October 12th, 2012
About 50 people were celebrating Coming Out Day in Moscow’s 7Freedays club when about twenty young men entered the club, attacked patrons, and generally rampaged through the place. Several people were injured, with three hospitalized. According to The Moscow News:
Never before in my life, have I experienced such horror,” Elias Regul, who witnessed the gang ransacking the club and called the police, told the Moscow News. Regul and his friend were talking outside the club, when at about 9:25 p.m. they heard the sounds of a fleeing crowd. “It happened very quickly, in a closed space,” Regul said. “It dawned on me, that they are coming to kill us.”
Someone from the group of men, with hoods over their heads and medical masks over their faces, pushed him and the other person away from the entrance, and both of them used this moment to flee the site. Regul reported the case to a traffic policeman on duty at a nearby station and called the police. By the time he returned to the club with the officer, the assailants were running away from the club. “What we saw inside was complete chaos,” he said. The club was in ruins and blood was everywhere, he recalled.
Andrei Obolensky, who organized the event at the club, told reporters that the assailants aimed at people’s faces and heads with fists and bottles. Most of those attending the event were women. RIA Novosti has a few more details:
“They pulled a gun on the bouncers as they entered the club. Then they shouted ‘You wanted a show?'” Obolensky told RIA Novosti. “People were bleeding; they had been hit in the head with bottles.”
Two of the three people hospitalized for the injuries they sustained in the attack have now been released from hospital. One girl, who suffered a serious eye injury, is still being treated.
7Freedays bulls itself as the “first GL-friendly bar in Russia.” Police are reportedly edamining video footage from security cameras inside and outside of the club. Observers say that this is the seventh known attack against gays in Moscow this year. The actual number of attacks are likely higher since many go unreported.
Earlier this week, the People’s Council, a nationalist Russian Orthodox group, issued a statement demanding the closure of all gay bars in Moscow. The group also is pressing Moscow’s city government to adopt an “anti-propaganda” law similar to the one passed in St. Petersburg and other Russian regions. Portions of that law were upheld by Russia’s Supreme Court last month.
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October 12th, 2012
I find it interesting that the attackers aren’t so brave as to let themselves be identified. So they wear masks. How very Klanish of them.
October 12th, 2012
The masks are a typical feature of “nationalist” thugs in post-communist countries. They just aren’t brave enough to show their faces when they decide to beat up somebody.
F Young
October 12th, 2012
I suspect that in some cases they don’t want to show their faces because they are police or militia.
You’d think that Russians would have enough reasons to hate the Nazis that they would not imitate them, but it seems you would be wrong.
October 12th, 2012
Well I, for one, am not going to feel sorry for the Central Caucasians when the lackeys of the State start turning on them. First they came for the homosexuals…
So sad to see the mistakes of the past repeating themselves in Russia. I cannot grasp why people refuse to see the buddings of totalitarianism in their country. I hope the Russian people wise- up before they… oh wait… Putin. Nevermind. They’re f’d.
October 12th, 2012
To avoid repeating history, you have to know history. These people don’t know their own history, and there is little chance that it will be taught to them in the near future.
October 13th, 2012
Well, actual Russian Neo-Nazis do exist.
Who are the “Central Caucasians”, though?
October 19th, 2012
My shorthand for the Russians who come from the North Caucasian Federal District and a rough parallel to a marginalized minority group from the original quote… then they came for the gypsies…
People from that region of Russia are already often the target of the neo-nazis you mentioned; although some are terrorists.
The whole situation is eerily reminiscent of Europe prior to WWII with the terrorist socialist/anarchists justifying increasingly authoritarian/nationalist regimes in western Europe.
Except that it’s all happening in the last real Empire left on earth.
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