December 12th, 2013
Or so says popular Ghanaian Pastor, Rev. Ebenezer Opambour Adarkwah Yiadom of the Ebenezer Miracle Worship Center in Kumasi, if Ghana repeals its sodomy laws. In an interview with News-One, he explains why Ghana should not follow the lead of Western countries: (GhanaWeb)
The fingers are not equal and should not be made to do some things simply because they are all fingers? And it is not every leaf that is medicinal, so the fact that a foreign country is okay with gays does not mean we should do same here. We should also talk about the earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, fire outbreak, volcanoes and the bad things that happen in the Western countries and see if we are ready to have that here. Gays are destroying Ghana with their same sex activities because God hates it, and God punishes people who love the things He hates. This is biblical, and we need to pray Ghana does not fully legitimize homosexual activities.
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At last, the truth can now be told.
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Paul Douglas
December 12th, 2013
As an ex-christianist I have to say that the further I spiral away from the vortex of christendom, the more ludicrous and bizarre the whole thing appears. Seriously, this kind of blind foolishness sealed by a hodge-podge collection of iron-age babblings from semitic goatherds that is somehow construed to be the final, infallible communication of an omnipotent, omniscient and omni-benevolent deity, is beyond fathoming. One has to conclude that these people are either breathtakingly gullible & stupid or incredibly crafty and self-serving to promote and adhere to this worldview. It makes me almost despair for the future of the human race and the fate of the whole planet.
December 12th, 2013
“The fingers are not equal and should not be made to do some things simply because they are all fingers? And it is not every leaf that is medicinal, so the fact that a foreign country is okay with gays does not mean we should do same here.”
Yes, reverend, God made Africans different. That’s why African gays can’t have the same rights as Western gays. It’s unAfrican.
It’s puzzling how completely blind they are to the inherent racism of their rationale.
December 12th, 2013
The whole “it’s not our culture” thing is is also complete BS because traditionally many African tribes have been relatively tolerant of same-sex relationships. Not all of them certainly, but what you see today (in religion, laws and customs) was imposed on them by colonial powers.
December 12th, 2013
Of course God will send earthquakes. But they got it backwards. It’s to punish all the judgment, and usurping God’s power which is illegal in God’s eyes, that the fallen have thrust upon humanity. We are to be supporting each other, not turn the world into a shooting gallery.
Will the ignorant ever learn?
December 13th, 2013
The simple unquestionable logic of the source of all calamities. -_- I was unaware of the paradise the US was living in before it headed down this god-forsaken path. I suppose, before 2003 when the sodomy laws got struck down, there were no “earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, fire outbreaks and other bad things”. I hypothesis that maybe there were but it was obviously someone else’s fault.
Never forget that god is just, and by the decree of the arbitrarily laws he chose to impose, justice is death for the trespassers and the silent collaborators. He is also fair which is why only the trespassers and silent collaborators are the ones who get subjected to his just cold-blooded execution of those who dare not submit (free will is in here somewhere too).
December 13th, 2013
More African Exceptionalism.
Timothy Kincaid
December 13th, 2013
I understand your point.
However, I think it is a bit patriarchal to define what someone else’s culture is or is not.
It is true that many African tribes did not have harshly intolerant approaches to non-traditional sexuality. They also generally practiced polygamy and slavery.
But we can’t simply look to tribal practice and insist that this is what “being African” means. African culture and tradition did not stop in the 1850’s, nor were the years under colonization not influential for African culture.
As a comparison, consider the notion of looking to native American tribes or, alternately, to the culture of nation in Millard Filmore’s presidency to define what “real American tradition” is all about.
Culture is where a people are at this time, and tradition is what the people at this time look back and select.
So, as sad as it may be, and as unreflective of tribal practice as it may be, it’s not outrageous to say that Africa’s culture is distinctly anti-gay.
Priya Lynn
December 13th, 2013
“it’s not outrageous to say that Africa’s culture is distinctly anti-gay.”
it’s not outrageous to say that Africa’s imported culture is distinctly anti-gay.
Fixed it for you.
December 13th, 2013
This “all-loving” god of theirs seems to harbor a lot of hate toward a lot of people(ironically, it’s usually the same people the writer seems to hate). I don’t think “all-loving” means what they think it means.
Donald E
December 13th, 2013
It is very interesting when an African christian pastor says that homosexuality is un-African.
He/She must have forgotten that Christianity was imported to Africa by our former colonial masters. Our ancestors were polygamists and animists.
December 16th, 2013
So, if volcanoes do appear suddenly in Ghana, are we western LGBT types going to concede that Rev. Ebenezer was right and God is pissed at us? Or, at least, pissed at the gays in Ghana?
Yes, this is a bit snarky . . . but as everyone knows, Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano and earthquake in 79 to warn Ghana not to allow gays to exist in 2013.
December 17th, 2013
Ghana isn’t exactly known for a lot of geological activity. This stuff doesn’t just appear out of nowhere in reality, so I suspect he’ll be waiting awhile.
Rob in San Diego
December 19th, 2013
So I take it the reason why the Dinosaurs are gone is because there were gay Dinosaurs? Would that also explain the other 7 deadly mass extinctions that have taken place on our planet in it’s 4.5 billion year history?
Richard Rush
December 19th, 2013
We know that we are all descended from the eight people on Noah’s Ark ~ Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives. And, because gay people exist today, we know that at least one of those eight must have been a gay person pretending to be straight in order to pass on the gay gene. So, the question is: Was this part of God’s perfect plan, or, did the gay one pretending to be straight manage to fool God?
And what about the gay penguins?
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