The Daily Agenda for Saturday, January 21

Jim Burroway

January 21st, 2012

Time Magazine’s “The Homosexual In America”: 1966. Time magazine published an unsigned two-page article which, given that it was a “popular” magazine, provides a mirror of how gay people were viewed in the U.S. at that time:

It used to be “the abominable crime not to be mentioned.” Today it is not only mentioned: it is freely discussed and widely analyzed. Yet the general attitude is, if anything, more uncertain than before. Beset by inner conflicts, the homosexual is unsure of his position in society, ambivalent about his attitudes and identity — but he gains a certain amount of security through the fact that society is equally ambivalent about him.

In the second paragraph, the Time article provides some examples of that ambivalence that straight society had toward gay people: “The latest Rock Hudson movie explicitly jokes about it, Doubleday Book Shops run smirking ads for The Gay Cookbook, and newsstands make room for “beefcake” magazines of male nudes.” It’s hard to know whether Time indulged in some gay-baiting with Rock Hudson, but that line almost certainly raised a few eyebrows in Hollywood. The article went on:

But increasingly, deviates are out in the open, particularly in fashion and the arts. Women and homosexual men work together designing, marketing, retailing, and wrapping it all up in fashion magazines. The interior decorator and the stockbroker’s wife conspire over curtains. And the symbiosis is not limited to working hours. For many a woman with a busy or absent husband, the presentable homosexual is in demand as an escort — witty, pretty, catty, and no problem to keep at arm’s length. …

On Broadway, it would be difficult to find a production without homosexuals playing important parts, either onstage or off. And in Hollywood, says Broadway Producer David Merrick, “you have to scrape them off the ceiling.”  … [I]n the theater, dance and music world, deviates are so widespread that the sometimes seem to be running a kind of closed shop.

As the article continues, the ugliness grows. Time cited a Los Angeles psychiatrist who declared homosexuals “failed artists, and their special creative gift a myth.” Time held gay people responsible for plays depicting “the degradation of women and the derision of normal sex. … They represent a kind of inverted romance, since homosexual situations as such can never be made romantic for normal audiences.” And Time projected its obsessions with sex onto gay people: “Even n ordinary conversation, most homosexuals will sooner or later attack the ‘things that normal men take seriously.’ It does not mean that homosexuals do not and cannot talk seriously; but there is often a subtle sea change in the conversation: sex (unspoken) pervades the atmosphere.” And was at this point when Time turned to the notorious psychologist of the 1950s Edmund Bergler who, though dead for four years by the time this article appeared, supplied the following from ten years earlier:

The late Dr. Edmund Bergler found certain traits present in all homosexuals, including inner depression and guilt, irrational jealousy and a megalomaniac conviction that homosexual trends are universal. Though Bergler conceded that homosexuals are not responsible for their inner conflicts, he found that the conflicts “sap so much of their inner energy that the shell is a mixture of superciliousness, face aggression and whimpering. Like all psyhic masochists, they are subservient when confronted by a stronger person, merciless when in power, unscrupulous about trampling on a weaker person.”

Time’s concluding remarks couldn’t be clearer or more condemning — and it couldn’t sound more like Peter LaBarbera or any of the minions at the Family “Research” Council today:

Even in purely nonreligious terms, homosexuality represents a misuse of sexual faculty an, in the worlds of one Catholic educator, of “human construction.” It is a pathetic little second-rate substitute for reality, a pitiable flight from life. As such it deserves fairness, compassion, understanding and, when possible treatment. But it deserves no encouragement, no glamorization, no rationalization, no fake status as minority martyrdom, no sophistry about simple differences in taste — and, above all, no pretense that it is anything but a pernicious sickness.

If you know of something that belongs on the agenda, please send it here. Don’t forget to include the basics: who, what, when, where, and URL (if available).

And feel free to consider this your open thread for the day. What’s happening in your world?


January 21st, 2012

It’s amazing Stonewall didn’t happen 3 years earlier…at the offices of Time.

Repulsive bigotry!

Ray Harwick

January 21st, 2012

Here’s some related reading on Dr. Bergler mentioned in the article.

Some criticism of Bergler: Freud critic Max Scharnberg has given Bergler’s writings as an example of what he sees as the transparent absurdity of much psychoanalytic work.[21]

Bergler quotes one of his patients as complaining ‘”You kill every argument with this trick of referring to the unconscious”‘.

He was an influence for Irving Bieber. That figures.

Ray Harwick

January 21st, 2012

One more link to several articles published by Time in the 1950s-60s.

One comment at this link remarked “Depressing in its absurdity.”

Ditto me.

Jim Hlavac

January 21st, 2012

Strangely & sadly, it could be published and uttered today with nary an edit by a host of magazines, politicians and religious figures, as well as scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists. The funny/sad thing about it is the only people to whom gayness (I loathe the word “homosexual,” it’s a German scientific import of the late 1800s, “gay” has been in English for 800 years as, well, as “gay” since Eleanor of Aquitaine used it about her son Richard the Lionhearted) is a problem is heterosexuals who just simply are beyond conceiving that we’re just a happy bunch of fellows and not at all gender confused whatsoever and have no problem with being gay other than dealing with screaming heteros who still can’t fathom there are happy gay folks in the world. Oh well, tough on them, eh? You’d think after all these decades they’d give it a rest — instead it’s a topic of political, religious and scientific discussion — and we’re not ever asked what we think or feel — but are told all about us by those who can’t imagine it. Strange folks, heteros — I simply can’t understand them — I suppose anymore than they can understand me.

But I always giggle with the R. Hudson thing — I used to drink with the man in the late 70’s early 80’s when he was in NYC – at the Ninth Circle gay bar in the Village. So much for American manly-men eh?


January 21st, 2012

Welcome to my teenage world. In 1966 I turned 15. I was terrified as a teenager growing up on the American South and evaded any conversations about sex with my peers. I was too busy attempting to pray the gay away and dealing with depression and anxiety. I had no one to turn to. I had no allies.

Tony P

January 21st, 2012

I’m glad we’ve come quite a way from the Time depiction of us.

Another good resource on what life was like in the post World War II up through today for gay people I like the NYC Not Kansas blog:

But it is true, without us there would be no theater, no music, nothing. It would be a dour world.

Ben in Oakland

January 21st, 2012

I remember seeing this piece of crap back in 1966. I knew about myself, of course, but even wiTh a complete lack of information– even David Ruben’s fairy tale was a few years away– I knew that were more full of it than an Irish Jesuit on a bender.

And yet, here we are, 46 years later, and the usual suspects are peddling the same destructive, hateful nonsense.

The more things chAnge, the more they s.tay the same.


January 21st, 2012

I’d almost bet that Time’s writer came out ten years later.


January 21st, 2012

As a young teenager I got hold of a book by Bergler. God, the damage it did to me. What a vicious, misguided piece of shit he must have been. Fortunately, I also found Donald Webster Corey’s THE HOMOSEXUAL IN AMERICA, which was a groundbreaking book in its time. That helped a lot.

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