March 1st, 2010
The Ugandan pastor and kill-the-gays advocate is not only blogging, but he’s also Facebooking and commenting on BTB.
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In this original BTB Investigation, we unveil the tragic story of Kirk Murphy, a four-year-old boy who was treated for “cross-gender disturbance” in 1970 by a young grad student by the name of George Rekers. This story is a stark reminder that there are severe and damaging consequences when therapists try to ensure that boys will be boys.
When we first reported on three American anti-gay activists traveling to Kampala for a three-day conference, we had no idea that it would be the first report of a long string of events leading to a proposal to institute the death penalty for LGBT people. But that is exactly what happened. In this report, we review our collection of more than 500 posts to tell the story of one nation’s embrace of hatred toward gay people. This report will be updated continuously as events continue to unfold. Check here for the latest updates.
In 2005, the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote that “[Paul] Cameron’s ‘science’ echoes Nazi Germany.” What the SPLC didn”t know was Cameron doesn’t just “echo” Nazi Germany. He quoted extensively from one of the Final Solution’s architects. This puts his fascination with quarantines, mandatory tattoos, and extermination being a “plausible idea” in a whole new and deeply disturbing light.
On February 10, I attended an all-day “Love Won Out” ex-gay conference in Phoenix, put on by Focus on the Family and Exodus International. In this series of reports, I talk about what I learned there: the people who go to these conferences, the things that they hear, and what this all means for them, their families and for the rest of us.
Prologue: Why I Went To “Love Won Out”
Part 1: What’s Love Got To Do With It?
Part 2: Parents Struggle With “No Exceptions”
Part 3: A Whole New Dialect
Part 4: It Depends On How The Meaning of the Word "Change" Changes
Part 5: A Candid Explanation For "Change"
At last, the truth can now be told.
Using the same research methods employed by most anti-gay political pressure groups, we examine the statistics and the case studies that dispel many of the myths about heterosexuality. Download your copy today!
And don‘t miss our companion report, How To Write An Anti-Gay Tract In Fifteen Easy Steps.
Anti-gay activists often charge that gay men and women pose a threat to children. In this report, we explore the supposed connection between homosexuality and child sexual abuse, the conclusions reached by the most knowledgeable professionals in the field, and how anti-gay activists continue to ignore their findings. This has tremendous consequences, not just for gay men and women, but more importantly for the safety of all our children.
Anti-gay activists often cite the “Dutch Study” to claim that gay unions last only about 1½ years and that the these men have an average of eight additional partners per year outside of their steady relationship. In this report, we will take you step by step into the study to see whether the claims are true.
Tony Perkins’ Family Research Council submitted an Amicus Brief to the Maryland Court of Appeals as that court prepared to consider the issue of gay marriage. We examine just one small section of that brief to reveal the junk science and fraudulent claims of the Family “Research” Council.
The FBI’s annual Hate Crime Statistics aren’t as complete as they ought to be, and their report for 2004 was no exception. In fact, their most recent report has quite a few glaring holes. Holes big enough for Daniel Fetty to fall through.
March 1st, 2010
I wish I could put as much energy into being gay as he is to broadcast that he’s not.
So Guy de Maupassant’s “Piece of String”. Tell us again, Ssempa, how much do you dislike gay people? Use more photos if you have to. Demonstration. Whatever it takes.
March 1st, 2010
How long will it be until he starts posting his collection of gay pornographic pictures on it?
Evan Hurst
March 1st, 2010
He’s also commenting on TWO.
Called me a racist! That was cute.
March 1st, 2010
Are you sure this guy purporting to be Ssempa on BTB / TWO comments threads actually is the man himself? His comments are like those of a child.
March 1st, 2010
I wonder if he is on the Do Not Fly list. I would think as an advocate of genocide, he wouldn’t be allowed to board a flight into the US.
March 1st, 2010
@AdrianT-His comment here at BTB was just a slight re-write (typos and all) of a post on his blog, which suggests that it’s “Dr.” Ssempa himself.
BTW, does anyone know when (or why) Ssempa started calling himself “Dr.” and using “PhD” after his name? There’s no mention of any advanced degree beyond a masters on his own website, so where did this supposed degree come from?
March 1st, 2010
Ssempa was awarded an honorary Ph.D. from a Christian college a few years ago, which in his version of reality equates to becoming a doctor.
March 1st, 2010
I guess this is perfect timing for my just starting Martha Nussbaum’s book, “From Disgust to Humanity : Sexual Orientation and Constitutional Law”. So far it’s quite interesting and I’d say that Ssempa would benefit from reading it. Of course, I doubt Ssempa gives a crap about civil rights, let alone how he lies and dehumanizes others in the name of God, so perhaps not.
March 1st, 2010
“His comments are like those of a child.”
That’s exactly how I know it’s Ssempa. Actually, not just the childishness… throw in a bunch of lies, hate and intolerance, hysteria, dumb reasoning, fundamentalism… that’s Ssempa.
Jean-Paul Bentham
March 1st, 2010
Mrs. Ssempa should take custody of their children and fly to safety. Her husband is a dangerous man and is about to have a big fall. He may be tempted to bring his family with him, e.g. Waco, Texas and Jonestown.
Richard Rush
March 1st, 2010
In Ssempa’s case, PhD = Phony Doctor.
March 1st, 2010
Some of the nastiest ranting I’ve read in a long while.
Timothy Kincaid
March 1st, 2010
Wow, Ssempa is obsessed.
Dr. Robin Guthrie
March 1st, 2010
This man is clearly obsessed with homosexuality, and his misunderstanding of the Christian new testament
Holding such a position of power and espousing such tripe, resulting in an Honorary Doctorate from a Christian church, only magnifies my hatred for such people.
If hangings are to occur, the rope should be round his neck for such misinterpretation of the bible.
“Love thy neighbour as thy self.”
Jean-Paul Bentham
March 1st, 2010
I’ve just been reading Ssempa’s blogs.
One word: claptrap.
March 2nd, 2010
Ssempa and bahati our Heroes and heroes forever. You thought it was only you who had the blogs. Ssempa has done us good.
Reading thru the comments on the blog here is a clear sign of people whose minds have been depraved. How can you counsel Ssempa’s wife to run away. Stop being anti family. I think your mom had a better thought of you than what you are actually. Ssempa has never stopped being valiant for right causes and remember Ssempa has never lost a war because his father has never lost a war.
Does your blog sure compare to that one of Ssempa?
March 2nd, 2010
“Does your blog sure compare to that one of Ssempa?”
Not really. This blog (BTB) is run by thoughtful and kind people who welcome open and respectful discussion on a wide variety of issues. Ssempa’s blog is (so far) a series of monomaniacal tirades filled with lies which demonize innocent Ugandans in a hateful and un-Christian manner. Not really the same at all, are they?
Paul in Canada
March 2nd, 2010
I sent a FB note to the Ssempa FB page yesterday, asking him to re-read Matthew 22:36-39 – the chapter on ‘the greatest commandments’ asked of Jesus and asking Ssempa to consider whether his actions would be in line with Jesus’ intent to command us to live primarily by love, for God, self and our ‘neighbours’.
Ssempa’s reply was simply “I’m not interested in monologues” – I suspect it was an ‘auto reply’ – anyone else get something similar?
Chitown Kev
March 2nd, 2010
Yes, Martha Nussbaum’s book is a great read.
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