October 23rd, 2007
San Diego ex-gay “Christian” activist and gadfly James Hartline knows why California’s burning:
They shook their fists at God and said, “We don’t care what God says, we will issue our legal brief to support gay marriage in San Diego!” Then Mayor Jerry Sanders mocked the Christian vote and signed off on this rebellious legal document to support same-sex marriage. And then the streets of La Jolla under the Mt. Soledad Cross began to cave in.
They shook their fists at God and said, “We don’t care what the Bible says, We want the California school children indoctrinated into homosexuality!” And then Governor Schwarzenegger signed into law the heinous SB777 which bans the use of “mom” and “dad” in the text books and promotes homosexuality to all school children in California.
And then the wildfires of Southern California engulfed the land like a raging judgment against the radicalized anti-christian California rebels.
Yes, Harline’s a crazy old coot. That why the only attention he gets is accompanied with laughter. Unlike CNN’s Glenn Beck:
I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.
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Timothy Kincaid
October 23rd, 2007
Those who see God’s hand in natural (or arson based) distruction should take a closer look. If He sent a hurricane to destroy the evil city of New Orleans, why did he spare the French Quarter but ripped the roof off of James Kennedy’s anti-gay church? If he sent fires to purge the land, why did he attack the Republican base in San Diego and spare West Hollywood?
It seems that when it comes to natural disasters, God has a soft spot in his heart for gay folk.
Jim Hightower
October 23rd, 2007
This is the same message delivered after hurricane Katrina. Remember? Katrina was the wrath of God on a city that embodied all that was evil, not the least of which, homosexuality. These are the same folk who delivered the message about the earthquake off Indonesia in December of 2004 declaring that it was because of the Muslims. Never mind the Muslim clerics said it was God’s wrath because of the western decadence at Phuket Thailand, etc.
My take is that this reasoning caters to the simpletons and the hatemongers. There’s so much wrong Hartline and his views even outside this disaster in So. Cal.
I still have faith that reasonable people remain in the majority in this country. However, it seems that majority is slipping.
Avery Dame
October 23rd, 2007
And all those California republicans are dancing with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego right now, I’m sure.
October 23rd, 2007
And, of course, these fires have nothing to do with the fact that the area has desert conditions, only gets rain during the winter,and has hot summers which result a lot of dry brush ready to go up at the slightest spark, and which are quickly spread by the hot, dry winds that begin to blow at this time of year. Never mind that all of that has been happening since… well, probably since before humans even settled into the area, certainly long before the mayor of San Diego decided to support same-sex marriages.
And I’m sure that the earthquakes in San Fransisco are also caused by God’s wrath and not by the San Andreas Fault.
Mike Airhart
October 23rd, 2007
Later in the evening, I watched Beck’s CNN Headline News show. Beck blamed the fires squarely on environmentalists.
But in Southern California, the fires are mostly wild brush fires, not forest fires, and it’s the homeowners and developers — not environmentalists — who have failed to obey or enforce ordinances requiring that brush be cleared from the vicinity of homes and businesses. The homeowners have been too cheap to replace flammable roofing with aluminum. And tax-resistant local officials and the Iraq war have left local fire departments understaffed and underequipped.
Muhammad Rafi
October 25th, 2007
Yes I think the california fire is a strong message from Allha(God) to America and Christian people who killing innocent children and women in Iraq,Afghanistan,Palastene and torturing muslims in the world.
so please think..
October 25th, 2007
This isn’t the first brush fire to happen in CA. To a degree I wonder if these are just not the best places to set up house?
It seems quite similar to building a house by the shore at low-tide — then getting mad when the tide comes back in and floods your home.
I mean no disrespect to those that have lost their homes, I’m sure they are devastated. I just wonder if people realize that just because a building can be built in an area, does not mean it is a safe area to build.
David B.
October 25th, 2007
I don’t know… I was having a lot of great sex two days before the fires started!
L. C. Burgundy
October 25th, 2007
Mr. Rafi, sir, if I may, I would submit it’s your poor command of the English language that caused the wildfires. It makes as much sense as what you said.
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