Brazilian activist takes on the Pope

Timothy Kincaid

January 16th, 2012

“Die Juden sind unser Unglück!”

This phrase, “The Jews are our Misfortune”, attributed to nationalist German historian Heinrich von Treitschke, became a motto of Der Stürmer, a Nazi publication. But the seeds planted by von Treitshke, though planted in a fertile ground of existing anti-Semetic hostility, didn’t bloom until long after his 1879 declaration (incidentally, three years after my German Jewish ancestors decided to find a new life in California).

Brazilian politician and activist Jean Wyllys sees parallels between von Treitscke’s demonization of German Jews and the Pope’s declaration that gay marriages threaten “the future of humanity itself”: (Ocio Gay)

Benedicto XVI no puede continuar difundiendo el odio y el prejuicio contra los gays. No puede decir que nosotros, sólo por amar, sólo por reclamar que nuestro amor sea respetado y reconocido, somos “una amenaza”. Por otra parte, porque ese tipo de frases tiene una historia. “¡Los judíos son nuestra desgracia!” (“Die Juden sind unser Unglück!”), dijo el historiador Heinrich von Treitschke, y esa desgraciada expresión, publicada en la revista alemana Der Sturmer y luego usada como lema por los nazis, terminó en lo que terminó. Los homosexuales también lo sabemos: nuestro destino en la Alemania nazi, donde Benedicto XVI pasó su juventud, era el mismo de los judíos, sólo que en vez de la estrella de David, lo que nos identificaba en los campos de concentración era el triángulo rosa. La tragedia del nazismo debería haber servido para aprender que el otro, el diferente, no es una amenaza, ni una desgracia, ni el enemigo. Y nosotros, los homosexuales, no amenazamos a nadie. Nuestro amor es tan bello y saludable como el de cualquiera. Y merecemos el mismo respeto y los mismos derechos que cualquiera.

De la misma manera que sucede ahora con el “matrimonio gay”, el matrimonio entre blancos y negros —llamado, en la época, “matrimonio interracial”— ya fue considerado “antinatural y contrario a la ley de Dios” y una amenaza contra la civilización. En una sentencia de 1966, un tribunal de Virginia que convalidó su prohibición usó estas palabras: “Dios Todopoderoso creó a la razas blanca, negra, amarilla, malaya y roja y las colocó en continentes separados. El hecho de que Él las haya separado demuestra que Él no tenía la intención de que las razas se mezclaran”. El matrimonio entre alemanes “de raza aria” y judíos también fue prohibido por Hitler. Hasta los evangélicos tuvieron el derecho al matrimonio negado en muchos países durante mucho tiempo, porque eran, también, una amenaza —para la Iglesia católica. Parece que algunos pastores no se acuerdan, pero fue así.

Google translation:

Benedict can not continue spreading hatred and prejudice against gays. You can not say that we only love, only to claim that our love is respected and recognized, are “a threat.” Moreover, because such words have a history. “The Jews are our misfortune!” (“Die Juden sind unser Unglück!”), The historian Heinrich von Treitschke, and that unfortunate expression, published in the German magazine Der Sturmer and then used as a slogan by the Nazis, ended in it ended. Homosexuals know: our fate in Nazi Germany, where Benedict XVI spent his youth, was the same as the Jews, only instead of the Star of David, which we identified in the concentration camps was the pink triangle . The tragedy of Nazism should have served to learn than the other, the different, not a threat, not a misfortune, not the enemy. And we, the homosexuals, not threaten anyone. Our love is so beautiful and healthy as anyone. And we deserve the same respect and rights as anyone else.

In the same way as happens now with the “gay marriage”, marriage between whites and blacks, called at the time, “interracial marriage” – and was considered “unnatural and contrary to the law of God” and a threat civilization. In a 1966 ruling of a court in Virginia upheld its ban used these words: “Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red and placed them on separate continents. The fact that he has separated the shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. ” The marriage of German “Aryan race” and was also banned Jews from Hitler. Even the evangelicals were denied the right to marriage in many countries for a long time, they were also a threat, the Catholic Church. It seems that some pastors do not remember, but it was so.


January 16th, 2012

But wait, it’s their religious belief so we aren’t allowed to criticize. After all, religion is above everything else in the world. And since people are born Catholic, but gays make the choice to be gay, we have the right to be haters. /s (if it’s needed)


January 16th, 2012

I like the headline – is that a ‘brazen Brazilian’?

Timothy Kincaid

January 16th, 2012

It’s a brazen Brazilian braising brains in a braiser, wearing a brassiere.

It’s also corrected. Thanks.


January 16th, 2012

Is the original text. I was confused as to why a Brazilian activist was publishing in Spanish.

Just in case Google translation works better on Brazilian. If anyone has any questions on the Spanish translation and how google translate conveys it in English, I can clarify for them.

Luckily, google translate is getting better by the day and most of its problems are now syntax.


January 16th, 2012

Brazilian Portuguese* heh, silly habit.

Ben In Oakland

January 16th, 2012

I don’t know why this keeps coming back to me.

When “W” Bush was told that Brazilian soldiers had been killed in Afghanistan, Bush replied,

“How much is a brazilian?”

Apocryphal only, of course.

Jim Hlavac

January 16th, 2012

The hate of the Catholics towards Jews does not stem from 1879 — Nor was Hitler’s “final solution” anymore than a modern version of the near 1500 year old quest by Catholics to eliminate Jews from this earth. There were pogroms (oh such a “modern” concept from the 1500s onward) dating to the 400s AD — the Catholics were routine in their slaughter — only the technological methods at their disposal were limited. Repeatedly, Catholic monarchs in the Middle Ages (600 to 1400 AD) waded into Jewish quarters and slaughtered everyone. They have been unrelenting in their millennium and a half of Jew-slaughter. We only think of this as modern for we are modern, and 1879 was merely when newspapers and printers were there to publish the decrees and anti-Semitism. Ah, but back when everything was handwritten, the word went out — Slaughter the Jews. And back then, back in the 400s AD Gays were added to the list of those to be slaughtered — but, like today, we’re not really congregated in big demographic hordes — and thus we were picked off piecemeal. No, this is the history — and apparently they are proud of it — of the Catholic Church since its gaining power over the remains of the Roman Empire. This is not new, this is so ancient as to be the entire history of the church since it began.

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