April 21st, 2008
There are two types of anti-gays, those who are serious about their beliefs but are willing to listen to yours, and those who are hateful and just downright nasty.
I believe that most anti-gays fall into the former category. They may operate under the assumption that they are in complete knowledge of all things (because God told them so) and they aren’t likely to change their opinions, but at least they aren’t vile people. And some may over time soften their positions a little.
But for an example of the latter type, check out this conversation on Kevin Kaatz’ site between Stacy Harp and Joe Brummer (audio recording of a telephone call).
I really pity anyone who has to spend much time around Stacy.
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At last, the truth can now be told.
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David Puranen
April 21st, 2008
Wow this woman is a nut job. She reminds me of my sister.
April 21st, 2008
Oh my… the wierd thing is my first highschool crush i wasnt doing or even thinking about anal sex… =o, i guess being attracted to men has nothing to do with being gay, since i wasnt having or associating the crush with sex.
How can someone convince her that it ISNT about sex? *shrug.
April 21st, 2008
The most offensively hateful anti-gay people I have ever known were women.
Timothy Kincaid
April 21st, 2008
That’s kinda odd. It’s sort of a stereotype that women are more supportive than men.
I do know from the blogosphere that the most nasty and vicious types quite often have a gay person in their immediate family. Sometimes I think that they are subverting their personal issues by attacking gay people in general.
It wasn’t surprising to me that Stacy Harp reports having a “homosexual brother and lesbian sister in law”.
April 22nd, 2008
40% of straights have done anal, according to the CDC. Since they are ten to twenty times the size of the gay population, that’s a hell of a lot more straight penises going into straight a-holes than gays could ever accomplish.
Why the fixation, Stacy?
Jason D
April 22nd, 2008
she’s just a few feet from Shirley Phelps-Roper, isn’t she?
Jason D
April 22nd, 2008
But what I think is the WORST is that BTB, EGW, Pam’s House Blend and who knows what other websites are now abuzz over this. Part of me thinks that if there was a point to this, it was to get this attention. I had never heard the name Stacy Harp, but now I know it and have a very strong reaction to it. We live in an age where there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and everyone is trying to get their 15-minutes of fame in before they die. I think we just helped Stacy Harp get to the next level. The story was loosing steam in terms of discussion on The Blend, did EGW and BTB really need to pick it up? I don’t know. Something like Lawrence King or an elected official like Kern – the more exposure the better, but some vile attention-hound like Harp? I don’t know. I’m sure it won’t be long before she does something else. Hell, it won’t surprise me if we see her on Fox News in the next 2 years.
April 22nd, 2008
With reading all the comments I’m not sure I’m going to listen to the audio. I just may boycott listening to it (re: Jason D’s admonition). Plus, I’m afraid of what my reaction would be.
For example, a probable conversation with my computer/LAN guru:
“Explain to me again, cowboy, how did a 9mm slug get inside this computer?â€
April 22nd, 2008
Johno, while many straights have engaged in oral sex, I do not believe that most have engaged in sodomy & the 40% # is too high. Most people only engage in straight normal sex. If your # of 40% were true, then it wouldn’t be taboo. Your #s are too high.
April 22nd, 2008
Timothy Kincaid, I don’t know this Stacy Harp but you keep using the word anti-gay. Not to go endlessly into a discussion that has been talked about so many times, but I believe as the other anti groups you talk about that finding a cure for homo&lesbian sexual activities is synonymous to finding a cure for aging & menopause. I don’t know what year you were born, but though menopause is normal, most women would want a cure for it & look like how they did when they were 25 years old forever. Yet you don’t call people who want to cure menopause as anti-menopause though that would be right. It’s not controversial to suggest that science find a cure for menopause, but it offends people to suggest that science find cures for homo&lesbian sexual behaviors as well as find cures for sodomy & oral sex.
April 22nd, 2008
notreligiousbutmw: You are basing your logic on the ASSUMPTION that homosexuality is somehow wrong or bad; something needing to be fixed or cured. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but opinions are not facts. The fact is, people ARE anti-gay. Why? It all comes down to fear of the unknown and biblically-fueled misinformation.
April 22nd, 2008
I”m not sure why I want to listen to this so badly, but I do… However, for some reason all I get when I try to play it is the sound of glass breaking. Weird. Anybody know why?
April 22nd, 2008
Pupster, if you want to me as though I was born in 1999 as Timothy Kincaid does, then that’s fine, but as I base my views on non-religious reasons, the Bible doesn’t compute into it. I don’t know Stacy Harp’s religion. I know your view & what Timothy Kincaid has written to me before that homosexuality & oral sex aren’t diseases.
But just because they’re not diseases, it doesn’t change the fact that scientists should cure homo&lesbian sexual behaviors & oral sex. Menopause is also not a disease-women hit menopause sometime between 45 to 50 years of age. Aging is genetic, yet most people aren’t offended by Drs. searching for the fountain of youth. If Stacy Harp was harping about how we must find a cure for menopause & how we must stop hot flashes, you wouldn’t care. Women lie when they say that they wouldn’t want to be 20 years old again. If this is true, then why is it rude to ask a woman her age?
Martin Lanigan
April 22nd, 2008
A friendly reminder that it is best to starve trolls whenever possible:
April 22nd, 2008
Ok then. Using your argument, evangelical christianity (which in my opinion is a cancer eating away at our society) should be cured. I believe it is pure evil and is destroying the lives of millions of innocent people. As for your “non-biblical” views, if not from the bible, where do they come from? And why SHOULD scientists “cure” homosexuality? What is wrong with it? (And please don’t quote any bible verses…)
Also…why are you obsessed with menopause (not to mention gay sex and oral sex)?
April 22nd, 2008
notreligiousbutmw – I’m sorry but you are completely wrong. My 40% statistic is taken directly from the CDC’s website. Look it up for yourself:
Just because you aren’t doing it, doesn’t mean your neighbors aren’t. So they don’t talk about it. That means it didn’t happen? How do you think hypocrites like Stacy Harp come to exist in the first place? How to you think all those purity-pledgers stay ‘virgins’?
–And I guess you haven’t perused any straight porn lately. Huge numbers of straight porn videos are either anal-only or advertise it on the box as a selling point. I know this from stocking the shelves of a video store. It’s what people want.
People like Stacy Harp and Peter LaBarbera aren’t obsessed with gay anal sex out of concern, but because of their own fear, shame and guilt. Straight people do all the same things that gay people do in bed–in much, much higher numbers, by default. Yet these nuts don’t care at all about them. What does that tell you?
April 22nd, 2008
“But just because they’re not diseases, it doesn’t change the fact that scientists should cure homo&lesbian sexual behaviors & oral sex.”
Let’s see: not diseases, but should be cured. What???
April 22nd, 2008
Johno, I know what the CDC has said regarding sodomy & the CDC is wrong. Dr. NE Whitehead has said that the 40% for sodomy is too high. Most women find oral sex too kinky & even fewer women are willing to engage in sodomy, because don’t women pass gas & poo during sodomy? How many women do you know of who are willing to pass gas on a man? I only have seen women pooing on other men on Internet scat sites. If people were as sexual as they are in straight porn films, then they wouldn’t watch it ? Why fantasize by seeing a porn flick when they can do it live ? Stacy Harp is old & Peter LaBarbera was born in 1963 & thus he is also old & both don’t have sex lives now. Peter LaBarbera has said that he would support laws putting a man & woman in jail who engage in oral sex & sodomy. If you want to criticize Peter LaBarbera, then @least be honest. I know people over 40 who have never had sex before. Let me even say that I think the #s of people who have a sex life is far less than the hype. Straight porn movies are more fantasy than reality. Many couples experience loss of libido & sexual interest & products like Viagra & Zestra are artificial.
Pupster, this will be a lazy answer but read my past posts on this site, as I don’t want to rerun what I’ve written before on this website. Timothy Kincaid knows my contempt for the AMA & the APA, who arrogantly think that because they’re Drs. that they know the answers about homosexuality & GID. I hope that Timothy Kincaid can answer my ?s surrounding scientists searching for the fountain of youth, though aging is normal.
April 22nd, 2008
This is highly entertaining! The above post is quite possibly the most unintelligent thing I’ve ever read. I’d critique it, but it’s so wrong on so many levels, I wouldn’t know where to start!
April 22nd, 2008
Have to agree with Samtheman. I apologize (to everyone else) for not carefully reading the obvious troll response before posting a rebuttal. But at least we got some comedy out of it. (Or I did.)
April 22nd, 2008
Oral sex is a disease?? Someone define me disease, please. For English is not my first language, I might be missing something!
Jim Burroway
April 22nd, 2008
Lusitanian. Don’t worry. Your English is just fine. Those of us who speak perfect English have no idea what notreligiousbutmw is trying to say either.
April 23rd, 2008
notreligiousbutmw: You are right – that is absolutely a lazy answer. I may go looking for your previous posts sometime (when I have the time and am looking for a good laugh).
April 23rd, 2008
I just came across this thought-provoking quote, (Directed towards the AIDS crisis).
“Personally when the outbreak occurred, they should have been quarantined and either cured or killed to prevent it from spreading the way it did.”
notreligous… i see what your trying to say. Pro-gays say since its natural and not a disease then theres no need to find a cure.
ANd i believe your parting from the same premise(that its not a disease and its normal).
First id like to comment on one of your earlier posts about curing homosexual behavior… First and foremost… behavior is not FIXED just because you are gay. Ex-gays/celibates can attest to that.
If someone wants to find a cure for homosexuality(the in-born part) i have no problem with it. Same as with anti-aging and menopause.
1) However what i do have a problem is the use ppl will give it, mroe to the point, parents specifically. Parents would have a thousand unfounded, out-of-fear, doctrinated, biased reasons why they SHOULD cure their son of homosexuality. I bet you also advocate for a parent also adusting what hair color, what eye color, how tall, how hairy etc… their son should be too? Is that for them to choose?
2) Secondly, homosexuality does not handicap anyone from doing anything. Unlike menopause and aging. So the your word ‘cure’ is mostly based on the assumption that its detrimental.
April 24th, 2008
how does one scientifically “cure” oral sex? And if oral sex is a deviancy, there ain’t too many “normal” people about….
June 11th, 2008
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