March 27th, 2012
The dump of National Organizations for Marriage’s secret strategy documents revealed once and for all NOM’s stated, written tactics of driving a wedge between African-American LGBT people from their African-American community, between Latino LGBT people and their Latino communities, between LGBT people and their political allies, and, just for good measure, between President Barack Obama and, well, just about everyone.
As dispicable as all that is, Right Wing Watch noticed another wedge that NOM tried to drive: between LGBT parents and their very own children. NOM set aside $60,000 to hire an “outreach coordinator to identify children of gay parents willing to speak on camera.” If they did make that hire, it wasn’t money well spent. Not a single child turned up to denounce his or her parents. But it does go to show how utterly contemptible this “family values” outfit is toward families.
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At last, the truth can now be told.
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March 27th, 2012
i wish this would matter in some way. i dont think it will. the people against gay marriage… just like the birthers… will probably wear this with a badge of honor. they rejoice in there bigotry and ignorance. just like all these groups the SPLC have put on there hate list….they get off on it… its that badge of courage they wear. its still a good thing to expose this for our side but there side will just use it to raise money…. and there supporters ( churches) will see to it they have it.
Regan DuCasse
March 27th, 2012
I’m not surprised at all that this is what NOM planned, and in what way they expected to use it.
Mike Adams, has written yet another complaint article against GLAAD, and the usual suspects that generated the comment thread.
Adams is painting those exposed by GLAAD as victims of a conspiracy to silence and ban them by the very media that’s courted them so far.
That is to say, that such forums will be so turned off, that they’ll stop inviting the truth tellers to the party. But by GLAAD doing that, it’s GLAAD that is ‘afraid’ of the truth being told about the gay community from those unafraid to tell it.
Spinning it all into butter. Again.
Why Adams and his ilk keeps thinking that they should be considered the undisputed experts on gay lives and intentions is exactly what this is about.
As I keep saying, why consult a segregationist on blacks? Especially on the merits of Jim Crow?
Why consult a non Jewish anti Semite on ‘the truth’ about being Jewish and the lives of Jews.
Why are anti gay, non gay people the go to exceptions when it comes to discussions on gay lives and civil policy that’s harmful to gay people?
The credibility of people like Brown DESERVES just such questioning and that’s the reason why.
Getting all pissy because you’re NOT an expert and people are helped to figure that out, is NOT GLAAD’s problem.
March 27th, 2012
“NOM’s stated, written tactics of driving a wedge between African-American LGBT people”
There is no stated, written tactic concerning “LGBT people.” You are misreporting the documents. And misspelling despicable.
Priya Lynn
March 27th, 2012
Keep beating that dead horse Theo.
March 27th, 2012
We can speculate on ties between NOM and the Catholic hierarchy, but they do seem to share a common set of moral values.
Phillip Marsh
March 27th, 2012
@THEO: Have you even bothered to read the document?
Page 12 of 14, section 3, entitled, “Not a Civil Right Project”
“The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks — two key Democratic constituencies. We aim to find, equip, energize Africa-American spokespeople for marriage ….”
Just how is this not a written tactic concerning LGBT people???
You are aware that LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual/Transgendered people.
Priya Lynn
March 27th, 2012
Phillip Theo’s pet project is to try to prevent people from using the term LGBT so he complains bitterly about it every chance he gets.
Jim Burroway
March 27th, 2012
And before this thread veers into the topic of whether “LGBT” should be used or not, let me remind everyone that that is not the topic of this thread.
Theo, your horse is dead. Bury it. Any further attempts to drag that carcass back in here will be removed.
March 27th, 2012
Trying to get children to “inform” on their parents sounds more like a tactic of Communist or Totalitarian secret police than Christians.
Well, we already knew these people had no morals, I guess we should not be surprised.
March 28th, 2012
Wow, I sent you an email today not sure if the article I had seen was valid, I guess I was a tad slow, since it seems both you and Timothy have been working on the story for some time.
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