The Daily Agenda for Tuesday, May 8

Jim Burroway

May 8th, 2012

Final Rally for Civil Unions: Denver, CO. Today is the day for Colorado House Speaker Frank McNulty (R, HD-43, Highlands Ranch) to schedule a vote on a bill granting civil unions to same-sex couples. Yesterday, McNulty warned that House leadership is under no obligation to bring the bill up for a debate. The bill’s sponsor, House Minority Leader Mark Ferrandino, says that Democrats will use every tool available to try to force a vote, but Republicans hold a 33-32 edge in he chamber. In a final push to get a straight up-or-down vote on the bill, One Colorado has called an emergency press conference and rally for this morning at 10:00 a.m. on the steps of the Capitol building.

Among those lobbying for the bill is former Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman. To add your voice for the bill’s passage, here is McNulty’s contact info:

Twitter: @RepMcNulty
Email: and
Facebook: Frank McNulty
Phone: 303-866-2346

North Carolina Votes on Amendment 1: NC.Today is the big day for North Carolina’s Amendment 1, the proposed state constitutional amendment that would not only enshrine a ban on same-sex marriage in the state’s foundational document, but would also prohibit all other forms of non-marital recongition for gay or straight couples. The polls open at 6:30 a.m. EDT, and will remain open until 7:30. To find out where your polling place is located, visit the North Carolina State Board of Elections web site.

California Senate Judiciary Committee to Hold Hearings on Bill Regulating Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: Sacramento, CA. The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality is gearing up a massive lobbying effort against a proposed bill to prohibit sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) for minors under the age of 18 by therapists licensed by the state of California. The bill would also require a statement of informed consent for adults which volunteer to undergo such therapy. The proposal does not cover religious-based ex-gay programs or ministries. The text of the bill can be found here. The hearing before the California Senate Judiciary Committee will take place this afternoon at the John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) beginning at 1:30 PDT.

Tom of Finland: 1920. Born Touko Laaksonen, Tom of Finland was famous for his stylized homoerotic and fetish art. Over a forty year career, he produced some 3500 drawings in his unique exaggerated style. If Barbie dolls proportions represent an anatomically impossible ideal for women, Tom of Finland’s hypermasculine characters were portrayed in similarly fantastical idealization of manly men. His style was partly influenced by “beefcake” and “physique” magazines which skirted on the edge of U.S. censorship codes in the 1950s and 1960s. But as the codes were struck down in the 1960s over First Amendment issues, his drawings became more explicit and more overtly sexual. His drawings became the definitive style guide for leathermen through his portrayal of policemen, lumberjacks, sailors and bikers. Several examples of his “dirty drawings ” — his unabashed term for his artwork — have been acquired by New York’s Museum of Modern Art. He died of a stroke brought on by emphysema on November 7, 1991.

Darren Hayes: 1972. The singer-songwriter was the front man of Savage Garden. Their 1987 album by the same name peaked at #1 in Australia, #2 in the U.K., #3 in the U.S. Their biggest American hit was “Truly Madly Deeply.” Their follow-up album yielded another #1 hit in the U.S. with “I Knew I Loved You.” In 2002, he launched his solo career, and by 2005 it was clear that Savage Garden was through.

Darren married his “childhood sweetheart” in 1997. They divorced in 2000 after he told her that he was gay. After years of public speculation about his sexuality, Hayes came out on July 18, 2006, when he announced that he had married (via civil partnership) his boyfriend a month earlier. In April, 2007, he told The Advocate, “First of all, it took me a long time to even accept that I was gay. And then it took me a long time to be happy that I was gay.” That summer he headlined London’s Gay Pride at Trafalgar Square. You can see his video for “It Gets Better” here. His fourth solo album, Secret Codes and Battleships, was released in 2011.

UPDATE: To mark his 40th birthday, Hayes wrote a letter to his fifteen-year-old self:

I know for example that the first two years of high school were hell for you. In May 1987 the bullying should be just about winding down by now. If it makes you feel any better, that group of boys who called you ‘faggot’ and ‘gay boy’ – the ones who beat you up and harassed you so much you sometimes wanted to die? Well they end up getting the futures they deserve. Right about now I imagine you are just starting to realise there is something special about you Darren Hayes. What I want you to know is, the thing that made you a target is the thing that makes you beautiful. There will be times in your life where you will try to dull down your magic because it draws too much attention. But please don’t do that. Please remember to shine because one day people are going to pay a lot of money to see you light up.

Enrique Iglesias: 1975. I know, he’s not gay dammit, but he did say he could be my hero and that’s good enough for me. Plus, there’s this performance at London’s famous G-A-Y nightclub in 2007:

If you know of something that belongs on the agenda, please send it here. Don’t forget to include the basics: who, what, when, where, and URL (if available).

And feel free to consider this your open thread for the day. What’s happening in your world?


May 8th, 2012

Does anybody know if anyone will be live tweeting that Hearing about “Reparative Therapy” in California? I missed the live tweeting of the Colorado Civil Uninions hears in the Committee meetings and went back and re-read and really enjoyed follwoign along.

If anyone is Live tweeting the California Reparative Therapy Hearings of the Colorado Civil Unions Hearings please post their twitter name so I can follow along.

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