Glitter-Bombing Has Jumped the Shark

Jim Burroway

January 23rd, 2012

From the very beginning, I felt that glitter-bombing has failed both as protest and as street theater. Someone threw glitter at Bachmann.  Someone threw glitter at Gingrich. Big deal. It seems the only people paying attention are glitterbombers. Everyone else is pretty much yawning. And now this:

In an interview with Xtra after the confrontation, activist Fister Limp Wrist accused (glitter-bombed Dan) Savage of “ableist, racist, transphobic, fat-phobic, sero-phobic and rape-apologist attitudes and views.”

I’m surprised “Fister” forgot to include mysoginist, classist, and specist to his list of sins.

Tony P

January 23rd, 2012

I’m all for a return to pies. They left a more visible mess as Anita Bryant knows all too well.

Regan DuCasse

January 23rd, 2012

I can forgive someone misspeaking out of ignorance and who is contrite later and does do some work on self education.
It’s only human, and no one can articulate a point perfectly every time.
It’s always best to read the person’s intentions or mistakes before attacking and completely shutting them down.
Which effectively shuts down any further interchange and educational opportunity.

This glitter bombing is counterproductive. It’s an assault, not a tactic of working with and into a forum for a meaningful exchange.

At this point, young gay people need to continue to take their cues from the Civil Rights Movement.
Committed to DIALOGUE and serious, sober public demonstrations in appropriate and conservative CLOTHING.

LGBT issues are still VERY urgent and serious.
For young people to treat it like a circus, or Rip Taylor moment, will make the opposition laugh and leave the situation with no intention of EVER engaging at all.
Santorum kept on grinning and laughing off his glitter bombing.
Believe me, this is NOT the way.
We are BETTER than that. We MUST be.
We have much more important things and ways to go about this business than quick and dirty spectacle.


January 23rd, 2012

Glitterbombing (and pies) is stupid from the get-go. They are the sign of laziness and an unwillingness to plan and organize. Those who partake in this madness seem to want a quick rush rather than a much more satisfying end results of attaining your rights in a way which sustains these same rights.


January 23rd, 2012

It’s infantile. I’d like to see how gay people feel when an Evangelical Christian dowses a gay activist or elected official with holy water.

It’s an invasion of personal space and disgusting aggression-based tactic that accomplishes nothing but paint us as petty children lashing out.

It’s just rich in irony that the oh so progressive “Queer Theory” (AKA Queer Quackery) crowd is the one mainly supporting this.


January 23rd, 2012

Well, I learned two words today: “ablist” and “sero-phobic”. I can’t wait to use those on someone who wrongs me, like a co-worker who forgets to make another pot of coffee when they take the last of it.

Richard Rush

January 23rd, 2012

I’m with Tony P. I mean, how many glitter-bombings are memorable? But a well timed, well-tossed pie at a well-chosen subject and venue can be memorable for decades:


January 24th, 2012

Infighting is always successful. It brings us together as a community. /s. WTF is wrong with these people? Dan Savage has used the word “tranny” a few times and suddenly that makes him an anti-LGBT activist? Forget about these idiots. They are only hurting the cause.


January 24th, 2012

OK — now we know that Fister Limp Wrist (seriously?) is an idiot. He’d fit right in at a couple of blogs that shall remain nameless, where cant takes the place of thought.

I do disagree with the characterization of pies as stupid. Pies in the face have history and resonance, making the recipient the object of ridicule. After all, who got pies in the face? Clowns. Glitterbombing, on the other hand, is meaningless to the public at large.

Jay Jonson

January 24th, 2012

I am in favor of glitterbombing homophobes. I am NOT in favor of glitterbombing heroes like Dan Savage by disturbed crazy people like the idiot named Fister Limp Wrist.


January 24th, 2012

Fister Limp Wrist??

Seriously there’s either a few issues there, or that guy has a couple of antigay stereotypes for a name.

How does anyone take such a person seriously and how does HE expect anyone to take him seriously??

Sounds like something that Delgaudio guy that sends out the emails for a living might’ve dreamed up. Idiots.


January 24th, 2012

Teabaggery of the left.


January 24th, 2012

Pie throwing is assault and is even worse. If we can’t make our arguments intelligently and coherently you do the Gay Rights movement no good in resorting to such sophomoric acts.

Timothy (TRiG)

January 24th, 2012

Dan Savage has his problems (why was biphobia left off that list of sins?), but I’ve yet to see him say anything that could be taken as rape apologetics. I must look that one up. (Sero-phobia is a new one to me, too. Perhaps I’ll look that one up too.)



January 24th, 2012

Glitter-boming is counter-productive and problematic.

But also counter-productive and problematic are gay men whose only utterance of the words sexist, racist, misogynist, ableist, and any -ism not solely centered around LGBT issues is to mock, deny, and trivialize the experiences of people experiencing those other -isms.

That totally builds community! /s


January 24th, 2012

I wish I had invested in glitter companies!


January 24th, 2012

If the purpose of this is to “raise awareness” and get me to sympathize with their cause, they’ve failed miserably. Well, okay. I’m now “aware” of them and their complaints but their rhetoric and asinine behavior only makes me despise them. If that was their goal, then WINNING! Idiots.


January 25th, 2012

Tony P??? Is that Tony Perkins???


January 25th, 2012

TN- this is about a lot more than Savage just using the word “tranny.” There’s his continual promotion of notorious transphobe Alice Dreger for one thing. I don’t necessarily agree with glitter bombin as a tactic, but if your cause is to tell the trannies to sit down and shut up at the back of the bus while gay people get theirs, then I’m sorry to be blunt, but fuck your cause.


January 25th, 2012

“Tony P??? Is that Tony Perkins???” – typical

Those who are for pie throwing are idiots. Perhaps the first person who responded to this thread supporting throwing pies instead of harmless glitter was Tony Perkins. We do not need to resort to sophomoric acts. We have the facts on our side. Rely on peaceful, calm intellectual arguments. Leave the theatrics to the theater, where we can tell “our story”.


January 25th, 2012

I do not agree with Mr. Savage but love him anyway for one simple reason!

He drives the nut-wings bananas!


Donny D.

January 28th, 2012

Lucrece wrote,

It’s an invasion of personal space and disgusting aggression-based tactic that accomplishes nothing but paint us as petty children lashing out.

That’s how a great many people see it these days. In the 70s people thought pie-ing was funny. It’s considered assault by many, maybe most people now. Times have changed.

I don’t have a problem with trans or bi activists taking well-considered, measured action against Dan Savage when it’s called for.

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