July 29th, 2010
The Family Research Council released a podcast featuring the American Family Association’s Dr. Robert LaButta, a retired U.S. Army Col., who warned that repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would lead to rampant HIV, STDs, and psychological disorders in the military:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZOon2rHKqEHomosexuals are identified by the U.S. government as a cohort at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS. At the National HIV Prevention Conference in August 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that AIDS is 50 times more common in men who have sex with men (homosexuals and bisexuals) than in other populations. HIV is already a threat to military readiness–although HIV-positive recruits are excluded from the military, those who become HIV-positive while serving cannot be discharged, but they also cannot be deployed overseas. However, this is far from the only health risk to homosexuals.
One of the nation’s leading AIDS researchers, Ronald Stall, has declared, “It may be a fallacy to say that HIV is the dominant, most dangerous and most damaging epidemic among gay men in the United States today. There are at least four other epidemics occurring among gay men that are intertwining and making each other worse. This is called a syndemic.” The “four other epidemics” are “substance abuse, partner violence, depression and childhood sexual abuse.”
According to our estimates, the prevalence of HIV is probably below 10% of the total LGBT population. (Those estimates however are fought with unknowable variables, so caution is advised whenever anyone attempts to estimate HIV prevelance in the LGBT population.) All people entering the military are tested for HIV, and all military personnel are retested at periodic intervals.
[Hat tip: Karen Ocamb at LGBT POV]
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Neon Genesis
July 29th, 2010
I still don’t get why the Family Research Council isn’t classified as a hate group already.
July 29th, 2010
Dr Stall has previously complained that these right-wing “family”/hate groups are misrepresenting his work:
Regan DuCasse
July 29th, 2010
Black American male and female heterosexuals, like their African continent counterparts represent a very high risk group. There are a lot of black men and women in the military.
Lesbians are the lowest risk group, of course.
It’s getting REAL old that so much misinformation is being spread about the vectors of disease and trying to use that misinformation as a means of discrimination.
When will someone challenge them on that misinformation in the strongest way possible?
Jim in MA
July 29th, 2010
What about all the straight STDs?
syphilis, gonorhea, chlamidia, herpes, and the list goes on…
Does the military refuse recruits with any of these diseases?
July 29th, 2010
I believe they refuse recruits who test positive for diseases or are found to have medical issues. Two simple facts render their argument invalid and irrelevant: 1. Everyone is tested prior to entering the military, then retested, so I don’t know how soldiers being openly gay instead of closeted gay is going to change the fact that noone who has HIV/AIDS can enter in the first place. 2. Even if soldiers weren’t checked or there’s the possibilty for error, heterosexuals can be affected by all the factors they listed. This is just an effort to put an ugly, distorted face on the entire LGBT population in order to keep the irrational fears alive long enough that people continue to deny us fair treatment under the law and in our workplaces and government positions.
Timothy Kincaid
July 29th, 2010
Hmmm. Lifting this ban only changes whether those who serve can be open about it. So it would seem, according to Mr. LaButta’s argument, that coming out of closet gives one HIV.
I’ve heard the nonsense about mosquitos and dinnerware, but this is a new one.
July 29th, 2010
Something bizarre is going on. As we all know, anyone who has engaged in male/male sex even one time since 1977 is totally banned by the FDA for donating blood. Yet we are told that the military blood supply is the most critical of all (combat zone trauma transfusions, etc).
Enter Lt Matt Sanchez who was a gay porn actor and engaged in almost every conceivable male/male sex act imaginable. Yet he claims to have divulged this to his recruiters and was enlisted in the Marines no problem. Now Sanchez is an extreme anti-gay activist and says repealing DADT will destroy the military. What the hell is wrong with this picture?
Emily K
July 29th, 2010
Since the lesbian infection rate is nil, just legalize lesbian soldiers. (following that “logic.”)
July 30th, 2010
“…and an increased risk in pyschological disorders.”
What?! I’d like to see the proof of that as well.
On the other hand, I can see where having to lie to your fellow soldiers and superiors every minute of every day could lead to psychological disorders.
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