And this guy’s an economist?

Timothy Kincaid

January 19th, 2012 sat down with Scott Moody “Chief Economis, [sic] The Maine Heritage Policy Center”, to have him explain the position of New Hampshire’s anti-gay activist group Cornerstone Policy Research.

It goes something like this: If you let same-sex couples marry, then they won’t have children. And that causes a drop in the state’s birth rate. So they should be in a civil union instead.

Also, when a same-sex couple adopts, it means that one or more of the parents isn’t biologically related to the child. And as it is easier to adopt when married as opposed to civil unions, gay marriage should be reversed.

I’m not going to spend any time refuting the “economis” as the average third grader (or a box of rocks) can see through this logic without needing any help from me. But you really should check out his views as they are astonishing in their ignorance and arrogance and offend far more than just gay couples.


January 19th, 2012

Off topic and not to be mean but when I saw that picture it brought back memories of a toy from my childhood. It was a cardboard picture with a clear piece of plastic that was filled with metal shavings that could be picked up with a magnet to decorate the picture with hair.

David in Houston

January 19th, 2012

Gee… I had no idea that straight couples were required to increase the state’s birth rates. Because if the state’s birth rates don’t keep increasing then… um… I have no idea. Who knew marriage was solely for the benefit of the state, and not the actual couples getting married. The More You Knowâ„¢


January 19th, 2012

I get it — he’s setting himself up to run for national office — from Delaware, maybe? (The obvious heir to Christine O’Donnell.)

Blair Martin

January 19th, 2012

Everything he says should be viewed through this sentence from the report, (presumably written by author Amanda Beland):

“Moody did not provide charts or actual sources for this claim.”

The rest just goes from odd to insane. He appears to absolutely “hate” that disgraceful piece of social engineering from 1969 – “The Brady Bunch”

“The second family is a combination of two divorced individuals who each bring a child into the marriage. Although they, too, share one budget and combine their earnings, each individual is raising one biological child and another child connected through nothing else but circumstance. They love this child of circumstance but the connection and attention given to that child is different from attention given to a biological child, Moody asserts.”

(I know that Mike Brady is a widower and it is inferred Carol is too, except creator Sherwood Schwartz wanted Carol to be a divorcee – but the network would not have it.)

His final piece of nonsense is the same that several conservatives bleat – “I support banning marriage equality, but for those already married that’s ok, you stay that way.” From the article:

“Moody said the current repeal legislation, if passed, would keep all current same-sex marriages intact, but would prevent any more from being legalized.”

Which means his economic argument will be perpetuated for some time as all those married same gender couples will brazenly go on not having children and reducing the economy of NH.

Actually, this is the last piece of nonsense. It requires no comment just head-shaking.

“Same-sex couples could be joined together by a civil union. Moody said there were distinct legal differences between a marriage and a civil union, but didn’t explain those differences. He did say couples joined together by a civil union, by default, had a more difficult time adopting children than married couples, since, he claims, marriage is generally considered a more stable environment for raising a child. “

Ben In Oakland

January 19th, 2012

Is there any wonder why the call economics “The Dismal Science”?

It seems to me the underpants gnomes have been pilfering brains as well.


January 19th, 2012

I read the whole quote somewhere and all I can say is: Dear oh dear.

Can’t even compare that “theory” to Swiss cheese, there’s far, far less holes in cheese…
Scott Moody has just demonstrated that he does not have two brain cells to rub together, how utterly embarrassing! Poor chap.
Someone should suggest this quote to him: “Better keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool rather than open it and remove all doubt”


January 19th, 2012

I did read the full article, and there is so much wrong with it that I don’t even know where to start.

So, adoption is wrong, and therefore only straight couples should be allowed to adopt children?


January 19th, 2012

Children are really a drain on the economy in the short term. For 16 to 18 years they do little but consume resources while contributing absolutely nothing to it.


January 20th, 2012

I know someone has to rebut this collection of inanities but I can’t do it. I can’t stop laughing at his pathetic arguments.

I did look him up. The biography states that he has 4 children. I think we should check and demand a paternity test.


January 20th, 2012

If we don’t adopt the so called unadoptable children who will. There are to many Brainless people that are thinking with their a–es because the bee bee sized brain has fallen on the track.

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