You Will Never in a Million Billion Years Guess Who the ACLU Hired

Jim Burroway

June 28th, 2013

GoProud’s Jimmy LaSalvia:

As part of the broad-based effort to involve conservatives in the movement to encourage the freedom to marry, the ACLU has hired conservative strategist Jimmy LaSalvia. LaSalvia is the founder and former executive director of GOProud and will work with the ACLU to do outreach to gay conservatives, particularly within the Tea Party.

It’s part of the ALCU’s new $10 million “nationwide campaign to bring Republicans into its efforts to strike down barriers to the freedom to marry in states across the country.” Heading that campaign is  Steve Schmidt, who had served as one of President George Bush’s top strategists during his 2004 re-election campaign, and a key advisor for California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2006 re-election and Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.


June 28th, 2013

That they couldn’t find anyone a little more credible to hire says a lot about the Repubs.


June 28th, 2013

ACLU has so little traction with GOP I wonder how far this effort can really go. Regardless congrats and best of luck to both Jimmy and Mr. Schmidt.


June 28th, 2013

I hope they ACLU takes away LaSalvia’s twitter account. He had a penchant for posting things that made him appear like a not-too-bright 14 year old.

Priya Lynn

June 28th, 2013

You’re right, I would have never seen that comming.


June 28th, 2013

I am gobsmacked.

Timothy Kincaid

June 28th, 2013

Considering the extent to which he’s made excuses for anti-gay activists like Ann Coulter and buddied up to those who make opposing equality their passion, maybe he can start his lobbying with himself

Timothy Kincaid

June 28th, 2013

Steve Schmidt, on the other hand, is one sharp cookie.


June 28th, 2013

Whatever works.


June 28th, 2013

This looks bad for the ACLU and Jimmy LaSalvia because LaSalvia is pretty much against everything the ACLU stands for. I wonder if they asked him his views on abortion, immigration, healthcare, women’s rights, minority rights, and the environment. I doubt they would like his response. And as for LaSaliva – this just shows how quickly he will abandon his principles for cash. To me this is like if Michelangelo Signorile went to work for the Heritage Foundation.

And while I am sure Steve Schmidt will be effective, let’s not forget that if he was successful in 2008, DOMA and Prop 8 would still be standing. But I guess its better for him to be with us rather than against us.

And $10 million dollars for marraige? Couldn’t they use a little of that to, I don’t know, fight for ENDA, help the trans community or fight the FDA blood ban?


June 28th, 2013

Talk radio has basically demonized the ACLU for those that listen. I doubt that the ACLU will be able to make traction with those that view them solely as trying to force “liberal agenda” onto them.

Joseph Singer

June 28th, 2013

Jimmy LaSalvia is a GINO (gay in name only.)

Jim Hlavac

June 28th, 2013

You know, for several years I have commented on many Tea Party websites, and have had articles published on several of them — on the gay issue — and never once have I seen LaSalvia or GOProud on any of them as commentator or writer. Maybe he’s just another professional politician who will earn a salary not doing much. I do it for free, and probably get more done. He needs to find a new career.


June 29th, 2013

Not exactly a fan of his, but if hiring him helps the ACLU bring about SSM in all 50 states I’m okay with it. Beats me what he can do though…

john ozed

June 29th, 2013

WTF? They know who he is right?


June 30th, 2013

I really wish they had not hired Jimmy LaSalvia. He is after all the guy that left LCR because he felt that they were too liberal. He was also the head of a group that was fine with inviting Ann Coulter to speak at their “homocon.” The woman who loves to call other people faggot and who has said, “civil rights are for blacks.” I have no respect for GOProud. A group who has in the past stated, “Our number one goal between now and 2012 is defeating Barack Obama.” Whatever your policies do you really think that Romney would have been better for the LGBT community?

I have no problem with individual gay conservatives and their views, but when your group is perfectly ok with Anne Coulter and works to get Romney elected I cannot respect you.

Donny D.

June 30th, 2013

The ACLU defends any and all expenditures of money in political campaigns as “free speech”. And according to at least one source, the ACLU has received tens of millions of dollars in contributions from people benefiting from the ACLU’s free speech position.

So it doesn’t surprise me that it would hired Jimmy LaSalvia.

Also, the ACLU has come to be seen as a liberal outfit, which must hurt its ability to get contributions and other support from conservatives. Hiring LaSalvia could help to counteract that perception.

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