand, you’re for a constitutional marriage amendment as well?
Cain: Marriage should be protected level also. I used to believe that it could be just handled by the states, but there’s a movement going on to basically take the teeth out of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and that could cause an unraveling. So we do need some protection at the federal level because of that. And so, yes, I would support legislation that would say that it’s between a man and a woman.”
Brody: Because there is a concern that the defense of marriage act could be overturned?
Cain: It could be overturned because there are already attempts by some states and some groups to weaken the Defense of Marriage Act.
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Ray Harwick
October 24th, 2011
Show of hands please: Who believes that, were Herman Cain elected president, the subject of a constitutional amendment to protect marriage for teh gays would ever emerge from the oval office?
He’s just pandering for every bigot he can get to vote for him in the GOP primary.
Regan DuCasse
October 24th, 2011
I truly cannot stand a black person or any person from a minority still suffering from systemic bigotry and discrimination, pandering to the very people willing to maintain it. If he can’t appreciate the danger in that, then he’s not the kind of person who deserves to be in such a powerful office.
Pandering to ANY kind of bigotry, (but too cowardly to call it that), is a disgrace.
I’m also sick of enriched businessmen thinking they can run a COUNTRY like a business.
You can’t.
Doing so is exactly why we’re in this mess.
enough already
October 24th, 2011
I’ll take that bet, see you and raise you.
I live just down the road from a former Nazi concentration camp.
We learned the hard way, a rung bell of freedom can very much – and quite easily – be unrung.
I don’t doubt for one second, if the Republicans win the presidency in 2012, the Supreme Court will be tipped at the first possible opportunity against us and, anti-human status amendment for us or no, the Supreme Court will set aside our human status for decades.
October 24th, 2011
Cain is not ready for prime time, yet. As these two different interviews show. And, if a Republican is elected as president the gay rights movement will on. The hysteria of some people amaze me. I am not on the Democrat plantation.
October 24th, 2011
Does anyone else on this thread remember that Obama does not support same-sex marriage?
October 24th, 2011
These self-called conservatives are willing to shred every principle they profess to support in response to their blind hatred of gays. States rights and individual liberty are simply the latest casualties of their cultural war. If the Republicans gain the Senate and the White House, I actually fear what they might do.
October 24th, 2011
“If the Republicans gain the Senate and the White House, I actually fear what they might do.” – Plaintom
Why, I nominate Dick Cheney as president and his lesbian daughter as Secretary of State.
S. D. Jeffries
October 25th, 2011
Cain apparently doesn’t understand how the U.S. system of government works: “It could be overturned because there are already attempts by some states and some groups to weaken the Defense of Marriage Act.”
States can’t “weaken,” much less overturn, a federal law. Cain seems to have the idea that being the president would be like being CEO of a company: tell all the employees (congress and state governments) what you want done, no questions asked, and it gets done. Yet another reason why a successful businessman should never be president.
October 25th, 2011
This will be the Agenda no matter who the GOP nominee happens to be.
Lindoro Almaviva
October 25th, 2011
Show of hands please: Who believes that, were Herman Cain elected president, the subject of a constitutional amendment to protect marriage for teh gays would ever emerge from the oval office?,/b>
Lemme make it even simplert for y’all:
Show of hands, who believes that Herman Cain has a chance is hell of ever being president…
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