March 16th, 2009
Heterosexuals Stephen E. Quick (left) and Samantha Light (right).
A couple who ran a baby-sitting service out of their home videotaped themselves performing sex acts with children, some as young as 2 months old, police said Friday. Stephen E. Quick, 31, and Samantha Light, 25, both of Veedersburg in western Indiana, were being held on $100,000 bond in Fountain County Jail. Both faced preliminary charges of child molestation and child exploitation. Jail staff did not know whether either one had an attorney. Police who searched the couple’s home found a videotape depicting sex acts involving Quick and Light and at least four different children between the ages of 2 months and 6 years old, said Fountain County Sheriff’s Deputy Bob Kemp.
…Deputies seized several computers, cameras, a video camera, pornographic materials, drugs and drug paraphernalia. Several sex toys that appeared in the video were seized during a second search, police said.
I love the names Quick and Light. It almost sounds downright Christian somehow. There’s a video report here. And here they think we’re the ones recruiting!
I know it’s hard to keep up, but we try to keep tabs on all of the dangerous things those heterosexuals are doing here and in our report, “The Heterosexual Agenda: Exposing the Myths.”
[Hat tip: BTB reader Louie]
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At last, the truth can now be told.
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Gary Brewton
March 16th, 2009
RE: “I love the names Quick and Light. It almost sounds downright Christian somehow.” OK, I get it, you’re angry at Christians, but please don’t put us GLBTQ followers of Jesus in the same category as the loud-mouthed, right-wing, fundamentalist nut jobs. We get enough bashing from them already without you piling on!
March 16th, 2009
Gary, I don’t think Jim (or anyone else from Box Turtle) meant anyone else other than the bigoted religious zealots. If you take a look at any past posts, you’ll see that BTB is often very sympathetic to religion.
As a fellow person of faith, I can vouch the above article probably refers directly to our criticizers than to the Christian whole.
March 16th, 2009
Ya know, it’s this kind of thing that makes me really wish for the days of cruel, painful 12th century corporal punishment! These two should be staked out in the town square and flayed alive, then drawn and quartered! I have no sympathy for anyone that would use a child in such a sick way! A 2 month old?! These were children that parents had entrusted them with thinking they would be safe and they do this to them? They just really need to be set on fire and roasted alive!! Disgusting!
Regan DuCasse
March 16th, 2009
With evidence like this, which is irrefutable: they should spend the REST OF THEIR LIVES in prison!
Now, I’m also disturbed by the double standards in which this issue is dealt with in the public square.
The whole of all heterosexuals are not indicted by the actions of people like this. Although one might actually call this more of a trend than what gay adults get blamed for who are innocent and have THEIR OWN children to protect and worry about.
I hate it that young people get these mixed dangerous messages.
And the very people who foment these mixed messages love thinking themselves good soldiers in the culture wars.
March 16th, 2009
Regan, I could not agree more about the mixed messages. There is this very vocal, anti-gay contingent warning everyone who will listen that their children are going to be set upon and molested/recruited/turned by the “evil gays” when nine times out of ten it’s the heterosexual youth minister, boy scout leader, teacher, coach or family relative that they really need to be worried about!
It’s a shame that so many kids get such a skewed idea of the dangers that are really out there and it’s a shame that some parents guard their kids so fiercely against a phantom gay threat and totally ignore the real heterosexual predators that are right under their noses.
What’s insane about this story is that the male pepetrator, Quick had been investigated previously for molesting two young girls (they were both 9 I believe) but he was never charged. Molesters have the highest rate of recidivism out of all crinimals and yet they generally serve the least amount of time in jail. Hopefully the video tapes will help assure a lengthy conviction.
Lynn David
March 18th, 2009
What is the sickest of this sickly affair is that the 2 month old was their own child.
And under Indiana law it is likely that they two of them will spend the rest of their days in prison.
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