Has Ex-gay Leader John Smid Stepped Down?

Jim Burroway

March 26th, 2008

That’s the rumor anyway. We’re still looking for confirmation, but former Love In Action client Peterson Toscano got an interesting voice mail today:

I am running to do a show and just got a voice mail from a former Love in Action staff member who said, “I’m sure you heard the news, but if not, you may be interested to know that John Smid resigned from Love in Action.”

John Smid has been the executive director of the Memphis-based ex-gay residential program Love In Action since the early 1990’s, when he moved the ministry from California. If this is true, it is probably a good move. Here’s just a small taste of what this man thinks is good advice for struggling “ex-gays” (Hint: The best part is at about the two minute mark):


So now that you’ve heard that, read the rules that the residential clients at Love In Action are expected to follow. I’d say that his leaving Love In Action can’t be anything but a good first step — assuming it’s true.

Update: It’s official.

Timothy Kincaid

March 26th, 2008

Oh jeez. Now I can’t help wondering if he finally realized that the yellow wall is going to stay yellow.

Jim Scott

January 8th, 2010


I had lunch with John this week. He is doing fine.

There are many who escape the bondage brought own by their sexuality.

The slogan of LIA is “Finding freedom in Jesus Christ”. One person’s freedom may be to change completely, while another’s may be to just try and stay ‘sober” for Christ’s sake.


Priya Lynn

January 8th, 2010

There’s no bondage in gayness Jim. Many gay people have found the utmost in joy with a member of their own sex. Your attempts to deny all gay people that are downright evil.

Timothy Kincaid

January 8th, 2010


The only bondage is see here is bondage to the law of sin and death. Thanks to the glorious sacrifice of the savior, the law has been fulfilled and we have freedom in Christ. Freedom from the Law, not “freedom” to be bound to it.

But I guess that’s why there are so very many different churches, Jim. Some for those who love the law and some for those who love Christ and his commandments to love each other and treat each other the way we want to be treated.

But, that aside, I’m glad to hear that John is doing fine.

Has he moved on to a more productive line of work or is he still engaged in the pointless and futile effort of trying to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals?

Jim Scott

January 8th, 2010


John is engaged in a ministry called “Grace Rivers”. It is a speaking ministry to groups and individuals. You misunderstand the difference in “Finding freedom in Jesus Christ’ and trying to change someone’s “sexual orientation”. Freedon through grace is still John’s heart.

I am “heterosexual” but would have no excuse for acting out my desires, outside of marraige.The Bible calls that “fornication”. Any sexual missbehavior is broadly defined as fornication. The words “Thou shalt not committ adultery” falls into the broad inclusion of all sexual immorality.

While I am a believer that there is liberty for the believer that does not mean there is liberty for the unbeliever. Also Paul clearly said {under the insipiration of God) that he would not let himself become “bound” to anything.

The “feedom in Jesus Christ’ comes not from my strength, your strength, but the power of Jesus Christ in our lives.

The people who I witnessed turning to LIA knew they were in bondage and wanted “freedom”.

All of us struggle with some sin in our lives. Homosexual behavior is just as wrong as heterosexual misbehavior.

I just want to see people come to Christ. He has the power
to change lives. There is absolutely no sin that can not be forgiven other than the continued sin of unbelief.

Priya says I am evil. If wanting him/her
to go to heaven is evil,then I am the one who is a “fool”.


Priya Lynn

January 8th, 2010

Jim, you do your best to deny gays the option of marriage so you have no one to blame but yourself if they have sex outside of marriage. There is nothing wrong with gays being in a loving monogamous and sexual relationship. Your equating this to heterosexual misbehavior is obscene.

Spare us the “wanting you to go to heaven” BS. The vast majority of the planet does not believe in your god yet rather than devoting your live to that very large group of people you fantasize is not going to heaven you devote yourself to the tiny minority of people you fantasize are not going to heaven. If you were all about the fantasy of people going to heaven you’d be devoting your time first and formost to the vast majority of the planet rather than to the tiny minority that obsesses you. You’re not about the fantasy of people going to heaven, you’re about demonizing and oppressing LGBTs.

Timothy Kincaid

January 8th, 2010


All of us struggle with some sin in our lives. Homosexual behavior is just as wrong as heterosexual misbehavior.

I know that you think that you are applying God’s standard consistently. However, here are the practical applications:

Your God says to heterosexuals that they must not engage in the sexual behavior that is part of their natural drive until they are married. And once they are married, only with the person to whom they are married. Further, one is forbidden from romantic or emotional dalliances outside of marriage.

But while there are conditions, there is a provision for romantic, emotional, and sexual fulfillment.

Your God says to homosexuals that they must not engage in the sexual behavior that is part of their natural drive EVER.

No romance ever. No love ever. No emotional attachment, walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, pillow talk, growing old together, caring for each other, NO NOTHING NEVER.

This suggests to me that either you are misunderstanding God’s intentions, or that your god is an arbitrary and cruel god. Thankfully, that is not at all what I know God to be.

Jim, I want you to come to Christ. I want you to open your heart and let him fill you full of love. Won’t you consider it today? Won’t you set down all of your rules for everyone else, all of your fears that God will be angry if you don’t dot the i and cross the t, all of the need to constantly control everyone and everything around you? Just set it down at the cross and find peace.

Timothy Kincaid

January 8th, 2010

And, Jim, I’m glad for John that he has set aside his rather impractical efforts at running a reorientation camp and is in the business of generic Christian counseling. At least there he may do someone some good.

Priya Lynn

January 8th, 2010

Jim thinks what he wants in my life is more important than what I want in my life. Jim wants those who are harming no one to live a lonely life of despair with no one to comfort them.


January 8th, 2010

If wanting him/her to go to heaven is evil,then I am the one who is a fool”.

If that’s what you really want, then ask your god to send her to heaven regardless of what she does. He can do that, can’t He? I mean, He is all-powerful, right?

Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


I do in fact pray to God that He will “send her to heaven”. According to the Bible, God “is not willing for any to perish”. People perish by their own decison. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” It is clear that it is our decision whether we believe it or not. God does not force anyone to believe. He is not the one who “sends” anyone to hell or to heaven.


Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


Jesus came so that you could “have an abundant life”. However, our purpose in life is not to please ourselves. Our purpose is to please the
God who created us.


Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Jim said “According to the Bible, God “is not willing for any to perish”.”.

Either your god isn’t all powerful or your god isn’t willing. If an all powerful god wasn’t willing for any to perish, none would.

Jim said “He is not the one who “sends” anyone to hell or to heaven.”.

If you believe there is a god, a heaven and a hell there is no other possibility than he is the one who sends people to hell or heaven. Humans don’t have the supernatural ability to go to either place. You can’t immediately will yourself to either place no matter how hard you try. You’re just loathe to admit that the god you conceive of is a monster. Only a monster would eternally torture someone for finite crimes, or acts which are not in any way crimes at all, such as not believing in a god that is questionable, or having a loving mongamous gay relationship that harms no one.

Your religion is built upon one irrationality after another Jim. Embrace reality. When the foundation of your religion is the story of a grotesque injustice of punishing the innocent for wrongs of others, the guilty being absolved of guilt despite their guilt, and the invasion of the privacy of a marriage by a putative moral being to committ adultery and impregnate a woman against her will you know that is a religion that has nothing to do with morality and justice.

Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


I came to Christ years ago.

All the things you mentioned about relationship anyone can enjoy. I believe David had that “love” for Jonathan, which the Bible describes. It did not include sex.Certainly as we grew up we should have experienced close relationships with males and females.

Relationships to not have to be consumated with sex. If the temptation is given into, it is not something you could expect a Holy God to bless.

God intende for a man and a woman to marry. The marraige bed is undefiled. I said in a previous answer to Priya, that “marraige” between peple of the same sex is meaningless. The reason is that it is not what God meant by “marraige’.

This disscussion, from where I am coming from, has to to with a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Beleive me, Homosexual missbehavior is not any different that heterosexual missbehavior. Both are sinful and both seperate us from the God who gave his Son for us.


Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Jim said “Jesus came so that you could “have an abundant life”. However, our purpose in life is not to please ourselves. Our purpose is to please the
God who created us.

Jim according to Mark 3:29 in your Holy Bible, “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”.

I hereby deny the holy spirit, I blapheme against the holy spirt, the holy spirt is a cruel fantasy that promotes the spread of evil.

There you have it Jim, I can never go to heaven now. So accept the fact that I don’t believe in your imaginary friend and never will. If you want to live your life to appease the bigotries of the authors of the bible (primitive xenophobic goatherders) by all means do so but if you think I’m going to let bigots deprive me of the love, joy, and extasy I have with the most wonderful man in the world you are sadly mistaken.

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Jim said “The marraige bed is undefiled.”. Not true. Your god defiled the marriage bed of Joseph and Mary. You think morality is subjective – right and wrong aren’t determined by actions, but by who the person is performing the actions. Your religion is a sham Jim, come to reality and stop spreading the destruction you’ve sadly devoted your life to.

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Jim said “I said in a previous answer to Priya, that “marraige” between peple of the same sex is meaningless”

If you truly believed that you wouldn’t be doing your best to prevent such marriages. Obviously you do indeed think same sex marriages are very meaningful.


January 9th, 2010

To me the question is a very simple one. The gay Spanish priest Fr José Mantero said, “God would never forbid sexual relationships.” Jim Scott says that he would and does forbid them for gays. If there really is a God who forbids gays to form loving same-sex sexual relationships, then it is wrong to worship him.

Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


How did you get to be so anti-Christ?
Did you have no real family or is there no one in your family that believes in God?

It takes a lot more intelligence to think about the reality of God than it does to deny his very being. Even a little child has understanding until adults like yourself try and destroy their faith. Fortuantely, God honors faithful belief in Him and his Son, even when the believer has a hard time being faithful to God.


Jason D

January 9th, 2010

“Jesus came so that you could “have an abundant life”. However, our purpose in life is not to please ourselves. Our purpose is to please the
God who created us.


Which is why I’ve stayed with my wonderful partner for the past 3.5 years. God would not have given me the gift of a loving heart and a wonderful man to share it with if he did not intend these things for me.

To return such a gift would be to spit in God’s face.

God made me gay. I have no attraction to women. None. I have an attraction to men. Not children, not boys, MEN.

For whatever reason, god gave me the capacity to love another man. To hide or pretend to be someone else is to tell God “you don’t know what you’re doing”. Who am I to second guess my creator, and who are you to tell me that God did not say what he so clearly has said to me. I have ears, and I have heard him for myself. I do not need your lies.

I don’t come to you and tell you that my path should be yours, that you are hearing God wrong. Do me the favor of following the golden rule and treating me as you would like to be treated.

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Jim asked “How did you get to be so anti-Christ?”.

I’m not in particular anti-christ, the Jesus character never spoke against gays, an example you’d be wise to emulate. Its rather ironic that you don’t given your disingenous claims to love that character.

I am anti-religion because it is irrational and evil. You foolishly think there must be some reason unrealted to religion itself for my rejection of it – that most certainly is not the case. Most people undertand that the punishement should fit the crime and the Islamic/Christian religon is the antithesis of that. How could I, or any rational person respect a religon that claims love and justice is demonstrated by a being who eternally tortures people for thought crimes, or actions which harm no one? I abhor your religon for that reason alone, it has nothing to do with my family, childhood, or anything else – the principles your religion is based on are grotesquely unjust. It disgusts me that people like you push this evil as the epitome of morality. I’m anti-religon because I’ve stepped back to think about it objectively rather than having never questioned the beliefs pushed upon me as a child too young to think rationally.

Jim said “It takes a lot more intelligence to think about the reality of God than it does to deny his very being.”.

LOL, the reality is the opposite. Education is negatively correlated with religiousity. 93% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences are athesists. There is no evidence whatsoever that your god is real. You’ve not demonstrated intelligence in your proselytization here, you’ve ignored the huge holes in your philosophy that I’ve pointed out because you can’t answer them. The only way you can maintain your belief is through willful blindness.

Jim said “Even a little child has understanding until adults like yourself try and destroy their faith.”.

All children are born without a belief in the Jesus character. Its only when people like you indoctrinate them with evil myths before they are capable of rationality that they accept the myths. You fill them with horrific tales of eternal torture for crossing ambiguous and ocntradictory boundaries. It is the height of child abuse and yet you accuse gays of attempting to indocrinate children – that’d be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

Leave the children alone Jim. Stop stealing their innocence and security to further your own political goals and treat your insecurity.


January 9th, 2010

Another pointless go around with Jim Scott. This guy really must not have anything better to do than search Box Turtle Bulletin archives for old articles on Love In Action and start contentious comment threads.

Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010

If you really love someone, how can you not be concerned with there eternal destiny.

The idea that I hate you goes against logic. John, I take the time to make comments because I love you and Jesus loves you.

Over the years I have preached to thousands. I have seen hundreds get saved. I have also “preached” to homosexuals and seen salvation come to many. My particular interest in GLBTs is that many have adopted a theology created some thirty years ago. It is a theology that denies the verbal inspiration of the original texts. It is a theology that says God destroyed Sodom because the sodomites did not show good hospitality. It is a theology that denies the holiness of God. It is a theology that teaches a “loving god” is not a just god.

I have been to many places in the world and have talked with many people of different beliefs. There is one common thread: The ones who ultimately come to Jesus have joy becasue they did.

I frankly could care less about what you do behind closed doors. I care about your souls, because the love of God (agape love) compells me to do so.



January 9th, 2010

so wait, are you denying that Sodom was destroyed because the residents were cruel and inhospitible (as it states in the original language) or do you claim that because someone centuries later decided that it was because of “homosexuality” then that must be the only interpretation?

Jim, your version of the Bible is not the only version. Denying you or your version is not the same as denying God or denying Christ. But just in case, I’m gonna take the Priya route: I deny the Holy Spirit. There. Now I’m safe from your proselytizing.

Timothy Kincaid

January 9th, 2010


I’m amused at your reference to Jonathan and David. Your claim seems to be that they didn’t have sex… they only got naked together (1 Sam 18:4).

I really don’t know. I wasn’t there.
But I’m always amused by those who state adamantly that they know for certain that Jonathan and David’s relationship wasn’t one of lovers because, well, it just couldn’t be!!

I also note that you completely ignored my point that your idea of God’s will treats his gay children sharply different from his straight children.

Jim, you have a pattern of ignoring questions that you don’t like. That is not acceptable and does not show good will.

I’m willing to have a conversation with you, but I won’t simply sit through your sermon. Fair enough?

I have a question for you. I’m uncertain about your position on relationships.

I presented a model in which a couple has romance, love, devotion, candlelit dinners, walks on the beach, pillow talk, and are in all ways in love with each other. The operative point here, is love, deep romantic love not buddies or agape or affection.

You seem to be saying that two men or two women CAN be in love with each other and have a relationship together as long as they don’t actually have sex.

Am I understanding you correctly?

Timothy Kincaid

January 9th, 2010

Priya Lynn,

93% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences are athesists.

That is untrue. The actual numbers from 1998 are:

Personal belief 7.0
Personal disbelief 72.2
Doubt or agnosticism 20.8

Even assuming that all of the doubt category are hardcore atheists (which is unlikely), personal disbelief is obviously not the same.


January 9th, 2010

Either your god isn’t all powerful or your god isn’t willing. If an all powerful god wasn’t willing for any to perish, none would.

Exactly so. The fact is that Jim’s god has set up “belief” as the requirement to get into heaven. He’s also set up hell as the only destination for those unwilling or unable to meet that requirement. Jim’s god can’t make rules like that and then pretend He doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. If that’s what He wants, then He needs to change His rules.

If you really love someone, how can you not be concerned with there eternal destiny.

For starters, I’ve rejected the gnostic belief that only the spiritual world — whether it be one that exists now or some afterlife — is all that matters. I believe that this current incarnation is important.

Also, I don’t believe that anyone’s eternal destiny is in jeopardy. I don’t believe in a god that sets up arbitrary rules to determine who gets to be happy forever and who gets to be tormented for all eternity. In fact, I don’t believe in a god who believes that tormenting anyone for all eternity is ever a good thing. I believe in far more sane and moral gods.

Given those two facts, why would I be concerned about someone’s eternal destiny?

Richard W. Fitch

January 9th, 2010

I heard upon his dry dung heap
That man cry out who cannot sleep:
“If God is God He is not good,
If God is good He is not God;
Take the even, take the odd,
I would not sleep here if I could
Except for the little green leaves in the wood
And the wind on the water.”

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Timothy, I’ll reword my references to that survey – 93% of the members of the national Acadamy of scientists don’t believe in a personal god.

Richard W. Fitch

January 9th, 2010

Priya – for the record, there are a growing number of us who still take seriously our affirmation as Christian, that no longer believe in a personal god. Fortunately, there is much more to Christianity than an archaic notion of “sky faeries”(as you enjoy calling them)and the adherence to a general worldview that was decimated by the likes of Galileo and Newton. With a rational approach to the mythic and a dedication to justice, the intent of old legends still can be transformed to serve the good of humankind.

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Timothy said “[Jim]You seem to be saying that two men or two women CAN be in love with each other and have a relationship together as long as they don’t actually have sex.”.

Yes, Jim, tell us how that would work. Would it be okay with your god if such a couple hugged and kissed regularly? Would it be okay if they held hands, cuddled and slept together in the same bed? And if so, how realistic do you think it is for a couple in love to have a romantic relationship and yet to deny themselves a sexual relationship? All the anti-gay religionists I’ve known would suggest that its dangerous for a loving same sex couple to allow themselves such temptation. If you agree then exactly how do you propose a couple have a loving romantic relationship with each other with candlelight dinners, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, all the while denying themselves any physical contact with each other?

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Richard, I’m sure I’ve never used the phrase “sky faeries”. I find it impossible to believe anyone can have a serious affirmation as a Christian and not believe in a personal god. Perhaps you’d like to explain that one to me.

Timothy Kincaid

January 9th, 2010


Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


I believe that sex outside of marraige is by definition, fornication. I have grandchildren who have not married but they do “date”. To abstain from sex means they remain “pure” in their hearts and in God’s eyes. If they did have sex, it would not mean they go to hell and it does not mean that if two people of the same sex have sex that they will go to hell. People go to hell because they will not believe that Jesus died for their sins. Repentance means turning away from unbelief and entering a relationship with Christ. Then, even though there is liberty it does not mean yielding to your desires rather than the desires of your God. Jesus said “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”.

As to David and Jonathan, you may prefer they had sex. I prefer to believe they did not.

I apologize if it appears I ever avoid a question. That is not my intent.
If anyone wants to , they can write me at jimscottministries@yahoo.com and I will be glad to discuss absolutely anything with you privately.

I have some very close male friends, but I realize we are talking about attractions as well as relationships.
Many years ago I had a close loving relationship with a woman I wanted to marry. At a point in time. she decided we would no longer have sex. For me I still wanted the “relationship” even if there was no sex. I loved her. Older couples often no longer have sex {although many do). This does not mean all the other aspects you mentioned are not there.

This idea that in my preaching i am doing something wrong in wanting everyone to go to heaven is something I want apologize for. God called me to preach and that is what I do. They crucified Jesus for preaching. I am just a “mailman”. Don’t shoot the mailman because you don’t like the mail.

The Bible says that faith comes from hearing the word of God. God chose preachers so that people would hear. God is justified, according to Psalm 51, when he judges. Rejecting Him, not me, is the problem.


Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Jim, you hid from the questions again. Spare us the “I apologize if it appears I ever avoid a question. That is not my intent.” BS – it isn’t a matter of appearence, you did avoid the question and there’s no doubt it was your intent. Go back, re-read my previous post and tell us exactly how you envision this loving same sex relationship to work.

Jim said “If they did have sex, it would not mean they go to hell and it does not mean that if two people of the same sex have sex that they will go to hell. People go to hell because they will not believe that Jesus died for their sins.

See, now you’re lying about the bible because you want to suck people into trusting you before you hit them up with the condemnation. The bible clearly says that failing to believe in the Jesus character is not the only reason people go to hell.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

Jim said “Repentance means turning away from unbelief and entering a relationship with Christ. Then, even though there is liberty it does not mean yielding to your desires rather than the desires of your God. Jesus said “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”.”.

And the Jesus character never commaned anyone not to have a loving romantic sexual same sex relationship. So follow the example set by your literary hero Jim, stop threatening people with eternal torture for having loving same sex sexual relationships.


January 9th, 2010

Jim Scott wrote:”John, I take the time to make comments because I love you…”

It surprised me just how creepy this sentence from Jim Scott was to me.

Jim, let me be as clear as a person can be. I am not interested in some twisted relationship with you on any level despite your pretensions to “love” me. It isn’t love. It is abuse-emotional, psychological, spiritual and legalistic through whatever discriminatory policies you support to make my life less than other Americans.

There is no way you can understand what love is when you use the word toward someone like me that you work so hard to harm.

With such a twisted sense of what love is, I worry for those close to you.

Priya Lynn

January 9th, 2010

Further to Jim’s statement ”John, I take the time to make comments because I love you…”.

Its impossible to love a stranger. In order to love someone you have to know them in great detail. People like Jim toss around the word love will-nilly and totally trivialize it in the process. When Jim says “Jim Scott wrote:”John, I take the time to make comments because I love you…” What he really means is “Jim Scott wrote:”John, I take the time to make comments because I want to control you”. Christians like Jim have bastardized the meaning of love.

Jim, you don’t know what love is. Your disingenous proclamations of love are offensive and unwanted. If you have any respect for strangers you’ll never again proclaim to “love” them.

Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


I am surprised that an atheist would quote the Bible. If you read on in 1 Cor.6, it says “that is what some of you were”. That is past tense. If you are a believer your first priority is to serve your Lord and not do the other things memtioned.

As to the question about affection vs sex, I could not be any more clear than explaining from my own experience as I have done. I have been there.

As to your jumping on me about my not knowing what love is, here is my understanding. First I love my children becasue somehow I can’t help it even when they do something that upsets me. God is that way with His children. Next, I love my wife because I choose to and because God commands me to. I love you and my other neighbors becasue I choose to and because God has commanded me to.

Where does all this anger and accusing me of not loving stem from. Is it not because you have never really understood love yourself. You are unable to love me or anyone who might not agree with your choices.


Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


I do love you and so does the Lord..



January 9th, 2010

Jim, no you don’t. You don’t know him so you can’t possibly love him. You are just demonstaring how far removed from the reality of the word you are. To love someone requires that you share in that person’s life, it requires that you share values with that person, it requires that you are willing to put that person’s happiness and well being above your own. Love means knowing that your life would be emptier without that person in it.

You cannot love someone you haven’t met. It’s impossible, your proclamations not withstanding.

Jim Scott

January 9th, 2010


It is sad that you can not love people without getting something in return. You see love is the same thing as charity. Charity is love when you do not even know the ultimate beneficiary of your love, and do not require anything in return


Jim Burroway

January 9th, 2010

You know, I think this thread — a rather old one at that — has devolved to a very off-topic conversation, one that obviously isn’t getting anywhere or illuminating anyone. Mr. Scott already has one web site devoted to his mission, he doesn’t need another one here. And those who keep engaging him aren’t going to exactly change his mind, or come to a satisfactory resolution to their concerns.

That said, I do appreciate Mr. Scott coming by to update us on what Mr. Smid is doing these days.

Beyond that, I’m going to go ahead and shut down comments here.

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The Heterosexual Agenda: Exposing The Myths

At last, the truth can now be told.

Using the same research methods employed by most anti-gay political pressure groups, we examine the statistics and the case studies that dispel many of the myths about heterosexuality. Download your copy today!

And don‘t miss our companion report, How To Write An Anti-Gay Tract In Fifteen Easy Steps.

Testing The Premise: Are Gays A Threat To Our Children?

Anti-gay activists often charge that gay men and women pose a threat to children. In this report, we explore the supposed connection between homosexuality and child sexual abuse, the conclusions reached by the most knowledgeable professionals in the field, and how anti-gay activists continue to ignore their findings. This has tremendous consequences, not just for gay men and women, but more importantly for the safety of all our children.

Straight From The Source: What the “Dutch Study” Really Says About Gay Couples

Anti-gay activists often cite the “Dutch Study” to claim that gay unions last only about 1½ years and that the these men have an average of eight additional partners per year outside of their steady relationship. In this report, we will take you step by step into the study to see whether the claims are true.

The FRC’s Briefs Are Showing

Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council submitted an Amicus Brief to the Maryland Court of Appeals as that court prepared to consider the issue of gay marriage. We examine just one small section of that brief to reveal the junk science and fraudulent claims of the Family “Research” Council.

Daniel Fetty Doesn’t Count

Daniel FettyThe FBI’s annual Hate Crime Statistics aren’t as complete as they ought to be, and their report for 2004 was no exception. In fact, their most recent report has quite a few glaring holes. Holes big enough for Daniel Fetty to fall through.