March 25th, 2009
The American Family Association has teamed up with PFOX to launch a boycott of all Pepsi products. They are upset over Pepsi’s support for Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), which the AFA claims promotes “intolerance of the ex-gay community.” Which seems very strange to me. If there is such a thing as an “ex-gay community,” it has to be among the most invisible communities in the world. Sort of like the “leprechaun community” or the “pixie community.” Besides I thought the “ex-gay community” was supposed to be the “straight community.”
Anyway, the AFA’s latest action alert, which is ironically titled, “Pepsi refuses to be neutral in the culture war,” says:
By issuing national press releases against PFOX, by organizing protests at ex-gay conferences, by publishing anti-ex-gay literature, and by opposing ex-gays equal access to public venues, Pepsi-supported Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) contributes to the intolerance of the ex-gay community, stereotypes former homosexuals, and continually misrepresents PFOX’s mission.
PFLAG is a vocal and activist homosexual group that calls those who oppose homosexual marriage “the forces of prejudice and discrimination.” PFLAG not only cheered the California Supreme Court’s ruling on May 15 which legalized same-sex marriage, it was also vociferous in its opposition to Proposition 8, the ballot initiative which restored traditional marriage in California on Election Day.
By funding PFLAG, PepsiCo and its shareholders help promote fear and hostility against the ex-gay community and other heterosexuals. PepsiCo is the leading corporate sponsor of PFLAG.
The AFA wants its members to call Pepsi’s corporate office to complain, and they want their members to call their nearest Pepsi bottling company. From what we hear, Pepsi is being bombarded with nasty phone calls.
So let’s all call Pepsi (914-253-2000 or 1-800-433-2652) and tell them we appreciate their support and their refusal to bow to anti-gay extremists. The boycott also extends to other PepsiCo products, like Frito-Lay (800-352-4477), Quaker Oats (800-367-6287), Tropicana (800-237-7799) and Gatorade (800-884-2867).
And while you’re at it, call your local Pepsi bottler and distributor.
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March 25th, 2009
Thanks! I called and the operator at Pepsi was very grateful to receive a supportive phone call. She said for the past 6 months Pepsi has received a lot of hateful, angry calls about this grant and that positive support matters.
March 25th, 2009
That means they will be boycotting:
Tropicana products
Quaker products
Fritolay products
From now on, each morning I’m having an extra glass of pasteurized OJ just to show my support! And I might have to reintroduce myself to oatmeal cereal. (Are fresh strawberries in season yet?)
TJ McFisty
March 25th, 2009
AFA loves their Xgays so much you’d think they’d appreciate Teh Gay more for creating them. Can’t have an Xgay without startin’ with a Gay!
One hundred percent with you, Jim, on the strangeness of “intolerance to the ex-gay community”. Incredibly surreal and fantasyland. Perfectly fine to be intolerable of original gay folks, but how dare someone say something negative about what happens when you “X” one out.
L. Junius Brutus
March 25th, 2009
Now this makes me glad that I like Pepsi.
March 25th, 2009
Ditto L. Jumius Brutus.
Timothy Kincaid
March 25th, 2009
Well if PFOX is ex-gay, and PFLAG is anti-ex-gay, then AFA must be anti-ex-gay-opposed and I guess that I’m counterantiexgayopposed.
And BTW, the Pepsi operator was happy to get a call and quite ready to agree that AFA is comprised of hateful loons. I think he’s spoken to a few of them.
March 25th, 2009
can i just be counter-idiotic?
Jason D
March 25th, 2009
Well, then I don’t feel so bad about having a wild cherry pepsi 3 times a week.
Ben in Oakland
March 25th, 2009
I just called Pepsi. The operator didn’t seem interested. I’m now on hold with the others. I suspect they are getting flooded.
Ben in Oakland
March 25th, 2009
I just spoke to Frito Lay. They have been getting no calls from us, plenty from those other people.
Time to get on the horn.
Scott P.
March 25th, 2009
I’ve just called each of these companies to thank them. Each time the operator was very grateful for my call.
March 25th, 2009
I’ll try to make the calls soon. I just forwarded all the numbers to my mother in Kansas, though. She LOVES talking to people on the phone, and just a few months ago (after seeing Prayers for Bobby) she decided to show her support for gays by attending meeting and getting involved with the PFLAG chapter in her area, so I’m sure she’ll be fired up about this.
Go Mom. :)
Bill Freeman
March 26th, 2009
I just left a message with Pepsi’s consumer affairs department. I let the woman know how important their support is for young gay men and women who are wrestling with being gay and finding ways to manage their relationships with their families. I let them know that the religious right can get on the 700 Club and generate lots of negative feedback, but they are fringe. I also posted your info on my blog at Thanks for bring this to my attention. Pepsi rocks!
March 26th, 2009
Why not call the AFA also, to tell them how you disagree with the boycott. At the very least it will eat up some of their money from the toll free call and their call center people salaries/
June 23rd, 2009
“Well, then I don’t feel so bad about having a wild cherry pepsi 3 times a week.”
Absolutely nothing! I prefer the diet, but my grocery store is almost ALWAYS sold out, so I have to snatch them up whenever I find the opportunity. And to find out that this will tick off the AFA is a nice added bonus.
I had no idea that PepsiCo was so involved with the gay community, and it makes me want to buy more of their products knowing that my money is going toward a good cause. (Thank you to the AFA for making me aware of that!)
I did call Pepsi to thank them, and while I was at it, I used the opportunity to ask them to make a diet version of their Game Fuel when they put it out next year.
June 23rd, 2009
Whoospie! Meant to say “Absolutely nothing wrong with that!”
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