July 13th, 2016
Moments ago, FRC Action, the political action wing of the Family “Research” Council, sent out the following email blast to try to head of a floor fight at the Republican Convention next week:
LGBT Activists Attempt to Hijack GOP Platform
When the gavel fell in Cleveland yesterday evening, delegates at the Republican platform committee had succeeded in crafting one of the most conservative GOP platforms in modern times. Not all were celebrating the clearly enunciated conservative principles that underscored the party’s pro-military, pro-life, pro-natural marriage, pro-religious freedom stands. In the concluding moments of the platform gathering, a small group of delegates were engaged in an outright deceptive effort to derail the platform and potentially the convention. After repeated efforts to redefine marriage for the Republican party and interject special LGBT provisions in the platform, an effort was launched to create a Minority Report promoting items for an LGBT agenda, under the guise of creating a preamble for the platform from the 1860 Republican platform.
As soon as the proceedings concluded, the initiators of this effort announced to CNN that 37 delegates had signed on to a call for a Minority Report that would circumvent the process and put the platform onto the floor of next week’s convention and potentially derailing the GOP gathering. David Barton was one of the delegates that was misled into signing the resolution. He wrote a letter to delegates last night explaining what took place and urging others who may have been lied to, to remove their names from the resolution.
The use of such deception is not surprising, given the tactics of LGBT activists. Social media, fueled by anti-Christian organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been abuzz that I added language to the GOP platform that has embraced “reparative therapy” for homosexuals. Nothing provides a clearer example of both their dishonesty and their self-absorption. Here is the exact language that I added to the platform under the subsection of “Protecting Individual Conscience in Health Care:”
“We support the right of parents to determine the proper medical treatment and therapy for their minor children. We support the right of parents to consent to medical treatment for their minor children and urge enactment of legislation that would require parental consent to transport their daughters across state lines for abortion.”
The subcommittee adopted the language without any opposition — even from a LGBT activist who was on the subcommittee and leading the effort for Paul Singer, the wealthy Republican donor.
Despite the deceptive and desperate attempts by those who want to undermine the Republican Party’s longstanding support for the traditional family values which have made America the envy of the world, the GOP’s stand for these values is stronger than ever.
Here is a bit more information that I am pretty confident you will not read in media reports. Those attempting to change the party’s stand on marriage and morality repeatedly claimed that they represented the next generation, and that the party could not hold these views and survive. What was interesting is that with the exception of maybe one delegate making those claims, they were my age or older. But in contrast, those who passionately and successfully advanced natural marriage and traditional values in the platform were mostly conservative millennials. Once again, I challenge you not to believe what the media and the Left claim about the next generation. Keep training them up to stand firm in the truth.
Stay tuned. I’ll have more from Cleveland as the FRC Action Team continues to represent you and the values that make America — America.
You can read some background about how the “therapy for their minor children” clause made it into the final draft of the platform here. Dallas Morning News has more background:
And taking a page from the Texas Republican Party’s platform, Louisiana delegate Tony Perkins proposed language endorsing so-called “conversion” or “reparative therapy.”
The practice, which has been widely criticized by doctors and therapists, seeks to “cure” homosexuals through analysis and, oftentimes, prayer. The new platform language, which the committee approved, does not actually explicitly mention the practice, but says parents should be allowed “to determine the proper treatment or therapy” for their children.
After the meeting, Perkins said the language would extend to any “physical, emotional” therapy.
According to Time’s Zeke Miller, the clause was slipped in even though Perkins had missed a deadline to pre-file the amendment:
GOP platform subcommittee passes amendment calling for legislation restricting bathroom use by biological sex
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 11, 2016
.@Reince meeting with @tperkins on margins of platform meeting was about Perkins’ call to endorse ‘conversion therapy.’
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 11, 2016
Perkins missed deadline to pre-file amendment, can bring it up from floor (but RNC doesn't want it) https://t.co/P3uC1kJ9XA
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 11, 2016
.@tperkins introduces conversion therapy amendment, which passes the GOP Platform subcommittee.
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 11, 2016
Language: "We support the right of parents to determine the proper treatment or therapy, for their minor children."
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) July 11, 2016
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July 14th, 2016
Gee — I wonder why it is that I despise Tony Perkins so thoroughly.
As for David Barton, he’s as much a liar as Perkins, but I get the feeling that Barton can’t help it.
Ben in oakland
July 14th, 2016
As I always like to say. Blunter, when it comes to Christians
All of us may be sinners. Only some of us are committing the sin of throwing stones.
It’s just their sinful, sinful, devil driven nature coming to the fore.
Ben in oakland
July 14th, 2016
Sorry, hunter, my iPad does odd things.
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