LaBarbera Award: Bryan Fischer

Jim Burroway

June 2nd, 2011

Admittedly, the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer could qualify for this award virtually every day, so we’ve had to raise the bar for his nomination for this award. (He’s won three times before.) Yesterday, Right Wing Watch caught Fischer saying this:

You’re going to have the homosexual lobby committing one hate crime after another against service members, especially officers, who have deeply held convictions about the acceptability of homosexual behavior. And so I’m predicting that things are about to get very ugly in the United States military for people of faith. We are going to see principle-driven officers, one after another, are going to become to victims of systematic hate crimes. This is going to be a pogrom, this is going to be virtual genocide, military genocide, career genocide for people of faith in military, perpetrated by the homosexual lobby.

Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty have both appeared on Fischer’s program trolling for anti-gay votes.

Lindoro Almaviva

June 2nd, 2011

Every time I see comments like this I have a mix reaction: i laugh and at the same time I can not but be surprised. Is their self entitlement that big that they are unable to see the “you reap what you sow” working underneath all those”hate crimes”?


June 2nd, 2011

Everything that he predicts will come to pass, just as it has here in the UK and in all the other countries which have ceased to get their knickers in a twist over gays serving openly in the Armed Forces – I don’t think.

Chris McCoy

June 2nd, 2011

Would this be acceptible in the public spehere?

You’re going to have the Negro lobby committing one hate crime after another against service members, especially officers, who have deeply held convictions about the acceptability of Negro behavior. And so I’m predicting that things are about to get very ugly in the United States military for people of faith. We are going to see principle-driven officers, one after another, are going to become to victims of systematic hate crimes. This is going to be a pogrom, this is going to be virtual genocide, military genocide, career genocide for people of faith in military, perpetrated by the Negro lobby.

or this?

You’re going to have the feminist lobby committing one hate crime after another against service members, especially officers, who have deeply held convictions about the acceptability of female behavior. And so I’m predicting that things are about to get very ugly in the United States military for people of faith. We are going to see principle-driven officers, one after another, are going to become to victims of systematic hate crimes. This is going to be a pogrom, this is going to be virtual genocide, military genocide, career genocide for people of faith in military, perpetrated by the feminist lobby.

or this?

You’re going to have the Jewish lobby committing one hate crime after another against service members, especially officers, who have deeply held convictions about the acceptability of Jewish behavior. And so I’m predicting that things are about to get very ugly in the United States military for people of [Christian] faith. We are going to see principle-driven officers, one after another, are going to become to victims of systematic hate crimes. This is going to be a pogrom, this is going to be virtual genocide, military genocide, career genocide for people of faith in military, perpetrated by the Jewish lobby.

Regan DuCasse

June 2nd, 2011

It should matter to the public they are talking to, that the US has been WAY behind other countries on this issue. Countries that are similar in their standards of living, and Western cultural values as we are. Countries that Americans have easy access to, as a matter of fact.
We have one state in this country, that’s had marriage equality for years now. Same thing, easy access to see for oneself the state these states are in. And for the five minutes that marriage was legal in CA, the novelty of crowds of couples being married, would have worn off soon, and anyone applying to marry wouldn’t generate any fanfare.

Yet, the public can’t look at these people and their empty predictions and say that’s exactly what they are and have been?
What about the easy observation that if gay people were able to comport themselves with the same dignity, exemplary service and so on as their fellow service members in uniform, how would anyone knowing they were gay suddenly CHANGE that comportment rather than simply how the anti gay have always assumed they were like?

We have precedence, the proof these predictions ARE empty, and that gay people have the SAME interests, concerns and responsibilities as the rest of their fellow citizens.
Indeed, haven’t had much room to have any other.

Crazies like Fischer can’t be taken for granted that they’ll be ignored as such. And on some level HE knows that. Otherwise keeping up appearances would cost a lot of energy and money I would hope he can’t afford.
I was actually hoping he and his ilk WOULD bankrupt themselves in the way such folly can do so.

Richard Rush

June 2nd, 2011

I’ve only seen/heard Fischer on short clips, but does anyone know if he does a money-plea for AFA at the end of each show? Sometimes I wonder if he personally believes all the over-the-top insane nonsense he spits out, or if he is a professional hoodwinker hired by AFA to whip their stupid/ignorant followers into a frenzy of check-writing.

Dennis W

June 2nd, 2011

“We do not see the world as it is, we see the world as we are” So does Fischer think this is true because he feels guilty for his Christian beliefs or perhaps he thinks this is what he thinks he would do in our situation? Just thinkin …


June 3rd, 2011

It’s fairly obvious that Bryan Fischer doesn’t know very much about the military…OR real gay people, for that matter. This dude and the facts ain’t even on the same planet.

Why does anyone care what Bryan Fischer thinks about anything?? From what I can see, he has a history of just saying dumb shit.

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