Jamaican Facebook Page Glorifies Violence Against Gays

Jim Burroway

October 10th, 2011

Gay Jamaica Watch found this disturbing Facebook page that appeared Sunday:

Click to enlarge

The Facebook page is here. Particularly disturbing is the photo, from 2007 of a young man who was surrounded and attacked by a menacing mob, with a title “Bun Batty Man.” Gay Jamaica Watch explains:

Songs such as Capleton’s Battyman Fi Get Boom (gays are to be killed) is posted as captioned in the screen pics above also songs like “Man Nuh Lotion Man” (men do not lotion men – which suggests romantic intimacy between men) as well from Capleton who is deemed the fireman leader against gays with his music as Buju Banton is out of business serving time for his own troubles.

Act now friends but there is a strangeness to this group as many of the members have been accused of being “closet cases” which is a fundamental issue not properly looked into that of downlow accusing others of being gay to the point of outright homophobia to supposedly cover their own tracks or to enact revenge on some person or issue they may have had. This dangerous practice if it is that what obtains here can have disastrous effects

You can report the page to Facebook with this link.

Timothy (TRiG)

October 10th, 2011

The reporting link doesn’t work. Maybe you have to be signed into Facebook. I’ll try it later.


Terry T

October 10th, 2011



October 10th, 2011

They must all be gay in Jamaica? That’s what happens, your secretly gay and feel the need to denounce it so people won’t think your gay. It’s the guilt that’s been inflicted on them. We all know that’s the way guilt works. Look at all the christians that have been caught having gay sex after speaking out against it. There must be a hight percentage of gays in the black community? Studies should be done with that light shown on it.

Reed Boyer

October 10th, 2011

Reported. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’ll make sure it’s flagged to the WHOF (Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook) group.

Timothy (TRiG)

October 10th, 2011

Reed, I checked the WHOF page before seeing your comment here. I didn’t see this there, so I’ve posted it. Sorry for preempting you.



October 10th, 2011

The link doesn’t work for me either.

David Waite

October 10th, 2011

If you are already logged in to facebook before you click on the antigay page link, you will see a “report this page” link in the left-hand column. It works.

Dan Cobb

October 10th, 2011

Jamaica? The Jamaica that is the poorest, nastiest, ugliest, most disease-ridden, least educated, poor, dope-smoking cesspool? That Jamaica?
Who cares what they think. Jamaica never was anything and never will become anything. Ever. Even if the earth continues to exist for billions more years. Jamaica will always be a cesspool.


October 10th, 2011

Wow, Dan Cobb, your derailing and dismissive (and also semi-racist and classist) commentary aside, Jamaica has a lot to offer the rest of the world. But then again, this isn’t about what Jamaica has to offer us (see, that is the problem with the whole ‘they are only good as what they have to offer us’ mode of colonialist thought, which is rife with other problems that I am not going to waste my time explaining to you because it isn’t my job to).

This is about making the world safer for all of our LGBT brothers and sisters and exposing anti-LGBT violence and hostility so that it can be adequately addressed and countered so that scenes like the one above of a mob attacking a person who is guilty of nothing more than being themselves will no longer have to live in daily fear of brutalization or murder at the hands of others who feel as if they can get away with such actions because they think no one is watching.

Hint: THE WORLD IS WATCHING. You can continue to ignore this violence, but your silence is also your complicity.


October 10th, 2011

If the link doesn’t work just go to your own facebook page and put “bun batty man” into search, you will find two pages actually to be flagged. Click on each page and report each of them.


October 10th, 2011

Fuck Jamaica.

I’d sooner give up beer than buy Red Stripe. Jamaica is also off limits as a vacation destination.


October 11th, 2011

We enjoy Cruise vacations (on ships, guys) and I delete offers for itineraries that stop in Jamaica or the Cayman Islands. I do have to say that I see very few on the lines we use that actually do stop in Jamaica anymore. I don’t know if there’s a correlation or not–but there are very many L&G (don’t really know about the “B” or “T”) passengers on the ships and I think the lines have been staying away. There are also a good bit of crimes against cruise passengers reported in some places–Jamaica is one of them.

It seems that PR and the DR have picked up a good bit of the traffic, and while those islands and cultures have a mixed history on gay-friendliness, you are definitely unlikely to die from being seen holding your partner’s hand unlike places like Jamaica.

I’ll “Feel All Right” spending my money in places where I am wanted.

Fred Kwint

October 11th, 2011

I commented on and reported this page. This should not be possible!


December 16th, 2011

reggae history made jamaican reggae artist mista majah p has release first pro gay reggae album title tolerance available for listen at http://www.cdbaby.com and pro gay reggae video for watch http://www.youtube.com/mistamajahp


December 16th, 2011

first pro gay reggae album title tolerance jamaican reggae artist mista majah p available at http://www.cdbaby.com

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