April 30th, 2012
The devil you know.
During my lifetime I have witnessed the descent from Playboy into the abyss of online porn. I started my ministry understanding that were Martin Luther here today he would fight the baby killers and the sodomites. He would understand the times. He would see clearly that Satan is pushing most effectively on the sexual morals of our generation. That is where the fight for righteousness is most fierce. He would not shrink from that battle, and adopt the language of the other side.
I fought to keep the (Christian Civic League of Maine) on the bleeding edge of the “gay” fight from 1994 to 2009, the year I resigned. I watched our finances remain somewhat stable year-to-year. But the leadership of the evangelical movement started to weaken, and then ultimately divide, as I continued my relentless advocacy to keep the “gay” fight as the League’s number one priority.
I felt my leadership was justified at the League until it became clear to me that the pastors had decided to follow someone else. To quote from a letter I received from a key supporter and friend just before I resigned, I “lost my momentum.”
Man didn’t put me at the League. Jesus Christ put me there. There is no doubt in my mind that he put me there to confront the sodomy movement. I am now convinced it is my fault that Maine experienced twenty years of evenly split statewide voting on sodomy.
I never should have put on the suit and blow dried my hair. I never should have tried to use my image, and the image of those around me, to win the battle. I always should have trusted God more than I did.
…The truth about the vote this November is that it isn’t a battle between nice people who happen to disagree. It is not important that we respect the devil. It is important that we condemn him, and those who wish to use the sexual instinct in humanity for their own ends.
Michael Heath was forced out of the Christian Civic League in 2009 because anti-gay activists thought that his extreme rhetoric would wreck their pans to ban marriage at the ballot box that year. He left, and they prevailed. Heath went on to become board chair of Peter LaBarbera’s Americans for Truth (an SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group) and a state campaign director for Ron Paul. Heath is now back in Maine, where he vows to press his crusade against “sodomy-based marriage.” If that becomes the tag line for our opponents, then the campaign to re-legalize marriage equality this November gets way, way easier.
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Dave H
April 30th, 2012
“Man didn’t put me at the League. Jesus Christ put me there.”
Then, following that logic, Jesus took him out. Why won’t he listen?!?!?
April 30th, 2012
Sounds like a good thing that Heath is back. He’ll discredit everything he touches, and the people of Maine already mistrust him, so every time he opens his mouth he’ll just damage his own cause.
April 30th, 2012
“that were Martin Luther here today he would” fight against the civil rights of Jews too. Martin Luther was a very vocal anti-Semite.
Martin Luther contributed some great things to Christianity, but he had some serious moral failings as well.
April 30th, 2012
“I started my ministry understanding that were Martin Luther here today he would fight the baby killers and the sodomites.”
Well, until he was distracted by the Catholics, Baptists, Calvinists, Mennonites, the Joooos and of course all the other Christian sects that have sprung up since the 16th century. Then there’s that seductive tool of the Devil that casts souls into the fiery pit of Hades, better known to us as “freedom of religion” and “freedom of speech”.
Be careful when you take on the mantle of historical figures, Mikey, because when you do you invite examination into ALL of their beliefs.
April 30th, 2012
I’m surprised that MSNBC and CNN don’t have him on regularly as a spokesperson to “balance” out any pro-gay guest they may have. He seems to have all the credentials that they look for.
May 1st, 2012
I guess that this man was kicked out of the anti-gay group because he was doing more harm than good to their cause. Er, somewhat like what Dan Savage did last week at an anti-bullying conference when it it was his time for speaking up he went into a vulgar rant against Christians. Mr. Savage did our cause no good that day. And, I have not seen Box Turtle criticize Mr. Savage, yet, for his behavior.
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