Linda Harvey Thinks We’re AWFUL

Timothy Kincaid

May 27th, 2008

I just found the following message from Linda Harvey, the… umm… rather determined anti-gay activist. Although she sent it Friday, for some reason the yahoo filters put it in my junk e-mail box rather than my inbox.


It seems Linda didn’t like that we put her picture on our commentary about her blatant dishonesty. So, out of respect for Linda’s politely worded request, I’ve now replaced her photo with a generic graphic of no one in particular.


Please note that this is not a representation of Linda. Please also note that I did not include horns on this picture.

I’m glad you found us, Linda. I hope that you keep reading.

UPDATE: Digging further in my junk mail box shows that Linda was really QUITE insistent that we not post her picture. Earlier that day she had sent the following message:

REMOVE MY PHOTO FROM YOUR SITE IMMEDIATELY!! I did not obviously give you permission to post this.

IF YOU DO NOT DO SO I will contact my attorney.


Linda Harvey
Mission America

PS–If you were true journalists you would have asked permission and also asked me to comment on your distortions.

Ah, Linda. By all means, check with your attorney. And if you have any comments to make on my “distortions”, I’ll be glad to hear them.

L. Junius Brutus

May 27th, 2008

Does she have a legal right to make that demand?

Jim Burroway

May 27th, 2008

No, she does not. She is a public figure.

Our removal of her photo THIS TIME does not constitute any recognition of her right to demand its removal. We only “complied” in order to hilight her beligerant attitude. Nothing more.

I want to make that completely clear. We do not, as a rule, honor requests like this from public figures. And we will NOT make it a routine practice to honor this request in the future.


May 27th, 2008

WARNING: Cartoon females are prone to cause what’s known in ex-gay circles as “drag desire” among men who perform as female impersonators, thus increasing their risk of going to hell. So, the christian thing to do would be to allow her picture as a real woman so we can lust over her as her God intended.

Does that make sense? No? Good, then, you understand. I just made the crap up– just like they do!

Erica B.

May 27th, 2008

Who knew Yahoo’s junk filter was that accurate?

Emily K

May 27th, 2008

I can tell you’re making a difference because you very effectively piss people off. : )


May 27th, 2008

What odd behavior. I’ve seen her pic on countless sites (both pro and anti-gay) countless number of times. This can’t be the first time she’s stumbled upon one.

She’s always seemed to me like one of the more peculiar “pro-family” characters.


May 27th, 2008

As I just said on Jeremy’s blog, it’s obvious that she was having a really bad boob day.

Also, she’s a harpy and has very few hobbies she can call her own, so she has to live vicariously through the anti-gay movement.


May 27th, 2008

Goodness, you’ve aroused the natives!


May 28th, 2008

The ‘distortions’… now im really curious now!


May 28th, 2008

good lord. I went to her site.
c r a z y.
With all tha propoganda out there from the likes of this woman. No small surprise people react violently towards gay people.
Thanks b****. The blood of Ryan Skipper is on your hands. How very Christ like.


May 28th, 2008

If she won’t let us see her real picture, then we get to choose the one we like best from the vast assortment of “Linda Harvey” images on the net.


May 28th, 2008

She’s a public person and therefore should be identified by her photo so we know to cross the street when we see her coming.

Maybe if you offered a picture of yourself to post on her site then “we could all get along”.

I like to see the christians self-destructing. The sooner the better for all mankind.


May 28th, 2008

Yeah, she’s a nut job for sure. I think I’ll post her pic as well. Let’s have every gay blogger do the same and watch her head spin off her body. I love quality christian entertainment!!!!


May 28th, 2008

Anita Bryant called, she wants her hair back.


May 28th, 2008

I really wish you hadn’t taken it down. She had no legal recourse whatsoever, it’s the oldest threat on the internet. I understand that you guys understand that, but still…
Yet another crazed fundamentalist who wants free speech without consequences.

I really do not understand how this Paul Cameron-citing nightmare of a human being qualifies for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status.
It can’t be too difficult to report fraud to the IRS. This woman’s crazed website is filled to the brim with established lies and misinformation that brings harm and discrimination to American citizens. That is totally antithetical to the purpose of 501’s. She should be on the Patriot Act watchlist, not the free-tax roll.


May 28th, 2008

Put her stupid picture back up and let her rant away. Maybe it’ll keep her bigoted nose out of our hair for a few minutes …


May 28th, 2008

She’s certainly fond of using all capital letters, isn’t she? I guess this is just another piece of evidence that supports the Caps Lock Theory.


May 29th, 2008

I wonder if Linda Harvey has ever referred or linked to Peter LaBarbara’s documentation of the “decadence” of IML or other gay-related events. After all, those are pictures of private people, not public.

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